What kind of writing? Being a writer is romanticized, but as someone who writes novels and has been doing so for more than a decade, the process of being paid for your writing is not easy.
Want to write editorial, commentary, etc.? Those gigs don't pay all that well. The ones that do require specialized knowledge. This is probably the easiest way to become a writer.
Non-fiction? Again, better hope you have a reservoir of specialized knowledge that people will want to read - a voice is also helpful, obviously.
Fiction? Here we go.
I don't know short stories beyond the lit mag/competition circuit - there's some money there, but not a ton. Better for exposure to submit to Tin House, Masters Review, etc. Guess you could try for an anthology.
Here's the low down on writing longer form fiction, like novels: It will take you years before you see serious money, if you ever do, and the chances aren't great.
Want to go self-pub, like Amazon? You'll need to be able to market, as well as hiring editors, beta readers, cover illustrators, etc. Not doing so drastically reduces your chances of ever getting more than a handful of people to read your stuff. Even serious self-pub novelists can tell you it usually takes a bulkwark of novels to bring in sustainable revenue.
Want to go trad publishing? Give yourself a year to write your novel and edit it, to be optimistic. Then six months to land an agent, if you can. Then, if your story is good enough to get pubbed, another 12-24 months to land a publisher and go through publishing/editing with the publisher (ie, Penguin, Random House). Again, this stage does not happen for most novels.
Then, if you're good to go to shelves, you're waiting even longer for printing and then your payout for royalties, etc.
Suffice to say: It is a long road, not a short one. 4 months is barely enough time for a few drafts of a novel; for editorials, or commentary, or listicles and whatnot, it's just another job.
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