Stop being a nerd. The entire nerd/geek identity is founded on being a consumerist slave, constantly buying and consuming new escapist fiction. Nobody gives a fuck how good you are at video games or how many anime you've watched, those things are pathetic and irrelevant in real life. Stop basing your entire life on the creations and works of other people and do something useful. Stop being a fucking nerd.
Stop being a nerd. The entire nerd/geek identity is founded on being a consumerist slave...
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I'll keep doing it until I become homeless and die in the street.
Dear lord will you just shut the fuck up. You're annoying most (scratch that) you're annoying all the fucking time and you don't help anyone. You make yourself miserable and us evem more miserable, fuck off faggot, let us enjoy our own goddamn existence for once.
>tfw your sister didnt let you smash today
OP you ok there? Something bad happen to you today and now you're taking out your anger on these harmless robots?
I just want to erradicate the humanity... Useless shit like that should just die aaaaaaaaaa
>stop liking what i don't like: the thread
The world sucks so I need escapism. Do you not understand that?
What if I'm the kind of nerd that annoys everyone talking about the evils of proprietary software?
You make a decent point, but your argument has some holes.
Nerd identity is not only (or even mainly) based on mindless consumerism. It involves electronics, programming, entrepreneurship, math, science, studying and so on. The last two decades it has become more of what you say, but originally it wasn't as much about those things.
I think the word geek has been more associated with consumerism since people began identifying with it though.
Also a few people who are very good at videogames can make a following or a living out of it if they are good enough or have a charismatic personality. I agree anime is useless and infantilizing though.
>Stop basing your entire life on the creations and works of other people and do something useful.
In modern society the second requires the first. Productive people are just adding a thin layer of sand to the columns that have been built through history by other men.
>huuuur duuur you should live to be an work drone instead of a nerd drone. that's what life is about huuur duuur
I can't even fathom how utterly cucked your brain is. At least with nerd shit i satisfy myself AND the content creator.
>why do people actually enjoy culture and fiction? They should hate it, and themselves, like I do!
He has a point. It's escapism and brainwashes you to believe whatever values the artist wants you to adopt.
Brainwashing is a myth and storytelling is part of what makes us human. If you're not interested in "escapism" you might as well be a wild animal.
All of the these people saying consumerism is evil want us to work hard for a joyless sterile life for the sake of the muh morals. Why should I work if I can't have joy?
Pleasure and hedonistic joy are not the purpose of life.
OP would have a point if human work still had value/meaning instead of having been basically completely replaced by automation and mass production
What is, then, oh wise user?
Stop burning churches, making shitty music and killing people in """"""""self defense"""""" and do something useful
It's accepted scientific fact that art and the media in general has an active role in the socialization of people in their early developmental stages.
Just an example I found after browsing Google Scholar for 30 seconds:
>Overall, evidence indicates that frequent and involved exposure to sexually oriented genres such as soap operas and music videos is associated with greater acceptance of stereotypical and casual attitudes about sex, with higher expectations about the prevalence of sexual activity and of certain sexual outcomes, and, even occasionally, with greater levels of sexual experience.
Why live if joy and pleasure doesn't exist?
you do know Varg publishes his own tabletop RPG, right?
Neither is misery.
Life is meaningless, we might as well do what we please. It won't affect us when Humanity dies off.
And "socialization" in this context means inducing some values and memes in people while excluding others, ie brainwashing.
>storytelling is part of what makes us human.
It is indeed part of human nature, but not all parts of human nature are equally desirable and consistent with our other human values.
Shouldn't we try to suppress, modify or otherwise optimize the parts of us that are dissonant with the other parts of ourselves, to become a more consistent being?
>If you're not interested in "escapism" you might as well be a wild animal.
>If you don't like 10% of human nature, you should drop the other 90% too and go live as a hermit in the forest.
You see where the problem is? Besides, even if I hated 100% of human nature I can't just drop it and become non-human.
okay but I watched hentai all the time when I was a kid and never got laid
checkmate scientists
I'm pretty sure the difference is nerds are the intellectual ones who excel at a certain field/topic (math, programming, science, etc.) while geeks are the obsessive ones who are big enthusiasts of certain hobbies (vidya, anime, comics, etc.)