Who /military/ here? I think I fucked up big time, bros. I could use some advice if there any militaryfags here.
Who /military/ here? I think I fucked up big time, bros. I could use some advice if there any militaryfags here
not military but interested. kind of wanted to join. life blows currently.
why do you think you fucked up?
I am user. Depending on your branch and MOS I can counsel you.
t. Muhreen infancuck in the CBIRF unit.
DOD civilian here. ask away fellow military
Let's hear it, pal. If you raped someone; you're on your own though
>dying for israel
good goy
here is my only advice. get out of the military quick as you can before it completely fucks you over, and no, i really dont want to talk about it.
t. got out a few months after 9/11
Ok well first to give you some background, I'm in the air force, and I'm an awkward robot and I really don't fit in at all here with these normies. I'm trying my best but I don't think this is the place for me.
Anyway what happened today is I was walking down the hallway, and I just barely saw somebody entering a side door and they said "hey" to me. I replied "hi" in turn, not registering who it was at first and then a sergeant walks out and he sort of freaks out at me and says "Did you just say hi to the colonel? You say hello sir to him!"
If I had realized it was the colonel I would have given a more respectful greeting but I barely saw him and my mind was on other things. I meant no disrespect. I think my NCOs are mad at me now and think I'm a "piece of shit" as they always say.
you cant just post something like that and not explain what the fuck you mean by it
1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler here! Ready to support!
Damn nigga took you long enough to reply
Lolol reprimand won't be too bad, just chill.
(and other militaryfags)
But seriously why the fuck would you join the army? You literally die for Israel, and if you don't die you're still gonna support consequence of helping them. You are risking your life against your interests and your race's. Fuck off. Before joining army you should realize for who are you doing this for.
experimental vaccininations, loss of humanity, literal chattle, user. it was a really dark time in my life. i didnt want to kms, per se, but i considered being dead as a better option than being there. i eventually lost my mind so bad that i went AWOL. they kicked me out after that. if you came from a broken home and hated everyone around you, its a good move. if you came from a decent home and have strong family ties, i dont recommend.
>air force
>you say hello sir to him
but seriously you got to do that shit you should know you got to be on your guard 24/7 dude
just suck it up and do what your supposed to do for four/five years and get out
don't worry about making friends just do work and stay in your room or whatever if you must
>if you came from a broken home and hated everyone around you, its a good move
oh, so ill be fine then
>>air force
>>you say hello sir to him
What's so funny about this
you say that like the reason people enlist is to fucking fight for america
maybe some, but not the majority. people join for the benefits. paid college, job experience, free job training, etc...
you say this shit like everyone who enlists is a fucking infantryman who wants nothing more than to fight and die for America. that seriously isnt the case.
thats what i noticed, user. the people who liked it all came from shitty upbringings, lacking structure, lacking a sense of family, of belonging. for those people, it was an improvement in life. boot camp is just a mind game where they make you run A LOT. if you cant folloe simple instructions like "put the toilet paper roll on the holder this way..." they dont want you messing with important things where it matters.
>but seriously you got to do that shit you should know you got to be on your guard 24/7 dude
Yeah yeah I know. That's what the sergeant told me too. The thing is I just think I made a huge mistake joining the military. This is not the place for me. The fact that slipping up and saying a casual "hi" to the wrong person is such a huge deal here. I'm socially awkward and this is all too much for me. The normies at work are always laughing at me too. I wish I had never joined. I am completely miserable.
I was Marines
I would've gotten my ass destroyed if I said 'hey' to anyone high ranking than me and Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sir (officer)/rank(enlisted)
I've been in the Army for 3 years and it has been absolutely nothing but benefit. Repeatedly saying "you're dying for Israel" is a strawman arguement.
>inb4 some effeminate 15 year old Jow Forums browser says something about Da J00Z or cuckoldry
well I imagine most robots come from broken homes with no real upbringing and never developed a sense of belonging.
i was raised by a distant single mother and never had friends growing up. i dont imagine ill make friends in the army but it's better than sitting here alone and doing nothing at all with my life.
i leave soon for boot, but maybe your warning will work better for anons here who are on the fence about joining. i dont imagine every single robot has no real connection to their family, so it's important that people like you redpill them on what to expect.
Enjoy literally KILLING people so Mr.Jew gets his bonus check
I am the same way man
I just went actual robot mode like scanning everywhere I walk for rank and thinking what to say and timing when to say but if you can just buckle up and do it you'll have decent money if you save it up and some good benefits and experience once you get out. I'm about to go to college for free plus I pocket the extra BAH
Wouldn't you be honorably discarded if you really lost an eye?
agree with this dude
Joining the Army was the greatest decision of my life. I went in a fucking NEET lads. Chose a signal/IT MOS/job and learned what I could.
Now I work for Raytheon making 80k a year with an associates degree
Yeah well I know it's not as tough as the Marines, but still I think they are pretty mad at me. I'm not sure what's going to happen. And I don't know what I can do now to try to make things better.
And it's over such a small thing. I meant no disrespect. This isn't the job for me. These extremely strict social rules where if you say something slightly wrong, you're fucking garbage. It's all too much for me to handle. The military is for turbo normies. I never should have joined.
oops i didn't finish
that is called the proper greeting of the day if you don't say that someone will yell at you
the Marines will yell over anything so its funny how 'soft' the Air Force is
Finished up with my MEPS shit and shipping out to AF BMT within the next month or two. What am I in for
Lol this is the most bootlickingest shit. Be ashamed of yourself for even thinking like this. Just do better at your rp next time
How was basic training in the air force? I'm thinking about joining and everyone teases it for being easy, but I want easy.
Depends on the job. Army MI is full of awkward as fuck dudes.
What do you mean? I think I might be in trouble because of some social rule. This place is hell for robots. My normie coworkers heard what happened too. They were all laughing at me.
>hey user why did you say hi to the colonel haha
>hey user next time just say to him "sup homie"
>hey user you really need to get it together hahaha
>wow you're a real dirtbag, aren't you user
there is actually alot of non-normies in the military its just most of them get out after the first enlistment
just better yourself and do not make the same mistakes
the biggest thing I learned is they make a big deal out of nothing so just do whatever they want since it really doesn't matter and keep your head down but keep the good knowledge and experience with you forever
Retards shit on the Air Force until they're rucking for 25 kilometers in the middle of a Qatari summer
Fuck the Army. Go AF.
i dont know about everyone else but the moment i got to bmt they handed out sandwhiches and told us not to run so we dont hurt ourselves. Also go air conditioning in our pre built tent during warrior week
do u really thinck that the us army figths for america? the brainwash in the US must be really efective
Was a conscript. Biggest waste of time I can think of. All I did was run around a tundra and clean guns for a year.
OP here. I don't think basic training was really that. You get yelled at a lot for no reason, and you have to do lots of annoying stuff, but it's not hard to pass. The physical test is not bad. If you're in decent shape you should be fine on PT.
I think working in the actual air force is a lot harder. Training for your job, the social rules like I said, all kinds of different stress, working alongside all the normies, dumb bullshit you have to deal with all the time time. I am absolutely miserable and I deeply regret joining.
Any of you boys disrespect a higher rank and just fucking run for your life before they know who you are
(e.g me and giving a ghetto greeting to the colonel)
this. air force gives a shit about its people. good example: i was in the navy stuck out at sea while a helicoptor delivered crates of food to us. the crates were food that the air force rejected because it was past the due dates or becausr the quality was too low. since we were on deployment, we had no choice. eat it or starve.
>Chose a signal/IT MOS/job and learned what I could.
im also doing signals
what was your MOS?
this is why i could never be in the military. I would flip out and kick the shit out of anyone who talked to me like that.
All of white America thinks that unironically
25N, worked with VOIP phones, routers, and COMSEC
I wont pretend to know anything about the military but as a human being I imagine he recognized you were not looking but he has to do that.
I wouldn't take it too personally
oh cool, nice trips btw
im going in as a 25U, hoping to also get skills that transfer well into the civilian world. 80k a year sounds pretty comfy
If any militaryfags can answer, why are there different branches of the military? Wouldn't it make more sense to have just "one military", for lack of a better term. It all seems to be the same exact shit just different ranking systems. And I mean not that different at all.
How can you get out as soon as possible? I'm losing my mind over here.
This reminds me when I was stationed in Korea. We lived in the Air Forces condemned barracks because it was developing mold and was older.
AF was basically living in college dorms, the quality of life is absolutely better in the AF.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to have just "one military"
No you wouldn't.
I browse reddit pretty much 24/7 and I have never heard that term. Please leave.
You could get dishonorably discharged by being a drunkard.
It's a matter of managing resources independently so not all branches are dependant on a single government provision or supply chain. Also makes the possibility of a coup less likely if all the power is distributed around diffrent people.
25U isnt a bad MOS. You're basically a jack of all trades. The ones I worked with set up retrans sites and kept radios working.
Mostly for specialization, and because people devote a lot of time on some things so they don't have time to fuck with others.
We have a navy because sea defense is a different animal than land and air, which we have an army and air force for.
Of coarse you're obviously retarded and don't understand specialization.
Which country if I may ask? Russia?
Burgers don't conscript and I don't think leafs do either.
Specialization really makes no difference. It's just a matter of labels. Under one military it would still be the exact same thing, as everything around it would shift to the change.
So militarybros, pertaining to the incident that I described, how bad do you think it is? Am I fucking done for or what? I'm nervous.
Norway. We have a pretty weak form, I think less than 10,000 a year. I was one of them because I'm pretty strong and have a lot of connections in my family.
I was supposed to spend two years, but I got kicked out because I had a tumor removed from my leg. The only mildly interesting thing I did was I carried one of the queen's suitcases once.
Sure retard.
>pertaining to the incident that I described, h
a lot of incidents were described ITT user. tag the post
t. cant debate me
I bet you're army aren't you crayon eater.
you're not done for
worst thing would be some negative paperwork like warning maybe some extra duty but most likely you'll just get teased for awhile.
Everyone makes fun of each other in any military branch
the one about saying hi
if you were going to get in any real trouble over that, it probably wouldve happened already
You're retarded and overthinking this. Worst case scenario is front leaning rest for 10 reps.
dude I'm not even in the military but you're overreacting so bad. do you really think you're the first person to do what you did? you'll probably get yelled at and forced to do physical labor as punishment, and there might be some dumb comment about it in your disciplinary record. life goes on. no one will give a shit about it in a few months let alone a few years. ignore your idiot teenage normie friends. they're just busting your balls because what you did is kind of funny.
Why does everyone in the military call anyone who messes up even a little bit a "piece of shit" or a "dirtbag"? They say it all the time. You can't do anything right around here. Someone doesn't like the way yoy said something, you're a fucking dirtbag or a piece of shit.
I suggest you develop thicker skin. They don't actually think you're a shitbag unless you habitually fuck up.
listen to this guyand who cares what they think just don't keep fucking up and you'll be fine
Because in war a fuckup means the death of you and several others.
and to give you thicker skin ,cant have some faggot who cries over being yelled at in the front line
>just don't keep fucking up
Well that's easier said than done. I'm really trying but I think I might be autistic or something. Any time a situation dealing with other people comes up, my brain goes full retard mode. I already have a reputation in my shop as the slow idiot.
sounds simple enough, even for a brainlet like me
looking forward to it
are there really no other robots or spergs in whatever airbase you're at?
RIP O 'slow idiot' P
he is going to die and/or get someone killed
Hes in the airforce retard.
Hes not going to get anyone killed.
I mostly just know the people in my shop, and this place is normie central. I think the NCOs know that I'm really trying but I am such a huge fuckup and I just don't know if this is ever going to get better.
You fucked up, you got a scolding from your sergeant, just dont do it again, or at least too much. And don't be australian
RIP O 'slow idiot' P
he is going to get someone uncomfortable and/or make them lose internet then make him work with Marines
Kek. Thanks user. I feel a little bit better about my own situation now after reading that.
It was the worst decision of my life. Glad it's over.
How lovely. What a great ally.
what the fuck
They're not even trying to hide it anymore. This world has gone conpletely insane.
Currently at Sheppard and feeling the same way. I hope things are less awful when I get to dover in September
The army forces you into a state of constant vigilance as a technique for developing awareness. As you develop awareness, you realize the futility of your own understanding, and the key moment when you would normally break down, the army steps in and offers you a purpose and meaning. Then they make you do what this guy says
>forces you into a state of constant vigilance
this is unironically what fucked me up. the stress never ended. there was no down time, not even when off duty.
I was at Shepard too. It fucking sucked ass. I take it you're in tech school right, or are you actually working there
I'm tempted by those sweet benefits but fortunately my psychiatric history disqualifies me from military service.
because we are men if you can't handle a little cussing here and there then go work for star bucks or something you pussy civilian scumbag
The sad truth is that it actually works for some people
you can just lie about your history. no one is going to actually research you unless you are trying to go for some security job like cyber.
>hurrr dumb civiliyums
Shut the fuck up niggerfaggot
you get used to it brah, your mind is more capable of adapting than you think. it doesn't sound like you have been in long
Unironically someone did it to them
found the civy cuck. will enjoy fucking your oneitis while on leave
>it doesn't sound like you have been in long
I went to basic last May. I've been working here at my first duty station since October. I've been a lot slower to adapt than the other new guys. Even a couple of the ones who got here after mr are already ahead of me in their training. I'm really trying but I fucking suck at this and they all know it.
>found the civy cuck. will enjoy fucking your oneitis while on leave
>implying military losers aren't the most cucked men in existence since the dawn of time
Imagine having a gf and running off to a hell hole to get shot at for the jews with no prostitutes or fuckable women while your wife/gf stays at home and fucks niggers all day while lviing off of your paychecks. Just imagine it. That's how most enlisted men live every day.
I have self-harm scars and require psychiatric medication to function on a day-to-day basis, which are both big no nos. Makes me wonder what would happen if there was ever a war draft. Half the country is probably too fat and psychologically disturbed to join up