"race is skin-deep"

>"race is skin-deep"
>"we're all one race. The HUMAN race"
>"jews have an average IQ of 115"

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why does Jow Forums make fun of nigger IQ then get mad when you point out asians and jews have a higher IQ than whites?

Jow Forums spergs out over commercials and video games. They are just manchildren.

>"women deserve equal rights"

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those are pretty dumb sayings. I think the real reason they're being said is to basically say don't judge individuals based on their race.

>asians have a higher IQ than whites
Fine because it's true. It's also such a slight difference it barely matters.

>jews have a higher IQ than whites
Possibly true but if anything it's 100-105, not the 108-115 myth.

Then people should say that instead of trying to engineer it by denying the facts that could be, once hidden, uncovered again at any time.

Race is in the soul, and studies have proven that humans feel disgust when they see any kind of interracial couple.

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>jews push racemixing in every country they control
>they have made it illegal in israel
Really makes you think doesn't it goyim.

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reminder that Indian Americans have the highest IQ in the world. higher than Jews, higher than Chinese Americans.

>inb4 why isn't India's IQ that high, America just got highly skilled immigrants

Just wait what and see what happens when India catches up in terms of nutrition and literacy. The future belongs to India.

>jews have an average IQ of 115
maybe ashkenazi jews, but i'm pretty sure sephardi and mizrahi jews average sub-100 IQ

To all blackbots, you are doing a disservice so your African warrior ancestors when you fantasize about white/asian women.

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superpower by 2020 hehe

>The future belongs to India

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>average IQ of Israel is only 95

The jewish soul is not in any way similar to that of a gentile soul. It is completely alien to us, we literally live with evil aliens.

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>american IQ is low because of niggers!
>but the IQ of israel is low because they are just dumb

which one is it?

Israel is an ethnostate, america has many different races. Don't be this stupid.

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America also has a lot of racists, which have below average iqs.

>altright robots
what's the point? We're all mentally ill genetic trash, we would be the first to go

I remember seeing some article about a bitch from sweden or somewhere with huge ass fake boobs who underwent cosmetic surgery to look black. Blacks were pissed off and said "there is more to being black than skin color". Gotta good kek out of that. We've gone full circle

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Cite your sources. Originally of course.

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Each statement has nothing to do with the other, you brainlet.
A very loose interpretation of a data set.
>Deep south has low average IQs
>that area has lots of racists
>therefore racists have low IQs.
And that's all that claim is based on. A closer look would reveal that not only does it have lots of racists, but also, lots of blacks. You know, because that's where slavery was most prevalent. Numerous previous studies have also shown that blacks have, on average, lower IQs than other races. Therefore, the data does suggest that blacks bring down the US IQ average, but does not support the claim that racists have lower IQs.

Apply the 115 average to the Ashy population in Israel (40% of the total population) and the average of the rest ends up sitting at around 81, lower than like half of Africa

What, do you not want to create a state with a heavy focus on monogamy and eugenics where current robots have a higher chance of getting a gf and there is a lower chance of there even being future robots?

We live in a fucked up world.

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The IQ of women shot up from around 85 to consistently 100 in the early 1900's. It's obvious that evolution doesn't happen that fast.

While it's true that black IQ in the US has never caught up to white collective IQ; it fluctuates a *lot* and has been getting closer. Also those never account for you know.. economic status.

I'm not claiming there ain't a connection it's really really fuzzy.

Better yet, it doesn't tell you anything about individuals so why do they care?

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>iq of 115
>millions of Jews rounded up like helpless sheep
>dont fight back
>tfw you are the original beta race

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Asians and Jews put a lot of emphasis on academic learning for their children. I mean shit just look how Korean students study themselves to death sometimes. When you're putting THAT much importance on academic persuits then the average IQ will go up over the span of a few generations.

If Jews have a higher IQ than whites, that doesn't mean that it's not harmful to have them in our countries if they affect the politics.
Why do you people so often try to use those IQ numbers for some kind of argument? What is the argument that you're trying to make? Different groups can cause problems in different ways, lower IQs among niggers and higher among Jews isn't in any way an argument against white nationalism.

Fuckin can't save pdfs from my uni libraries resources so this will have to do.

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>we would be the first to go
What the hell do you think nationalism is? Did you learn about it from "anti-racists" and assume that those people who hate nationalism would give you an accurate description?

There are some outside factors that affect IQ. Nutrition during early development is the most important one. Now you may argue that the poor can't always get good nutrition, but aside from that, economic status has no other role to play in it. The reverse is more likely, those with low IQs end up having poor economic status. Another thing that can influence a person during an IQ test are the more obvious factors of proper rest, and calmness. If you slept horribly and are horribly nervous then that will bring down your performance, but that would really only matter for individual scoring. In a large scale study, unless a huge portion of the sample has shit sleep cycles and huge anxiety, it shouldn't matter too terribly much.

Just dropping this redpill.

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Education and Intelligence are independent. Unless you mean all the brainlets died and so only the smarter ones remain, but that wouldn't have any noticeable effect in such short time.

Most jews are fucking retarded on average as seen by Israel, it is a very specific subset insular group that also likes to selectively IQ test(Ashkenazi, which are also nearly fully euro-germanic), similar to certain asian groups. Meanwhile everyone else is just randomly sampled cause they aren't similarly knit

It does effect it; perhaps not as much but who knows?
My point isn't that I know what's causing it; my point is that anyone whose acting certain of what's causing it is really jumping the gun. Which is why I brought up the IQ of women suddenly being exactly average with men in non shithole countries.
And yea lol not being fed fucks you up; but I dont think most poor people in the US are unfed.

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>Did you learn about it from "anti-racists" and assume that those people who hate nationalism would give you an accurate description?
the answer is almost certainly yes. he sounds like the type of person who would unironically echo the "lel hitler wanted a race of blonde hair blue eyed aryans but he had brown hair, what a dipshit XDDD"

Everyone judges based on probability, that is a survival tactic. You assume things until you know otherwise, only a retard would jump in full tilt without being cautious until they see otherwise. This is standard evolved behavior, all bears aren't going to maul you on site but it is good to be wary until you see otherwise.

>muh superpower 20xx

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Israel is only 70% Jewish. Of that only half are ashkenazi, which are the ones associated with high IQ. An overall average iq of 95 thus isnt unreasonable when you consider that they are being averaged with others in a region where the overall average iq is very low

I mean, they have really good education curriculums over in East Asian countries and I believe Finland has some of the best education in the world too. So It's not a stretch to say that average IQ's go up in 2-3 generations. It's not like those people just started off with high IQ from the very beginning.

>It does effect it;
All we see by those graphs is that low IQ tends to correlate with Low Income, and Higher IQ correlates with Higher income. It does not imply that one causes the other, just that they are similar.

Academics have nothing to do with proper IQ tests.

That's not how IQ works dude. IQ is a largely genetic trait, just like height is. Just as you can't exercise people and expect taller generations, you can't educate people and expect more intelligent generations. Intelligence is NOT Education.

that's kind of my point man.
The race and intelligence thing is
a)not causal necessarily considering noise like income
b) highly dependant on the flynn effect.

but yes maybe using the word "effect" was a no no and I didnt mean like direct causation.

You dont think that cultures that stress test taking abilities will produce children with better critical thinking and thus are better at taking tests?

Sure if someone designed a "proper" iq test that can truly measure pure intelligence and have absolutely nothing to do with fundamental knowledge, test taking skills, or LEARNABLE pattern recognition skills, then youd be right.

Also i would even venture that kids in asia TRY harder and focus more when taking these tests because its something they are taught to take seriously, while kids in the western world give less of a fuck.... but thats just a guess

IQ is one of the best indicators of future earning potential as well as likelihood of criminal behavior. A poor smart person can easily become successful and make higher income while a stupid person will remain poor, this isn't casual correlation.

They have IQ tests that already do this you tripfagging retard, stop thinking you know more than centuries of science and study on the matter. You don't try hard and do better on IQ tests, the variance over years and education is little to nothing, they have already tested their methods, this falls under dunning-kreuger where you think you know more than them but they have already addressed this. Go figure, people in these fields can critically think and come to those conclusions you came to as well as test them, you aren't a fucking supergenius.

Again your argument, in the setting of IQ scores, only holds true if performance on the test is truly 100% free of influence from learnable skills/knowledge.

Intelligence (purely) is not education, but how can you say for certain that IQ scores (a SURROGATE) cant be affected by education (or cultural norms?)

For Jow Forums the biases come first and the facts are all bent and warped to suit those biases. That's why IQ is the be all and end all of proving superior intelligence when it comes to shitting on black people but suddenly irrelevant when asians and jews are brought up.



No shit? It is science, they update as they discover more, once again, you think they didn't know this but they clearly did, which is why I said centuries of study. If you actually read more they say the effect has more or less stopped and in many places there is no change (the australian test didn't have any change for decades). Again, you think you know more than experts but it is much more complex than that.

"Also, if the Flynn effect has ended for the majority in developed nations, it may still continue for minorities, especially for groups like immigrants where many may have received poor nutrition during early childhood or have had other disadvantages. A study in the Netherlands found that children of non-Western immigrants had improvements for g, educational achievements, and work proficiency compared to their parents, although there were still remaining differences compared to ethnic Dutch.[20]"

Poor nutrition is generally the major factor that shows up, while it doesn't increase IQ beyond your genetic base, poor nutrition will decrease your potential below what it should be.

The hypothesis isn't that Jews are harmful because of low intelligence but through affecting the politics.
There's nothing self-contradictory about this.

>selectively test
This is true

>Jews are mostly euro-Germanic
Wrong, when you do Bayesian inferences/principal component studies of genetic data, the European group they come closest to is Italians, and they are distinctly outside of every European group. Dont group them as white.

The complaint with jews is not their IQ (which is negligible to sub-avg depending on the population) but their cronyism. Pretty much any organized group is like this, scientology, skull and bones, masons, etc. It becomes favoritism and nepotism which is negative to the rest of the population much like a caste system.


again my point is that there probably is not a perfect test that measures intelligence

the whole concept of IQ wasnt even around until about 1900 and the most commonly used current IQ test was conceived in the 1950s with updates every 10 years or so. hardly "centuries of science and study on the matter."

if they need to update the most commonly used test once every 10 years, then its far from perfect in regards to measuring true intelligence.

oh and by the way, i wasnt saying that IQ was continuing to uptrend, i was merely saying its not static. nice of you to only cherry pick out malnutrition as the possible explanation as it is the only that is compatible with your argument though.

i dont think i know more than experts. i come from a science background so im wary of taking everything at face value

If Asians are so smart why don't they rule the world like Americans (i.e. white people.) do?

who knows, maybe they will one day

probably not though

Geographically the US is almost perfect in terms of size, sea defense and plentiful with resources. Also Americans have been historically more united than China. Geography and history do play a lot in those factors.

You are very wrong, first one was around 1904 apparently with precursors much earlier and the field of study is older than that. For a claim of being scientific, you can't fucking google basics and just pull shit out of your ass, between that, the spacing and tripfagging, I think you know where you belong. IQ isn't static in the sense that during development periods you can gain but you aren't going to fucking gain IQ in your 30s randomly just by reading or the test is flawed, that is the point.


>Jews rule the world
>but they are also dumb
>and lazy
>and weak
>but whites are superior despite being their cattle even though they're outnumbered 100 to 1

This is why I can't take stormfags seriously.
This is so much fucking concentrated COPE it looks sounds like a fucking parody.

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>it looks sounds like a fucking parody.
That's because you found a parody (or just some lies) and based your opinion on that. You don't have a clue about what the Jewish question is about so you only have opinions on fiction.

i said the most commonly used one currently came out in 1950 while simultaneously acknowleding that IQ as a concept came out in the early 1900s. you sure like to nitpick and be unnecessarily aggressive buddy

Was Ghengis Khan a genius along with the mongols or were they just organized and knew how to take things over? Intelligence isn't the end all be all, organization and cooperation is much more important for success, which is why we are so social. Other than 3rd/2nd world shitholes, IQ is fairly similar across the board but blacks seem to be way behind no matter where they are. US IQ demographics are skewed for asians, jews and indians cause of the brain drains we had, WWII we took in tons of jew scientists, asians/indians are only allowed in if they are very smart, so it skews the statistics.

Jow Forums constantly claims that Jewish scientists are plagiarists and that high Jewish IQ is a lie.

>so it skews the statistics.
American Jews are their own ethnic group at this point, what was once an anomaly is now the norm. If Americans created them through selective pressure for intelligence via immigration policies, then they only have themselves to blame.

>American Jews are their own ethnic group

Based on your extensive genetic testing and study on their populations or did you just pull this out of your ass? It has been like 3 generations tops. It was 1940s, not the fucking 1700s.

jews are smarter than whites which is why they have control over them like the dogs they are. asians are smarter as well which explains why they aren't on a leash like whites are.

iq in isreal is like 95 or something. lower than the us with all its retards. all the smart jews must be the international parasite one
>jews are smarter than whites
proof, and which whites? british, icelandic, south african?

This. I used to get dragged into Jow Forums shit all the time and fantasize about how nice it would be to have an ethnostate. But the truth is that the robots/outcasts are the first who will be purged, there is only your personal survival, you can't think as group.



Yeah, that's what I said. The article(s) state that the mitochondrial DNA showed a link to women living in the Roman Empire who would've converted and married into Jewish families of men from Israel. Hence, the European group the Ashkenazis are closest to is the Italians, but they are still not fully European. They are not white.

It'd be like calling modern central/south americans white European because they all are half Spanish or Portuguese since they were colonized.

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I said mostly and the article clearly states based on DNA testing, they are mostly european. Point still stands.

The other European lineages that are non-Italian they refer to are explained in another article (that it links to) as lineages of people who came from areas around Turkey and were wiped out. 40% of the maternal genome is Italian, 40% is "mysteriously wiped out Turkic people", 20% non-European, and the paternal lineage is 50 to 80% Near East. Most charitably here, they are 40% Italian and 50% European (paternal) for an average of 45% European, here, with the lowest case using this data being an average 30% European.

Even if they were 60, 70, or 80% European, which they aren't, they're still largely NON-European as well, and often segregate themselves as a different genetic group than whites (until it's convenient to not do so).

You can't be largely one thing and largely another. The maternal is 80+% european according to their research. Your obsession with them being "white" is irrelevant here, merely that the majority of their DNA is european in origin.

>copy paste some years old bait from /sci/
>get dozens of replies
fucking kek OP

>You can't be largely one thing and largely another
Largely does not necessarily mean mostly.

>The maternal is 80+% european according to their research.
It links to an article that explains that other 40% being Turkic people who entered Europe, and so were technically European by geography then disappeared, and are not representative of the genetic material of Europeans of the past 4500 years.