Jow Forums I am hopelessly addicted to latinas

Jow Forums I am hopelessly addicted to latinas.

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go flirt with a fat mexicunt then, shoo shoo

mexifag reporting in
you don't want them, user. 80% of the have no ass. The ones that do are mega thots. and 100% of them have hairy arms and are roasties. I'm done with them after exclusively dating them my entire life to make my parents proud.
-proud owner of a qt azn gf

Ho-ho! That is one short and stout little teapot!

As a mexican myself, I can say
>most latinas don't look that hot
>that bitch in your pic only fucks Chads, Tyrones, and Hectors
>Latinas are the biggest sluts in the world. They L-O-V-E cock.

I am too.
I used to be in to asians a bit, but then met a shy girl in one of my science classes, turned out she was in to anime and western comics, then spent like 3 months working up the courage to ask her out.
3 years later I cant imagine being with anyone else.
She's nice, caring, a great cook, beautiful, and is encouraging.
Long story short, what's wrong with it?
(I am half-hispanic, but only have white features save for facial hair patterns and skin tone)

I'm into em too, but unfortunately I'm in Australia where there are none.

>tfw unironically considering living in Colombia

Latinas are not humans. They are sociopaths mixed with spanish, aztec and NIGGER. They are nothing but a violent breed of mongrels. Primitive, unattractive, and no concern for others. A LATINAS' desires is the same as NIGGER WOMEN. They want the most violent savage they can find to breed. Latinos are full of criminals because of this very reason. They are to be avoided at all cost.

Here's to .

If you got a sister we can swap. I can guarantee my sisters purity, she goes to an all girls school

Yea until they trap you with a baby dumbass. Azns are top tier

How's her butt?

Convert to Islam and become hopelessly addicted to Arabs instead.

Arabs are basically patrician spics

>80% of the have no as
Not everyone here is a nigger who worships ass.

Sometimes the qtest spics are skinny and lithe.

>>most latinas don't look that hot
Depends. Colombians and Venezuelans are qt as fuck

if you plan on long term gfing or wifing a latina then you need to ensure they have a bit of african in them. Black dont crack, and they stay goodlooking till 40.

Do Arabs like average looking below average height whites?

Blacks are NOT robot material, remember.

Any robot stupid enough to try will get a rude awakening like I have.

you would be a king in Philippines or Thailand

It depends. Pious Muslima Arabs and non-religious Arabs are almost two different creatures. Strict Muslim Arabs (the ones I like), dont care about looks, but they sure do care about religion. If you convert, it wont be a problem

If non-religious Arabs are anything like Persians, they are gold digging whores. A lot of them are insecure about their race, enough that you can land one. Go for them

Latinas are nice. For some reason I do better with them than I do with white girls who never talk to me and basically view me as trash. It's a bad feeling desu.

>Latinas are the biggest sluts in the world
Is that a bad thing though?

Also, Arab girls are really short. My crush (a super religious Arab niqabi) is really tiny (probably 4'11), and I think her husband is slightly shorter than me (5'8), You should be taller than that anyway

>latina women badly want you to impregnate them
That doesn't seem like a bad thing to me. Many white women want to die without kids or a legacy.

>Is that a bad thing though?
No, not if you are a cuck (like me). But most guys are not.

Also, sluts tend to have other emotional baggage that is far worse than their sluttiness (heck their sluttiness might stem from insecurities, rather than pure cocklust (which is how it should be)). If a slut is waifu material, then it would be perfect

I am 5'6 or 5'7.

ex was latina, insatiable and beautiful moans. last girl was also black brazilian. INCREDIBLE blowjobs, also she demanded that i not wear a condom (unfortunately she got preggo and had to abort). current girl is mexican/spanish. loves fucking, keeps saying "oh my god" and last time she just ripped the condom off to suck me, before we put on another and i started railing her again. unfortunately she always requires i wrap it up before jamming it in

You are better off without one, and im hispanic. See, most of them get impregnated really quick and only a select few look attractive after their first child, and only an elite chosen fewer, will look good after their 3rd,4th child etc, they love bumping their loud annoying music, get worked up politically like social justice warriors, most hot ones fuck some dumb sleezy fuckboys, and they generally age like shit. If you wanna have some quick fucks, go for it, but they are not long term

I hate living in Australia. The only foreigners here are fugly fobby asian gook cunts.

Are you saying go for the religious ones or the gold diggers?

Are Islamic people hostile towards new converts? I've considered conversion to Orthodox Judaism to find a community/wife, however for many reasons I realize I probably wouldn't fit. One is because Jews never truly accept many converts. As far as Christianity goes, no one seems to take it seriously. It's all shallow. Maybe Mormonism or Orthodox Christians are different however I have never met one since I don't live near them.

When you say slut, do you mean they are sluts for you or for everyone? I don't see why that's for cucks.

Should be fine for most arab girls. They tend to be tiny

And lebs. Check your qt arab privilege

religious ones only go for Muslims (so you better convert). Go for non-religious ones, but keep in mind, the thing that attracts them to you is their insecurity and emotional baggage

>Are Islamic people hostile towards new converts?
Generally no, but you do have the occasional xenophobic fool around.

Islam is open to coverts, its not an ethnic religion. I even know a local architect who is a white guy who converted to Islam and is building a local mosque

Cucks like sluts for everyone.

Spics tend to be either/or, if you like taking that risk

libyans are fucking adorable but barely exist outside of libya

Could I really meet Arab women through Islam? I don't know if I'll ever really convert, but religious communities seem comfy and unfortunately most Christian ones around me are dull (they are loose, have openly gay preachers lol, no one gets married until 30s, none of them take it seriously at all). Are you yourself a convert? I wouldn't convert primarily for women, but more for the community if they accept me into it. I am extremely isolated from everyone else unfortunately and don't even feel that white because I rarely talk to white people. Not that I'm an SJW or anything, I just have almost no interaction with white people so I barely feel like I'm of that community.

>living in Colombia
Unless you wanna deal with druglords, stay away from that shithole

I know a libyan qt through the ucsb msa. pic related

>Could I really meet Arab women through Islam?
yes. Arranged marriage is the norm among practicing Muslims

Islam is not as pozzed as American "christianity", the masajid (mosques) are still overwhelmingly traditional. Liberal Muslims end up becoming atheist sjws anyway

If you want a counterculture that is resistant to liberalism, Islam is the best bet, for sure.

I am a born Muslim, who became an atheist for a while, and then returned to Islam. American born and raised. I do wish we had more white convert Muslims, and I do think the future of American Islam is going to be in American coming to Islam to escape liberalism

Attached: yasmin_sallak_ucsb_mcdb.jpg (320x320, 114K)

latinas are very ____

a little dark peach fuzz on the forearms makes me diamonds, as long as the rest of her is hot


I've fucked like 3 of them and they get clingy pretty fast. Definitely wrap it up.


It must really suck to be a robot there.

Islam is a bad religion for autists on account if it being false.

I fucked a couple south american escorts in spain, i gotta say they were pretty passionate about sucking and fucking, one took a really hard anal pounding. They like their job way more than their spanish or eastern european counterparts

Liar. Asians dont date spics, especially not Mexicans

Shes has an hour glass figure and has a cute face but be ready to trying to tame her, she is a shrew at least with me

Heh, says the womens expert of /r9gay/. The love