Fembots, is it important for a guy to be a show-er? Is a soft cute little penis better for cuddling...

Fembots, is it important for a guy to be a show-er? Is a soft cute little penis better for cuddling, or do you like a flaccid snake against your leg?

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Bigger is always better no exceptions.

It literally does not matter, stop thinking about dicks you faggot.

Why are you showing off your toilet? Even if someone wants to see your peenor, they aren`t interested in your shitter.

go read the perfect penis size thread on the nsfw board of crystal cafe and you'll see what women actually think about dick size

Size doesn't really matter to me, if I'm honest. Sex disgusts me but I'm sure me and my future, possibly nonexistent bf could make it fun even if he didn't have a big dick.

could you not just tell me?

my gf likes playing with my soft dick, she likes to poke it into my fat.

>an extremely small portion of mentally ill females represent literally all females

youre not a true robot if you stay soft while cuddling

You make it sound as though what women say is actually what they mean.

they dont like anything below like 5 inches, big dicks are either painful or they love it, most like dicks around 6-7inches

dick pics sitting on the toilet is a prime autist marker

Hehe I've already done that

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How do showers not dip their dicks in the toilet accidently?

the first time you show your dick to a woman it probably won't be soft. or at least not for very long. after you fuck a woman the way she treats you changes. she's not as concerned about not being perceived as a slut or giving herself up to a dude with low quality sperm. she already fucked - the anxiety is gone. so if you've already boned her and made her cum and shit she'll probably just think your grower dick is cute. and play with it a bit, mess with it. OwO whats this? Penis-Kun?? Then it's Hard again! YAY!!!
tl;dr: don't worry. just worry about getting the gf in the first place.

5 inches erect or flaccid?
Im like 2 inches flaccid, and exactly 6.128 inches erect ( 4.7 girth)
Is it ok?
The thought that other females have been fucked by bigger cocks and they also sucked them so they felt how big it really was makes me insecure..

underrated post right here, fellow robots

>6.128 inches erect

FAIL. May as well kys virgin, women need 6.13 inches to cum

theres another thread on that board somewhere where some girl talks about her ex with a giant dick. half the time she couldn't get turned on enough to take it so she'd just be in pain most of the time, the other half she'd get over the pain and then love it and cum in half a minute. in the end she still left him

> in the end she still left him (when she got an offer from another guy with better resources )

This has been my exact experience