Why don't femanons just date robots and

stop making excuses like: they're all no empathy, racist misogynists

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That's just excuses, if anything it's projecting what they secretly get on turn by. Look at all the non-White Maga girls, they want to be the light that guides comes to save them.

>he won't be racist once I've shown him our true love!

that kind of thing.

Because females can't be robots. They have everyone in the world to choose from. Even the most deformed female can get a literal chad. Therefore they'd rather die than give anyone less than chad a chance. They don't know and never will know what it is to be hopeless like robots are so they can not only keep making excuses while waiting for chad, but they can even never lower their standards for even a second whereas we have iteratively lost every standard we once held.

>this delusion keeps the incel safe from everybody else.

If it is a delusion, where are the fembots asking for robot boyfriends? Why don't they exist?
Why are there no site that parallels Jow Forums but for girls? cc and lc obviously don't count since all they talk about is that they have only had double-digit dick counts between their legs even though they're so old already - in their early 20's. They're so lonely.
Why do robots talk about their dream of finding a fembot to adore while not a single female ever even so much as consider giving a robot a chance?
Why do robots never make an excuse about the quality of supposed fembots while fem"""bots""" do, as explained in OP?
Females can't be robots.

I'm trying really hard to be nice to everyone on this board, and only malebots are dicks. Women here are universally not racist or trap lovers and usually good person that understand their own problems and don't take it out on others.

Robots do not deserve fembots.

>Robots do not deserve fembots.
>implying fembots exist

>Women here are...good person that understand their own problems and don't take it out on others
the women who actually stick around here are almost always even more fucked in the head than the guys.

fembots keep coming back for more so how do you explain that?

Because it's simply wrong, I've met attractive women in their 20s who are still virgins. I've met hot girls with ugly boyfriends.

You over think shit, always look for the negative aspects so everything is a self fulfilling prophecy. The real reason you are single is because you hate yourself, how can you love another person if you can't even love yourself ?

> Implying fembots exist
The only girls who come here are either dude LARPing as chicks for attention or chicks who want to fuck with us by teasing then only playing hard to catch.

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"robots" as a term is one that has evolved since the boards inception. It referred to the robot used to moderate (lol) original content. In the beginning, we were all robots. original content was somewhat better, but not the point. It eventually became a term used to describe those who were different from normal people. This was the golden age (still shit though) of Jow Forums. Many years ago now. "robots" being those unable to connect to people came later, and even now it apparently means incels, which is unfair to all involved there's already a word for them. Wizards being a different thing as well. But this is all besides the point.
I had a gf. Long relationship, it ended when she broke up with me. I can get a girl, I'm good at faking it. There is no emotional connection though. Tried sex, that was a mistake due to how last relationship ended, but even the chemically purposeful bonding activity didn't work. I would call myself a robot now in more truth than before. I. can. not. connect. What the fuck do you think "robot" means, anyway? Not the history of the word, but the word robot itself.
You ask why people don't date robots? You're actually asking why humans don't date robots? We're defective, that's why. It's just as much us as it is them. Females don't want to date us, we don't want to *be* us.

Robots don't deserve whatever circumstances led to them being robots. No one deserves to be alone.
- traps are gay
- there's nothing wrong with being racist

Couldn't be more wrong. I've met with plenty of "fembots" and they are all mentally ill roasties who are still on the cock train. They are also very manipulative and horrible people.

>Picky voluntary virgins are the same as robots

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Women are meant to care, men are meant to do things. A man who doesn't do anything is fucked up, and a woman who isn't able to care for someone/something is fucked up. You're able to do things despite coming to Jow Forums, and you're able to care for someone despite coming to Jow Forums. But if you buy into the "robot" image now, then you're fucked.

You're misunderstanding if you think that all robots take their problems out on others.
As far as "taking your problems out on others", I can point to large swathes of humanity that is to this very moment doing it still. That is a human thing. Not to say that it's good or acceptable, but saying only robots do it is doing yourself and your worldview a disservice.

Anything to justify your mental gymnastics senpai

because I want a normie bf instead that can comfortably go out to places with.

>normie bf instead that can comfortably go out to places with
read: good-looking

you can argue robots have chances in life they don't realize but you can't argue women don't have it easier.

I will date a robot if they live in Melbournia

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How normie we talkin' bout? Average looking and personality at min? Or do they just have to not be hateful robots?

Depends on the context, women have it easier in regards to not having to do anything then sure by all means be a little bitch cause you have to actively get involved with life.

How ever men have a much easier time getting what we want out of life, we are stronger, smarter and the leaders. Men are generally more compassionate to both genders and more willing to sacrifice for something we believe in.

any fembot in the San Diego area. i have a car and a couple friends, i dont look handsome but i shower once a day and wear deodorant.

Fembots dont exist in an original way

i sure wish someone could argue for why it's better to be a guy without being a sexist. i'm a misogynist for sure but women are equals intellectually, why would we even let them have freedom and voting and shit if they weren't.

I personally couldnt care less about looks. I just want someone who isnt hateful like you said, and I would prefer to have met this person in real life. Online relationships are a meme to me. It almost never works out because you dont exactly know how pure the other persons intentions is. Its a complete waste of time.

>no empathy
>woman haters

Yes being a literal monster thing is just an excuse lmao how about you tards stop being those things instead of making excuses

... aren't you racist?

Don't put that evil on the men of r9k.

"fembots" are unfit to date or befriend. They're mentally ill and need serious help to overcome their issues. No one needs that kind of burden.

Stop lying. Looks are literally everything when it comes to sexual attraction.

>tfw im an hour away from sd
>tfw youre probably 2 old 4 me

You can't really claim that every on the Internet is evil and everyone you meet in real life is pure in intention. Nearly everyone both goes outside and uses the Internet.

something something be my non hateful gf

Because I'm unable to feel love and because robots are disgusting vile creatures. I'm one myself as well but I know that I'm not meant to be with people, I've made peace with that. You guys are pathetic, swearing you love someone after you've talked to them two or three times. I'd rather die than be with someone like that.

>They're mentally ill and need serious help to overcome their issues
and they're sluts too

I better get a fembot gf right now or else

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Wait are you a fembot, you're language is confusing. Anyway, plz don't judge the group based on the individuals. Surely you've seen a few nice robots here and there?

>Looks are literally everything when it comes to sexual attraction.
Im not attractive enough to have standards desu

why cant we just do nice things indoors?

That's just a symptom user.
I don't blame "femanons" for being shit-tier gf material; but they should try to better themselves before expecting a decent man and vice versa.

>not racist
>80% of "fembots" found a way to sneak calling me a nigger into the convo

Your stats are erroneous and skewed you must be a white girl

>Because I'm unable to feel love
Beeing a psychopath doesn't make you a fembot.

walking the pier at night time is better than any indoor activity you can think of

It probably has something to do with how they view you. All these men think a woman is just going to show up out of nowhere and make their lives happy because that's what men are told women are, a machine that consumes all the money you work for and spits out happiness. I don't know where that idea came from, some might say we've become a product of a capitalist machine that's no longer in our control, but I wouldnt really know. We're not all happy though. And we're not about to fix your lives and make your beds either. We're the same as you except people are nicer to us sometimes, sometimes WAY too nice to the point where the desperation is palpable, but I can see how it would suck being considered the bottom rung of society just for being a depressed lazy male with zero means of interaction with anyone besides r9k.

Just look at this thread... Jow Forums is like this, it's /soc/ with social anxiety.
And this board is not interesting if you don't care about shit that normal people care about such as dating.

>Therefore they'd rather die than give anyone less than chad a chance.

This is a profoundly sad thing to read

Based post


If you have a vagina you are attractive to at least some men. You can easily be selective.

You see fat ugly girls with tall guys all the time.

I'm unable to feel romantic love, romantic attraction or whatever you want to call it. You're all terribly boring and all you want is sex and cuddling because your understanding of human relationships is "sex and handholding and she has to love me". Normalfag relationships are bland and repetitive, but the idea of them you guys have is pathetic.
And it's called being a schizoid, not a psychopath you underage little shit, at least google the terms you hear in television before using them.

Nice, yes but clingy and annoying. I cannot stand people who need others to survive. I understand some of you may have good intentions but you're too childish, too immature, and some fembots or females may and will like that. But I don't.

Only if its on thr Pacific coast.

Reminder bros: When talking to a "fembot" ask yourselves: what form of mental illness does she have? 9/10 it will be easily identifiable and severe enough to avoid. Their delusions do not allow for empathy.

You're definitely a psychopath.

>a machine that consumes all the money you work for and spits out happiness.
>dating a gold digger

>Le stone cold steve austin
>Has no heart
>Mere mortals couldn't even comprehend the brand name of my fedora
>posts "XD" in threads about school shootings

Or else what?

Where the fuck did I imply that? Are you projecting yourself onto me? If anyone's being edgy, it's this fag calling me a psychopath
Just admit that you're boring and needy

i don't think you have any issues you sound exactly like every other girl.

Because there is no fembots.

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Never read anything on this board that I agree more with.

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Because robots confess their love to you after only a short while of talking.

No I do not want to be in an online relationship with you.
No we are not exclusive.

If you do not live near me then do not confess that you love me! It is cringe and sad that I now have to break your heart and ghost you

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>And we're not about to fix your lives and make your beds either.
Why? I'd do it for you.

their excuses are all meaningless. we're not good enough for their standards, all women are picky.

be my heart breaking gf

"Fembots" do not want robots. That is common sense.

This. I mean in the first place that's the basic meaning of a relationship. If the other party expects unconditional, independent perfection, then there's a problem.

I'm not gonna be an asshole because you might actually be some unfortunate girl who wandered here from tumblr or something. But leave, this board has nothing to offer you. It is an echo chamber of misery and self loathing for bitter men.

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>No we are not exclusive.
So really this is because you want to keep seeing Chads in real life?

>implying a Chad would be interested in me!
>implying I would be interested in a Chad!!!

You're a dumdum, dummy

So if you tell us where you live and one of us is near you, does that give us a chance?

You ghosted me and I never said I loved you. Mean fembot

It's not attractive to lunge for the scraps that Chad won't even take.

I just want a caring, sweet robot bf who lives in my city. Are my standards really that high? I dont even have any physical requirements.

>I just want a caring, sweet robot bf who lives in my city.
Atleast extend it to your country.

Post your city then. It's literally that easy, just because you're not a man. If you're not finding anyone after doing that then sure, come back here and keep posting. Otherwise fuck off.

>"Lives in my city"
>Doesn't post city.

Nice dubs tho

>Or else what?

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post your city maybe find your bot

I dont believe in LDRs. I want to spend the majority of the time being in physical contact with them.
Cant say my city, but I will say my state. Im in Southern California.

You are mean. Be my bf and keep me humble.

I already did but nobody replied lmao

Yeah this is true. They're really racist. And the minority girls are self-hating.


Ok how many robots have you fucked or dated?

Stupid cunt.

It's not really a LDR if you can see each other in a hour or so.


wrong, but that sounds nice. i imagined stuff during the day like at a packed beach, which sounds horrible, or restaurants

All I said was she's right, because she is, you dolt. That's just stating what I think about another user's post.
Now suck my cock like the little gayboi you are.

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Are you the San Diego user?

Every time I go on Tinder/Bumble/Badoo/POF/OKCupid/etc. I get lots of matches and messages from guys. There is a lot of competition out there.

I'm really not that picky about who I sleep with though. As much as I love the hot Chads, I like being with a guy who is sweet. I do like nice guys. But there are plenty of other guys who are nice. You're not the only one.

Thing is if you don't give a guy a chance, he thinks you're a bitch. If you give a guy a chance, sleep with him and then it fizzles out because you get a better deal elsewhere, then he gets all upset with you.

But the truth is you kind of have to play the field or else you're going to be like my sister who never settles and remains single for long stretches of time. The type of girl who absolutely has to have Chad and he has to have a good job and having all of these things in the checklist. Or if you just stick with the first "good enough" guy that goes along, you're going to be wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

A fair would also be nice.

IT has not evolved or change AND IT NEVER WILL.

Only males who are dealt a shit hand in life by way of looks, social skills can call themselves robots. Any one of you WHORES can go out and get laid and no I dot want to hear that bullshiy excuse , but girls want other things because its fucking irrelevant. All of cunts are just abused sluts who wouldnt piss on a robot irl if he was nice to you. You are self entitled bitches, you want chad, you want nice, you want assertive you want xzy etc. YOU GET TO CHOOSE and ny that virture you are not a robot because robots gey no choices in life.

I hope every roastie invader on this board dies a slow, painful death. Rotting away alone from cervical cancer with mo chad there to hold your hand.

Then why the fuck are you you roastir cunt?

>i hate robots
>i post on r9k

Cunt logic.

The problem is ratios. I am dating a robot. A lot of robots don't want to make friends with women, they have other guy friends so I become useless or a possible roastie to whoever holds that mindset. I would like to be friends with a lot of robots, it certainly isn't a problem with thinking I'm too good for you

Will you help me find a gf as my friend?

>that post

Gtfo of my board and dont ever come back. You dispicable, normie cunt.

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>guys want to friends with girls

You cunts are so deluded. Fuck us or fuck off. And yes youre a cunt if you dont.

Nice digits, but still behind thot.

This thread is living proof females ruin everything. This place used to be great until youse rocked up. I just hope you all know that. Wonen ruin everything good in society. You are paradsites. We dont want anything to do with yo other thsn your pussies, accept it. WE have the power and influence and when you try and change that we are left with this shithole.

I would happily play wing man and give pointers

Just fuck off. You arent robots and you dont want to sleep with us so theres no reason for you to be here. Comprende?

can i sleep with you? So long as you live within driving distance and can banter with me