Mfw people still think world war 2 happened

>mfw people still think world war 2 happened

What fucking idiots

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ww2 happened you idiot, do not say otherwise

the holocaust never existed

Well, if it didnt, they did a fine-ass job with golden age comics depocting the propoganda. So am I really all that mad?

WW2 was a work of art. It will be remembered as the very last time that civilized countries ever fought each other. The engineering, the honor, the scenery in which the battles occurred, was all absolutely breathtaking, especially compared to the haphazard skirmishes against goatfuckers in nondescript blankets of tan we see today. In fact, it was too perfect. It was so perfect, there is no way it ever really happened.

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Just a reminder than the Jews slaughtered over 400,000 innocent Roman civilians in 117 AD for no reason beside that they were assblasted that their temple got fucked a few decades earlier, and the bulk of the Roman army was in Mesopotamia.

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Sure. King Arthur was a fake, too. FUCK OUTTA HERE

I have the same thoughts. Like, how the fuck are people this stupid? It's so obvious that wwii was fucking fake. The moon landing looked more real than that shit

user... I hate to break it to you, but... There was no sword in the stone...

Interesting theory, user. Proof? Or are you referring to the several smaller wars that happened during that era and the different fronts and that should not be considered ww2?

As spoken by a true enemy of Avalon.

Who TF cares if it happened nearly 2000 years ago? It's not like we can punish them for something their ancestors did (same with Nazis). The difference is that some Nazis are still alive and the Holocaust is fresh in people's memory.


>Who cares what happened 2000 years ago

You don't live in the US, I assume...

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Godde will not permit you to touch the beautiful wizards. They are His beloved thaumaturges and you are not pure enough to upset them.

That would land us in babylon. So probably the jews would care. But.

Fuck all dat niqqa I got Wiz on my side. He da real wizard of words.

Just another mask of the eternal ineffable Father. Repent.

israel doesn't deserve to exist.

I believe you mean Phoenicia and Canaan

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When did Jow Forums suddenly turn to Jow Forums?

Jow Forums guys got invited to scare off the traps
at least they can be reasoned with

i got bullied off pol for posting smelly italian feet

I tried telling them that the poison gas italians used to invade ethiopia was actually anchovy's foot odor.

Attached: anchovy smelly.jpg (2916x1800, 1.6M)

Why scare off the traps, they seem to be a heavily established piece of this board? They'd probably revolt if we try to get them the fuck out

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Frogposters have always been here. They're literal cucks who got memed by /b/ into thinking blacks are stealing their women so they post sissy black boy threads and collectively dream of hitler to banging their hentai waifus.

Why don't you think WW2 didn't happen user?

Both of these groups are lichenish newfag colonies that can be scraped off and transplanted.