I'm taking any and all questions
I'm taking any and all questions
will i be cool like you someday?
can you be cucked if you dont have a gf
I promise you that you will
How do I stop being a coward?
Only you can know if you've been cucked or not. Cuckolding is older than gfs.
can i get a yes or no answer?
uh whats your favorite color
It's okay to be a coward. Some people need more time than others to figure out the path that they need to follow. The world is actually a really scary place, and a lot of people you know are just lucky enough to not truly experience what you have been scared by, or worse; they pretend not to be scared. Is there a particular thing that you find frightening?
is party rock in the house tonight? and, furthermore, is everyone going to have a good time?
It depends on whether party rockers want to have a good time.
How do I get an Asian or Indian gf there is a good amount of them in San Diego but how do I attract them
What are you gonna do a gig down Bristol again? Or are those kind of shows to small fish for you now
Why nobody answers my threads on Jow Forums (and the internet in general)?
I am a boring guy?
I would recommend trying to understand their culture. People do not like to admit it, but in America, people are only really a few generations removed from their culture. People try to replicate the experience they had at home, but they lack the support structures and understanding to replicate it properly because the experiences are based on those particular structures. Take a holiday for instance. I have an Arabic friend whose family celebrates some sort of new year based on a calendar I am not familiar with. For his great-grandparents. that experience was a joyous occasion. For my friend, it's a card filled with money.
I'm getting lost. The point is that people are pretty scared, and if you can remind them of something they perceive to be comforting, then they will want to date you and probably suck your dick.
At this point, it's up to whatever it is that decides what happens. Bristol is lovely.
Honestly, this is the first thread where I've gotten replies
thanks that like advice I have not heard before so I will try it out
Sorry, I missed this one. I find blue the most comforting. I spent a lot of time as a child staring at the sky.
So you're in a music group, right?
Yeah. I pretend to play a synthesizer. It's pretty easy because synthesizers sound really cool (I'm just kidding; I just don't have a lot of creative control over the group, I want to try to support my more creative friends -- they pretty much come up with what I actually play and sometimes I make a patch). Just playing together is really what I enjoy the most.
That sounds really cool, whats your group name?
Honestly, my friends browse Jow Forums. I'm not sure if they'd want to be exposed on this forum. Jow Forums isn't exactly known for cooperating with other web spaces, and if they right level of naivete is sniffed out, then this site pounces on it like a pack of dogs. Not that anything is wrong with that. I've shit on people here too.
To add to that, even if you couldn't find it, it's actually a pretty sweet name and since I didn't come up with it it's not really my place to share it
I'm more of a modular part of the band. If things got serious I would have to probably find someone to replace me.
kek doesn't every band say that about their name
I'm not really sure what makes a good band name. I suppose if I'm being fair, the only people I know that like the name are me and my friends.
yeah, can't find it. thats probably just the autism though
Can't find what? I just grabbed a random orange picture. I used it for my desktop background.
Your group, user. Its me, naive-chan
I haven't provided enough information for you to find it.
I'm sure this thread isn't getting any attention at this point and it's just you me; the band name is big sleep.
so that other user was just you samefagging, right?
Oh yeah I'm really trying to get exposure here of all places
that doesn't make any sense, how would he have known it was you?
My understanding of what transpired is that he thought that I was in a band because I posted something that looked like the cover of an album, and asked if I was in a band; I responded that I am in a band, because I'm answering all questions. He seemed really curious about knowing the band name, so I told him.
noooo no you dont get it. naibu-chan is the same as naive-chan. im that guy. the post im asking about is
OH! No, I have no idea why that guy asked if I was going to be in Bristol. I live in Central California. I've never even left the state. I just thought it would be nice to give him the feeling of recognizing someone.
thats actually fucking hilarious holy shit
I aim to please. I have to head off to sleep. If someone leaves a question behind I'll answer it in another thread. I don't know everything! But I think if we just keep talking and asking questions that it might be possible to actually understand and improve this little corner of the internet we spend so much time in. We don't have to be so mean to each other just to keep people away. This thread wasn't so mighty. But I'll keep making it and hopefully someone will understand what I'm doing and advise me on how to do it better. Thank you so much for coming here.
This the best thing I've seen all day.
Fuck I'm retarded. I meant to reply to
How do i get someone to open up after they lost trust in you?
threads over user, sorry. im sure he'll make another one soon though, so dont forget to keep spamming ctrl+r
One more. I decided to smoke a bowl (dude weed lmao) and then I'm off.
You can't force someone to trust you. The sad truth is that sometimes you really do mess up and burn a bridge you'd rather have. If you want them to trust you, just be apologetic and honest if they return to you. If they give you one more chance, give them everything you've got.
I lost two childhood friends over something quite trivial. We used to play imaginary games and I loved them like my sisters. Now they think of me as a monster. I just live with the guilt.
I can't cum unless there is feet. How do I break this conditioning?
One more. I decided to smoke a bowl (dude weed lmao) and then I'm off.
You can't force someone to trust you. The sad truth is that sometimes you really do mess up and burn a bridge you'd rather have. If you want them to trust you, just be apologetic and honest if they return to you. If they give you one more chance, give them everything you've got.
I lost two childhood friends over something quite trivial. We used to play imaginary games and I loved them like my sisters. They thought of me as a monster. Now I figure they don't think of me at all. I treat the new friends I made as dearly as they deserve. Someone very wise once told me that you can always have another friend.
Stop masturbating for a very long time. Eventually your penis will be sensitive beyond belief, and you will be able to have an orgasm from the pure pleasure of simply touching it.
98 silverado z71 or 04 crown vic p71?