Anyone here listen to Elvis? RIP The King.
Anyone here listen to Elvis? RIP The King
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Look at this Elvis.
Just look at him.
I was causing chaos at a bar and i was wearing a leather jacket and this Mexican guy called me Elvis before we fought.
Fuck him he got famous from copying black culture and making it palatable for a white audience
Literally listening to the King now:
Black culture copies white culture, too. Blues came from Western music scales, not African drumming. Everyone copies everyone. Memes.
Is Devo white enough?
Nice taste, bud.
>you will never be rich enough to fly on a private jet to Denver at 1am to eat 20 peanut butter, bacon, and jelly sandwiches with champagne in a private hangar with your buds, the pilots, and the owners of the restaurant that makes the sandwich
>Western music scales
Don't make me laugh user
Never liked Elvis. Sounded like a poser to me. All of the songs he covered he made them worse.
Listen to the originals.
All of them sound 100X better.
This isn't some racebaiting moralfaggotry either. Led Zeppelin stole shit but they made cool shit also. Elvis didnt' do that.
I don't even consider what he did rock n roll. It's just Lounge Music sped up with a ponyshow on the side, and the babyboomers ate it the fuck up.
> This isn't some racebaiting moralfaggotry either
It's okay, wh*Tes have no power here. You can tell it like it is
> baby boomers
Teens of the 50s were Silent Generation.
>"black culture"
>used instruments invented by white people
>also literally every other basis for their music came from white people
Rock wouldn't have existed if black people weren't in the Western world. That being said I kinda wish rock n roll never became a thing for whites because I think it was the first step in degeneration of white music. It was good but modern music is trash.
Jow Forums is a dignified community of young hwhite men who wish to follow the teachings of Jesus H Christ. I don't know what you're talking about. You don't belong 'ere, kike. That Hitler guy wasn't so bad eh.
The only debate here is if we hate niggers more than we love jesus
the banjo originates from West Africa & drums were present there as well. unless you think West Africans are white, you are objectively wrong
>also literally every other basis for their music came from white people
like what exactly?
Jesus was a brown-skinned Palestinian Jew
nah i listen to this guy elvis toured with.
>guitar-like instruments originate in Africa
[dong in your ass needed]
>the banjo originates from West Africa
Lel, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. Then again, you can't expect much from the type of person who believes Jesus was a brown-skinned Palestinian. Lmfao my man, try to cope some more.
In West African plucked lute traditions, there are at least six traditional plucked lutes whose necks are made from a thick stalk of papyrus, known throughout the Senegambian region by the Mande term "bang" the origin of the word "banjo". West Africans brought the instrumental traditions with them to the Caribbean and North America.
>instrument with a Senegambian name isn't African
why are wh*Tes so retarded. You think Palestinians were blonde and blue eyed during Biblical times?
I've never met anyone whose favorite instrument was the banjo. European instruments used in rock were much better, but to each their own. I'm just saying my favorite songs don't include banjos usually.
Cool. Now explain the origins of "lute" and "guitar"
>during biblical times
Lmfao man you're literally regurgitating click bait headlines.
Thanks lad:
>tfw I can relate to this song
yep elvis was a god tier man. I often listen to him.
Who cares. Elvis was still good. Just enjoy the music mate.
Holy shit. This so much. That pic looks so good.
Don't mind him. He's just jealous Elvis' music was better than his people's banjo ""music"".
lute comes from the Arabic al-'oud which in turn may come from the Persian rud. whether it is Arab or Persian in origin is disputed.
guitar, similarly, has it's origins in the Arabic word qitharah and the Persian word Sihtar.
I don't think the fact that the Arab world and West Africa both developed similar string instrument concepts is an indictment of either culture, but I do know for certain that Europeans didn't come up with any of those ideas.
Click bait didn't exist in the time of Jesus. If you can explain how you think Middle Easterners had less melanin in the past (when they spent all day outside and were likely more tan then they are now) please enlighten us.
>the king of rock 'n roll
I think you meant to say Chuck Berry my nigga
now tell me this, redditspacedwellactuallista:
isn't it possible that niggers copied the sandniggers?
>this jealous of a dead rock star
Also the Middle East and many parts of Africa was and still is white. You should stop basing your view of history entirely off of online clickbait. Even Muhammed was light skinned.
Enjoy bad music? Why?
I am simply an Asian man against people who make shitty versions of great musical traditions. Do you also think Avril Levigne butchering Japanese is better than hearing actual Japanese music?
no he was trash
lel try best selling artist of all time smartass
I was waiting for the Africans are white argument, thank you.
Behold the wh*Te, so retarded is he that when he is forced to reckon with his own inferiority he resorts to racial slurs.
I don't give a shit what Avril Levigne does. Besides, so much of Japanese music is just shitty Western pop music exported to their country. Like 99% of young Japanese women fawn over white and Japanese boy bands user. Pop music of all sorts is really terrible in my opinion. I'm sorry Stacy rejected you.
Many Africans were and still are white. The entire continent is not black people man.
hurka durka bongo better den da western copydocky
durka burka fuk murka
> Besides, so much of Japanese music is just shitty Western pop music exported to their country. Like 99% of young Japanese women fawn over white and Japanese boy bands user. Pop music of all sorts is really terrible in my opinion.
So you agree with me for my reasoning for both why Elvis and Avril Levigne are bad (for the most part). However you are a moron if you don't like Sk8r Boi
For the most part, except I'm not a bitter Asian lashing out at the big bad w**te devil. Are you from Nippon user?
Can you explain at which point Senegambians were white? Enlighten us all. I am aware there are people of European descent on the African continent, but they are all the descendants of recent colonists who made little to no musical contributions and certainly played no role in older music traditions. There were no Europeans settled in West Africa during those times; the Sahara and the logistics of cross-Atlantic sea travel being a massive barrier.
Just chiming in to say that Elvis rules and he was based af.
Posting moar Elvis
Now you're just blatantly denying history user, and you can't even get your geography right either! There is no need to travel the Atlantic to get to Africa KEK cope more.
Africa is surrounded to the west by the Atlantic Ocean and to the east by the Indian Ocean. The Mediterranean (which is part of the Atlantic, by the way) provided access to North Africa for Europeans, but by the time of the trans-Atlantic slave trade (notice anything about that name?), Europeans were traveling to and from West Africa by ship because accessing the West African coast was easier via the Atlantic than it was to cross the Sahara desert.