Sent a girl a picture of me in my underwear after she asked for it

> Sent a girl a picture of me in my underwear after she asked for it

> She replied with "LOL looks like you need some calories boy"

Immediately blocked her

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I'll put her in her place. Give me her contact.

>Immediately blocked her
This kills the roastie

should've made some sort of comment about her being a lardass. 90% of women think they're fat, even if they're skinny.

Im sorry user. Some girls are just flat out rude. I think skinny boys are cute! Whats your height and weight?

>call her fat
Dont EVER do this. Some girls can be suicidal over one comment about their weights.

5'8 127

I should have called her fat so the bitch would have killed herself LOL

She calls a suiciadal robot fag shit and he spergs out: no problemo.


Be my skeletor bf

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at least she didn't make fun of your lack of bulge

When did she call OP shit? She just said he needs a few calories, and it sounds like he does

rate my response to such a reply:
"well then cook something for me sometime"

Makes you sound stupid, and makes me pretty angry, I have to tell you.

>bla bla bla get back into the kitchen
Wanna know how I know youre a virgin?

Whats ur discord I'll send u pictures heh

lmao holy shit she DESTROYED you

I want a robot BF, not a normie

Are you a faggot or a girl


I is the skelliest.

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It doesnt matter, youre just a normie who is looking for another girl to mac on

>being this fucking thin skinned

>cant even take harmless banter from a girl

fucking pathetic

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Dawg it's justa joke chill try and talk to her a little more. If she continues to be gay then block her

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>not saying ''give me yo pussy and I'll eat it like a hungry fat man''

Are you trolling or are you this much of white knight

>tfw you'll never have the dad bod every woman wants

Why live.

>Dont EVER do this. Some girls can be suicidal over one comment about their weights
I wish this courtesy was extended to men. I'm so insecure about my appearance, my height and skinniness in particular yet its socially acceptable to make fun of me in public in casual settings. I am fuckin suicidal and that shit doesnt exactly help me. I stopped wearing shorts and short sleeve shirts cause im so insecure about people seeing my sticcs. I havent actually bought any clothes for myself in years because i cant handle the thought of having people watch me pick out or try on kid sized clothes that are probably ugly and dont fit me anyway.
Im an electrician. one day im on a ladder installing an outdoor light for some rich degenerate and i hear "look at him go!" I turn around and I overhear this some piece of shit sub-normie carpenter in his twenties casually estimating my age with his friends. "How old do you think he is?" "Eleven?" They clearly thought i couldnt hear them from where i was.
I'm so fucking small and skinny that those dumb fucks thought there was a random 11 year old electrician working unsupervised on a house that was being renovated.

Naturally, my instincts kicked in due to being constantly reminded that im a subhuman "mini-midget-munchkin-man". These instincts of course were to do absolutely nothing.

I used to pathetically fantasize about going back and confronting the guy and saying something insulting back. Now i just feel nothing.

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>girl teases OP for being skinny
You virgins are so sensitive

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This, OP is a fragile faggot.

fuk thats also my height and weight

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omg did he really??? no way..
poor little boy :(

What would his estimation have been had I been near an elementary school when he saw me? eight or nine?

females? oppressed
minorities? disadvantaged
short/skinny men? an object of derision, not even human much less desirable in any way.

even fat chicks have "body positivity" or whatever bullshit they use to justify their own hedonism.

we arent even human, we're just little elves that dont deserve dignity or even sympathy.
youre the fucking hulk man. im 5'6 (visually less though cause bad posture) and 115 lbs. and thats after gaining weight recently.

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Im like 20 pounds lighter. wonder if im a skeleton

not bad desu. if they are already into you (they probably are if youre talking on tinder or snapchat and sending pics of yourself and shit), i could see it working

Not even that user but this is clearly a line to get a date not a sick burn. He'd do better saying something along the lines of the two of them going out to eat because expecting normalfags to cook these days is a bad idea.

>tfw 5'11 110lbs
I'm the really skelly :(

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honest question how do you guys get this skinny?
>inb4 high metabolism meme

pfft jajajaja

Here comes the meme.

I've always been this skinny, and I can eat a ton, so it's my fast metabolism.

BUT, I was born 3 months early so theres that.

> me
Well, I have an eating disorder so that's why I'm like that, not sure how anyone else can be as skinny as I am though.

when i was hooked on benzos i reached a low of 125 lbs at 6 feet tall. seems like they were suppressing my appetite pretty badly.

W-what benzo desu?

Iktf 6'1 115lbs:^(((*(

various RC benzos. clonazolam, etizolam, pyrazolam, diclazepam, flualprazolam, maybe a few others that i can't recall.

All the women from my moms side of the family have twig genes. I am the unfortunate male to have picked up this trait.

doxx her

You sound like a little bitch that needs to eat a fucking sandwich.


Do you remember anything from that time period?

Was hooked on tramadol for about 5 months

> tfw restlesslegs

eat three meals a day, one plate and one place alone of food for lunch and dinner (whatever food is fine, never refill plate, try to diversify what you eat to get all nutrients) don't ever snack, drink water all times, anything with simple sugars is a not except 1 piece or fruit per day as a simple snack. Nothing else is needed. Ignore if you get hungry

You could be like me and just be born prematurely, and struggle to put on weight. I'm only 5'6"
I was 80 lbs until I started lifting in college.
Now I'm around 120.

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i remember very little to be honest, i was also smoking weed and getting drunk daily in addition to taking benzos several times a day. using any of those on a daily basis will impair your memory but using all three concurrently will basically render you an amnesiac. i tried tramadol a few times but could never get into opiates because the constipation is just too uncomfortable for me.

drink waters as your only drink, only drink when you're thirsty of course

>You should make me a home cooked meal in that case.

That easy

should have felt it out more a bit OP,and see if she was legit making fun of your or just trying to banter. Having a GF who you can bant back and forth without anybody getting hurt feelings from a stupid joke is a rare thing.

>blames his crippling skeletonitis on being born underweight
Wrong, little man. I weigh 3x as much as you and I was born very lightweight.

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Never actually had constipation desu

Are you clean now?

>call her fat
Dont EVER do this. Some girls can be suicidal over one comment about their weights.

you know guys commit suicide waaay more often than girls

>call her fat
>Dont EVER do this. Some girls can be suicidal over one comment about their weights.

So, it's okay for her to make fun of OP for his appearance but he's not allowed to do it back just because she's a girl?

Go kill yourself fatass

Oh really?
Because I weighed one pound and 15 ounces.
I was born like 5 weeks early.

if i could shit while using opiates i definitely would've become a daily user. kinda jealous of those who don't have that issue but also kinda grateful that it's a powerful enough incentive for me to not use them. i'm not really clean but i haven't touched benzos for about 5 weeks and i've gained 10 lbs since then. i still either smoke or drink daily though, really struggle with going stone sober. for the past 6 or so years i don't think i've ever spent a full 24-hour period sober except for when i was in jail.

I've come here to bully you and tickle your small flacid penis while I pin you down

As long as you're off the benzos that's good. Keep it up.

Please don't bully the skeletons, Sir.

>feel like a complete fatass.

Based double fours

> mfw less than 100lbs
I'm 5'6 though so nobody will love me.

thanks user, i appreciate the encouragement. wishing the best for anyone who's struggled or is still struggling with anything similar.

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Hit the gym brah, with some DYEL you could be natty as fuck, hella STRONK and as aesthetic as Zyzz.
Right now you are Paris. You can never be Heracles, but you can still mould yourself into Adonis.

Wow, for once I actually believe this post was by a woman.

>Dont EVER do this. Some girls can be suicidal over one comment about their weights

AHAHAHAHAHAH thanks for the update tumblr!

She was being playful. If she asked for the picture, she was interested.

>OP adds calories
>LOL looks like you need to hit the gym boy
>OP hits gym
>LOL ew too many muscles
>OP cuts calories
>LOL looks like you need some calories boy

women, not even ONCE

And you didn't reply back with "why don't you make me dinner, lol". You fucking blew it skeletor.

aww dont talk like that

Wanna know how I know you're both american?

shit reading comprehension

Idk man, I used to eat 5,000 calories a day and I could only get up to 130, it was fucking insane.

>tfw no skinny bf
>tfw no hipbone bf
>tfw no collarbone bf

Why would you? you fucking idiot
Gave in to pussy
Fuck off
Hope you learn keep yourself reserved

>get playfully teased
>sperg out
user please don't do this

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1.93 m and 91kg reporting in. How does it feel to know that i can steal LITERALLY EVERY girl from you?
Stay mad, boneman.

This. We will humiliate her for u OP

>tfw 510 140 lbs
Thank god for skinny fat

> She replied with "LOL looks like you need some calories boy"
"Yeah? You do better"

>then how about you make me a sandwhich