I want to work for google as a software engineer after finishing with university. Do you robots think I can pull it off?

I want to work for google as a software engineer after finishing with university. Do you robots think I can pull it off?

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if you're a diversity hire, sure you can. otherwise no you're fucked

no blancos nino

You better bust your ass to beat the minorities

Are you telling me I need to be a gay black asian latino to get a job with google

>Selling your soul to the devil

Just be happy to get ANY job starting out. Google is highly competitive

Don't listen to them user
If you work diligently and stand out you'll certainly get hired
But as other anons pointed out Google likes diversity but not as much as they like money
Get some contacts network a little and standout and you'll get hired

Why would you want to? I don't understand the boner people have for Google. Google employees are basically on-call slaves. Not to mention you'd work for a corporation which is objectively evil

What product would you want to work on there?

moot managed to get a job at Google, and all he made was this shitty site

Not him but lots of Google's projects are pretty innovative and amazing.
And they have the funding to make any dream a reality

>Network a little

Not a little. Every motherfucker wants to work at Google.

Good fucking luck OP. Hope you're at an Ivy League or Stanford with a 4.0 GPA and know them dudes in San Jose.

Nice meme. Google is still mostly white and asian.

You're a stupid asshole who aspires to be a minion hack for Judaist agendas. What a spineless piece of shit you are, like you're even going to get a job when you're done with Jewish dogtraining school

>i want to work for the evil company that is planning world domination through a.i and spying on the entire population of earth

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>Not understanding that Data is incredibly important and vital to creating a sustainable and growing economy
These are free products user we pay for it in them feeding us what we want
Google isn't evil that's incredibly idiotic

>implying that "the economy" and western society as a whole is worth sustaining
The best thing about China's ascendancy is that Amerifat companies like Google will go out of business.

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No user look at their analytics only 2.5% are black and only 30% are women 60% is still white while 30% is Asian
They care about results diversity is mostly for PR just like the LGBT.

statistically unlikely, but go for it and try

Google employees have no demarcation between their work and personal lives. When you work for Google, you are no longer a person, you are part of the hive. You sleep at Google. You wake up at Google. You shit at Google. You eat at Google. You are constantly thinking about Google because you are a thoughtless, soulless ant with a spotless resume and a shiny smile

I quite honestly would rather kill myself than live like that. It terrifies me that this is supposed to be THE dream job of our modern era--slavery.

t. angry Jow Forumsfag with no skills that knows absolutely nothing about how silicon valley works

I want to work for software engineer as a google

Ever since Google removed the "Don't Be Evil" thing from it's rules or whatever, you shouldn't strive to work there. Especially after the blatant bias they've shown. Twitter and Facebook at least were more open about their kikery

>Why would you want to? I don't understand the boner people have for Google. Google employees are basically on-call slaves. Not to mention you'd work for a corporation which is objectively evil

Average salary for a software engineer at Google is >200k

And Google isn't even slightly evil, the worst you could call them is anticompetitive

it's really not hard to get a job there if yr a decent engineer, they employ a lot of people. but you prob aren't gonna get hired by them as a first job right out of undergrad.

Reminds me of that Damore guy. He took the whole "I am google" meme to its conclusion when he published that memo talking about females and shit. He literally thought that he should be in charge of making corporate policy just because he worked there.

>Not growing and sustaining our economy to accelerate technological progress
The whole "THE WEST IS FALLING" is painfully idiotic
I understand Lefties are ruining everything but don't be a baka user

In a place with some of the highest living costs in the country along with working shitloads.

You're working for the company responsible for pioneering global interconnections
It's a sacrifice but the connections and monetary benefits if you want something more are more than well worth your time there

The cost of living doesn't scale with the pay if you're young.
If you have a family/trying to buy a house you're fucked but if you're young just rent and save $$$ then move somewhere else down the road.

>In a place with some of the highest living costs in the country along with working shitloads.
This. Remember to divide your weekly/monthly pay by the hours you worked if you are salaried. A lot of these high level engineers put in 60 hour work weeks so end up getting paid little over $30 an hour. It's pathetic really. Virginal almost.

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I hear the traffic is horrendous as well

What school did you go to, what internships have you done/doing, how good are you at alogirthimd?

this thread is giving me depression

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Good points anons
But Google's main appeal is paid not in money but the innovative projects offered
The networking alone is worth more than any MIT or Ivy League admission

The rent is insane there, not sure what you are smoking. My buddy worked for apple there and it was fucking crazy what he paid, he finally got them to transfer him to Austin and he happens to be in a gig where he doesn't work retarded hours but most of those companies are slave ships. I work in IT, I make about 138k with bonus and work maybe 30 hours a week, most of which I spend fucking around till something comes up and the cost of living here is cheap as fuck. You will be working 60+ hours a week in a piss and shit filled craphole and go home to a tiny studio apartment when it is dark out. It isn't everything it is cracked up to be. If you are going to work that much, better off finding a good startup that has potential and cashing in there, least the hours pay off.


People who say this have no fucking clue what scale of money Google is paying

It is by no means a bad life, nobody at Google is slaving away unless they want to

I pay $750 a month and live

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>just rent and save $$$
>The average rent for an apartment in San Jose is $2,627, a 3% increase compared to the previous year, when the average rent was $2,542.
>Studio apartments in San Jose rent for $1,948 a month, while 1-bedroom apartments ask on average $2,363 a month; the average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $2,878.
>just rent
>save $$$
>anywhere in the Bay Area

I live in Toronto, there a google office here.

Can I ask what general area you live experience and education? I dream to make this much

Get roommates dummy.

>It is by no means a bad life, nobody at Google is slaving away unless they want to
Well yeah, that's why they have kitchens, foosball tables and "bring your dog (that is totally not a surrogate child for you 30-something losers or anything) to work" days. It's to make their workers feel more comfortable simply staying around and working more. They want them to feel like they are Google (even though they aren't.) You are just a STEMtard so it's OK though. This is business major talk son. Just go back to your autistic puzzles. Ranjeet will be here soon to replace you anyways.

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You could if you get out of uni with experience through co-op or something

Google pays well but the cost of living is retarded there


There is real data and working that much fucking sucks. Buddy of mine works crazy hours but he just juggles contracts and clears 7 figures, then it is worth it.

Texas, experience was network engineering but I have no formal education beyond high school. I moved into management as I am tired of pure technical, so I have change a bit over the last year and a half.

How is life with 4 roommates

Just two and it's fine.
>spend 99% of time either on computer, reading, etc in room or doing outdoor activity
Why would I care about having a bunch of space I don't need?

i turned them down because of their shit attitude. a company shouldn't have quotas, numerous blacklists, let employee dictate what they can work on or not, shit HR. sure sure it's prob a great job, but there's many more like it.

1- No. IT and SE roles at big companies are impossible to get right out the door. However research roles are possible.
2- You don't want to work for a big company anyway. They have the same salaries as startups (but you get equities instead of sign-in bonuses at startups), but absolute crap upward mobility, ability to work on good projects, and general working conditions. Moreover, the amount of politics involved is insane. Guaranteed to turn you into a permahikki within 6 months after you start working. After they're through with you, you'll never trust another human being ever again.

this, go for a startup first

This is bullshit. Startups pay worse, have worse work life balance, worse stability, all for minuscule chance at payday which will be mediocre unless you're literally one of first couple dudes or know the founders.

You've obviously never worked a day in your life.

thats not true, i know plenty of people who went straight to big tech companies, two of them at google specifically

this guy is absolutely right
one of my best friends has worked at Google over the last 3 years and has told me similar things

and this guy has no reason to make this statement lmao

the end goal is to work at google. I am not arguing about the conditions. unless OP is good at school he won't get in first try or not get contacted at all. it's easier to start at a startup and in about 6-12 months he will be contacted by one of their female recruiter and not just google but apple, fb, amazon, etc.

really checks out innit?

Same, but most are top group of students form top schools.

I highly doubt bb is lying to you desu

my brother went to UCSD and at least 4 people in his friend group is going to work at Amazon in a few months, they make similar salaries as Google engineers

They are getting six figure salaries + 10k sign on bonuses out of college unironically

God help them. Amazon is probably the worst of the tech giants you could work for. The salary doesn't even come close to compensating for the shit you'll deal with there.

what school u go to?

im not lying, and to be fair the google people came from excellent/good schools. one is from caltech and the other from UCSD (hence excellent/good)