The position you're born into

Is there any point to even being alive if you aren't good looking? There are people right now who live the lives that I can only emulate in video games. I literally can't take it anymore.
>Lift weights and do situps diligently for 9 months
>Stop eating sugar/meat, and drink 8 glasses of water daily
>Invest money in some nice looking clothes
>Extend lifetime, become resistant to cancer, and become fairly Jow Forums
>Still doesn't do anything for my naturally unattractive looking face and acne scars
>Walking around Walmart the other day
>Over hear some skinny fat decadent chad twink carrying McDonald's bags chatting with some dime- a-dozen roastie
>He looks like he's never lifted a single thing in his life
>He talks in the most faggy, pretentious voice about how he looks to good for his own good and how relationships and sex don't even feel very meaningful to him anymore
>Hearing him makes me incredible upset for some reason
>Few days later
>Watching anime alone in my parents house
>It's Hunter X Hunter
>One character who was beginning to have hopes and ambitions and confidence in his own power becomes completely outclassed by a character who was just born
>Character makes some line about no matter how much he trains, he can't escape the position he was born into
What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I did everything I was supposed to do, and I never got anything, it never made me happy. What's the point of even going out and trying if I never even stood a chance to begin with? I can't escape my predestined parameters. Chads are born, not made. I want to murder every chad who crosses my path.

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You're going to have to adapt or settle for less than what chad gets.

>stop eating meat
you went totally vegetarian?

Yeah. It feels alright I guess, except I get hungry a lot more. And I don't want to settle for less than. I'm not taking this shit. My only two options are plastic surgery, or buying a gun.

The duality of man
>Doesn't want to live as a degenerate
>Works hard and betters himself everyday
>At the same time realizes that no amount of this will ever make him into the person he wants to be
>It won't actually be much different if he never tries to begin with

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Tried giving vegetarianism a go and had the same problem, gave up on it.

You seem pretty focused on women, have you met many of them? I've known and lived with plenty of women and they put me off females. Suicide isn't the only way to opt out of the retarded dating game. Get yourself goals that don't require good looks.

I can't simple change what I want most in life. I want to be good-looking, I want others to envy me. I've never had a girlfriend, and I've never been attractive before. It's weird how life makes you desire the things you know you can't have. Also, who said it was just going to be suicide. If I ever do planning on ending it, for all of the suffering I've had to experience, I'm definitely making sure that I get on the news.

Sorry for all the damn spelling errors, I'm not a tard, I'm just really tired

I think you should put less value on your sex life/women. If it really is unobtainable then forget about it. Find something else to work towards that you know will pay off.

Let's just wait for this thread to 404

who's your favorite HunterXHunter character

He's right OP.

Drop the dreams of getting a gf and sex, you'll feel better afterwards. You don't have to win the retarded dating game if you don't play. I've given up on females because I know they have nothing to offer me and I have nothing to offer them.

Also you didn't answer my question
>You seem pretty focused on women, have you met many of them?

I ask this because it seems a lot of guys in your shoes only know their female relatives and classmates. I'm thinking that if you got to know more women you'd give up on them.

you'll get laid eventually op, it is almost impossible not to get laid if you go to the gym regularly and dress decently, it's just a matter of lowering your standards

I've been working on this dream since highschool. Yesterday I finally had to accept that it was never possible. Do you understand how this feels. I literally don't know what I even want to do anymore. It was my only hope that life would get better. I can't enjoy anything anymore, I don't even want to go outside anymore, I don't want to see peoples faces. I don't want to do anything anymore.
Binolt, because he slaughters roasties and doesn't give a shit about unfairly using his nen powers to do whatever the fuck he wants in the normie world

That makes me furious. im way better looking and fit compared to most fag chads yet they get constant pussy. i see guys i would fuck in the ass cause they look like such faggots yet they are with a 10/10 roastie

You're talking about Meruem, yeah?

The women directly below my "level" are just fatties and golddiggers who get by simply because their women. It straight up isn't even worth it. The goal isn't just to get laid. It was supposed to be about finding someone that you can truly trust and love without fear of them harming you. Also my body looks literally mismatched. My head is wide and kind of large, and all my muscles are just lean muscle mass in my upperbody. The more I think about it, the more I begin to feel that weight lifting might have been a mistake.
I've meet women before. The ones who spoke to me were my coworkers who were generally nice but most of them had bf's. I was friends with a few girls in highschool, but only because they were the girlfriends of my friends.

Can't fix your shit personality.

This idea of a chad you people have in your minds is fucking made up bullshit excuses.

No I'm talking about the rabbitguy right after he learned nen when he first met Pitou. He was talking about becoming the king himself and the moment she/he stepped in, he regretted even having dreams in the first place.

I wish I could put a bullet in you're head, you roastie/normie, whatever the fuck you are.

Are you actually illiterate? Basic reading comprehension is required to post on this website you stupid donkey nigger.

>Normalshit miraculously deduces that it was about per-sun-all-idy all along

Attached: 1512008111640.png (645x729, 80K)

>It was supposed to be about finding someone that you can truly trust and love without fear of them harming you.
well don't feel too bad about it user, in our sick degenerate society even chads don't have this any more. we are living in the age of the roastie, there are no breaks on this train.

chad with shit personalities have girls left and right . hence the meme , "girls like bad guys, douchey assholes" . so whats about OPs personality that need to be fixed, to get a girl ?

Seriously OP, you need to focus on other aspect of your life. Your health, your family and friends, your hobbies, your knawledg, anything. Don't go MGTOW because they're still focused on women, just bitter about it.

>I've meet women before.
Then you probably know how bad they can be. Think of whether the pros of being in a relationship will outweigh the cons.

He's got a shit victim complex and no confidence.
Probably doesn't even have a slight sense of humor.

I actually know people in real life that are about 5'4" 4/10 looks with a 7/10 wife.
Not rich or anything. Dude just has an adorable ass personality.

The way your present yourself and act is a huge deal.

wow sick anecdotes user

Ha normie. Thats cute.
Just a realist that's not as delusional as you. I know where I'm garbage at.
I'm just too shit to fix myself.

im really curious as to what you look like now

Make sure the sorority door is unlocked.

>Ha that's cute
Edgy bro, I bet you saw the new deadpool didnt you and posted about it all over facebook. Shake in your boots normiescum. Know that everytime you stick your dirty face outside of you're home, subject to a robots wrath.

I can guarantee she cheats on him, based on the description alone

isnt that like a trait? like a personality trait, that you cant mimic.. what fixing your personality means exactly ? like what the fuck are actually talking about ?

Plastic surgery bruh, we're all gonna make it

Fucking just come to terms with you being shit so you can fucking get over being a god damn robot.

Jumping onto this shit board to complain about chads is making you literally more retarded than you already are.
The more you wallow in your insecurities the hard its gonna be to get out.

Just enjoy something for once instead of sitting here bitching about women.

Op the fact that you're motivated enough to diet and exercise means you're way ahead of the curb, but if your confidence is shook by watching an anime you need to work on that. My recommendation would be to put that motivation and healthy body into a boxing or kickboxing program. It will continue to build your body and force you to have confidence you never knew you had if you stick with it. Girls prefer it to weight lifting. Finding the girl of your dreams is hard no matter who you are or what your position in life is.

>subject to a robot's wrath
*teleport behind you*

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Accept it, make friends, get into some actual hobbies or pursue a career.

you stupid fucking normie . even socially people dont like me , fuck the women. everytime i enter a room , you can feel the fun being sucked from everybody . people dont even look me in the eyes when i talk to them . fuck you .

>Is there any point to even being alive
>tfw good looking and I seriously question that constantly
From where you're sitting it must look like an eighteen karat run of bad luck, but the truth is that the game was rigged from the start. You're right that you were born into a shit deal, but that's not because you have a fucked up face. It's because you were born a human.

You were born into the one species on the planet which is capable of taking stock of what it means to be alive and to really sit down and look at themselves and what they really are. That means that if you're even the slightest bit self aware then you'll always find that your mind is constantly drawn to what you can't have, what you can't be, what you can't do. Your brain is hardwired to focus on shit like that, because in survival situations it pays to focus on negative outcomes over positives so that you can attempt to solve them.

That said, we also live in a world where survival is basically assured for everyone and resources, while not infinite, are plentiful. That means that the negatives that we focus on shifted upwards. Instead of being focused on how hungry you are and where your next meal is coming from, you're going to focus instead on the fact that you're not as smart, attractive, or charismatic as you would like to be.

I'm rambling, but I hope you get my point. Find some good distractions so that you can pull your brain away from trying to make you focus on things that you can't reasonably fix.

Wow, a normie stating the obvious and thinking he's saying something meaningful. Never seen that before!

Wow, a robot lashing out at someone for no good reason. Never seen that before!

And for the record, I'm a cyborg, not a normie. Just because I'm normie passing doesn't mean I am one.

Hes probably talking about socially retarded betas not assholes. You can have above average looks but if you're a beta manchild no woman will give two shits about you.

>tfw when born hairy manlet
Never stood a chance. Recently I've come together the same conclusion as OP. Hearing this exact story made me question everything I thought I knew about women.

This is the story of some girl I know
>be 8/10 girl
>Find a chad bartenderbf
>After a while Chad cheats on her multiple times
>Despite all this they stay together
>Chad cheats even more and eventually they break up
>1 year passes
>Chad wants the girl back
>The girl found out that in one (1) month, Chad has had sex with 17 women and done multiple trio's
>Fully aware of this, she still takes her back
Roasties litterally pick cheating Chad who has slept around with dozens of women and a retarded job (bartender) over a decent guy. For me this was the ultimate blackpill.

I feel you OP. The only thing that keeps me going is telling myself that eventually looks will fade. When people hit their 30-40, we'll all me more or less ugly.

I know it's a silly cope but it keeps me going