Other urls found in this thread:
he's getting what he deserves
>molest and rape young girls in the prime of their lives while raking in millions
>Jow Forums will defend him because muh roasties even though he did this to literal 12 year olds
You guys are messed up.
I love how prisoners are the biggest fucking white knight faggots ever.
Hope your noble fight makes the jail cell a little less miserable lmao.
Everybody deserves to be treated better than the way that they would treat others. The world will never get better if the only example ever set is one of barbarism and hatred.
Such brave women standing up to this horrific perverted monster.
Nassar did nothing wrong.
Stfu stupid nigger. literally just leave now no one likes you fagger
Niggas be like damn I murdered my baby mama and shit, but fuck this pedo doctor i aint like him
Thanks to MeToo, even normie fucks like you are next.
You fucked that cute drunk girl last week? Congrats, you are now a rapist.
It is better to fuck 12 year olds than to be a slut. Yet being a slut is completely legal
its disgusting really
>It is better to fuck 12 year olds than to be a slut
Pedophile detected
Kill yourself Achmed.
They literally did not prove anything at the trial. You couldn't convict a murderer with I think he killed them.
>Pedophile detected
Nah, I am a self hating cuck who looks up to pedos. If I were a pedo, my sexual fantasies would by way more wholesome and pure than they are now. I really hate thinking about sex because it reminds me of what a cuck I am
Sluts should hang.
Everyone likes to position themselves on the moral high ground. Criminals just need to look harder to find someone lower than they are.
Does anybody else remember the trial?
People were so bitter, they acted how we post ironically.
>You guys are messed up.
i had no idea
What should happen to these women?
this is simply untrue. someone who commits the sort of crime he did deserves no mercy
Shut the fuck up faggot. There's worse shit out there besides some little perv getting his kicks off some slutty stuck up hoes
> digital vaginal and anal penetration
What the fuck means digital penetration?????????????
From an objective standpoint he was a little fucked up but he didnt do anything seriously wrong. The main crime of all sex offenders who attack women is the devaluation of pussy. Ideally women want pussy to be virtually impossible for the average man to access, its the only way they can keep their power. Pervs threaten that system so gynocentric society has to destroy them.
Fingerblasted them.
those lolis aren't going to have sex with you they're older
when they be older
>only achmed is attraction to young teens
I'll just leave this here. Any questions?
fuck off pedophiles
you people are a disease
never happened, and he "molested" them while their fucking parents were in the room. why didn't they say or do anything?
t. feminist
Day of the rope is coming
Imagine defending anonymous women you will never meet on the Internet
for you it is
it's no coincidence pedos are universally hated across every culture on earth
you deserve the bullet thats coming to you
I'm a rapist not a pedophile.
Get it right bitch.
t. Pedo with repressed urges
>i dont rape anymore its cool
made me laugh my ass off this user was a genius
It is God's place to judge people, not mankind's.
It is man's job to love his neighbor and forgive their sins when they have repented, and to build up his brother rather than being a stumbling block.
Support breeds support. Destruction breeds destruction.
>with the exeption of Delaware where it was 7.
Based Biden is from Delaware
>using the closeted faggot argument
>it's no coincidence pedos are universally hated across every culture on earth
wrong faggot stay ignorant
>it's no coincidence pedos are universally hated across every culture on earth
No, just by the modern cultural marxist agenda influenced culture and the countries it infected.
>not denying it
>deflecting to avoid confronting painful realities
It's so funny to me how roasties have trained not only normies but the so called "robots" on this site to go at bat for the fraudulent age of consent laws. Even when presented with evidence such as this, the same robots that decry femoid promiscuity will strike down any discussion about the cure with the same breath.
Spare me your cucky holier than thou evangelizing.
There's a time for peace and a time for war.
Joe "if she's over eight, she's too late" Biden
>using Jow Forums buzzwords to defend your immoral perversion
>There's a time for peace and a time for war.
and the time for war is hanging you pathetic beta cucks that worship feminazi rhetoric
fucking loser
God is holier than you, you judgy faggot.
Cultural marxism is a disease that has infected everything to could touch for over a hundred years. Anyone who thinks that first wave feminism was alright is ignorant. Women have NEVER, and I do mean never, called for the same rights as the men of their era. It was always about total societal reform and changing the law to suit themselves.
says the guy defending pedophilia on Jow Forums
stop projecting
defending the natural state of mankind as opposed to the beta cuck feminazi rhetoric is not being a loser
stay pathetic faggot, go back to orbiting some thot you fucking freak
Find a different website you brainwashed normalfag.
You're not god though, are you?
>stop projecting
You first. Seems to me everyone who speaks the loudest against pedophilia is always fighting some inner demons. Dont diddle any kids bud
Not him but nobody's defending pedophilia you fucking retarded cunt.
If you think nassar deseves life in prison over diddling some bitches that are probably huge stuck up sluts anyway, you deserve to be shot in the head. Kill yourself please.
Where were the parents when he "fuck" them?
What kind of parents let alone their fucking children get massages with old guys lmao
To bad he didnt rape them
>natural state of mankind
completely delusional. stop trying to justify this shit
God lives inside me. I am to be left strictly alone, under punishment of God's wrath.
Slash fucking thread my brother
>Get passed around by Chads for years
>Feel violated because some betas fingers got too close to your beef flaps
Enough of the fake outrage already
>Where were the parents when he "fuck" them?
literally in the room watching, but of course nassar is the villain and the parents are heroes for doing fucking nothing while watching their children get molested
if anything those parents should go to jail
Explain this thenOh, but that's just me being a delusional pedo isn't it?
okay whatever bud
I knew that you would listen to reason.
>completely delusional.
stay ignorant and retarded you fucking cuck
i hope you get castrated
i hope the contents of your harddrive get seized by the feds and you get beat to death in prison
You're too late for that, CIA nigger. To me you glow in the dark, my eyes can see everything.
I'll be honest and admit I'm not defending Nassar, I'm jealous of the prick, but I will defend pedophilia as it's a natural reaction for a virile male with a healthy sexual appetite to be attracted to a sweet young thing.
The girls Nassar "assaulted" were most definitely fertile and were I in his shoes I don't think I would have done anything differently, aside from being more careful not to get caught. And I dare other virile males out there to confront their inner monologue about finding fault in taking advantage of an opportunity such as this, were it to present itself to them.
>It is now a crime to question the paranoid orthodoxy that any girl under 16-18 is a helpless, clueless child
the feds can seize my harddrives all they want because i dont have CP
nice try though you fucking cuck, i hope you get beat to fucking death by the mudslimes your feminazi overlords keep importing (who coincidentally are also pedophiles, who would've thought)
This is the future our ancestors chose.
Fuck off pedo fag only an edge lord or pedo / closet pedo would defend nassar
Alright lol. Go back to jerking off to your little girl cartoons. Fucking freak.
>ugh how DARE he not be a beta cuck like me and worship our female overlords, everyone knows getting a vasectomy and working your life away to support a fat slob bitch is WAY more manly than enjoying yourself, haha!
One day, we're going to take all this shit back to a time before womens suffrage. If women wanted equality, they should have settled with simply sharing the rights of men of the era.
>Fucking freak
Damn straight
I honestly don't really even give a shit.
Chad does so much worse to girls even younger, but a get's a pass because "he's so dreamy!"
Friendly reminder that Hermione didn't get hot. She was always hot
If anything she peaked at 14
Digital as in relating to the digits of the human body. The practice of using fingers and toes to count gave rise to the word digit in a numerical sense which in turn resulted in digital as a technology term as the technologies relate to the use of binary digits. In short, he fingerblasted them.
I remember in one of the earlier movies she's sitting at a cauldron or something and there was an accidental panty shot that no one noticed until too late. I think it was edited out in later releases and have no idea which scene or movie it was anymore.
Wait, do panty shots have to be edited out in burgerstan?