Let's have a screencap thread like we used to back in the day

let's have a screencap thread like we used to back in the day
I'll dump a few like it's a porn thread.

Attached: 1452214122296.jpg (671x268, 57K)

the only thing that sucks is figuring out shit to type for every post

Attached: 1445669742377.png (604x236, 49K)

bizzare finns

Attached: 1448087922454.png (1085x308, 59K)

filthy phone posting

Attached: Screenshot_2015-07-05-19-35-08.png (480x800, 118K)

diy rage

Attached: Screenshot_2015-08-18-02-42-07.png (480x800, 125K)

less phone caps

Attached: 1449468078177.jpg (715x172, 33K)

frogs mayne

Attached: 1460397618648.png (930x531, 179K)

autistic nonsense

Attached: 1455567686540.jpg (470x424, 89K)

anyone still here? originididoo

Attached: 1451807678206.jpg (1275x471, 162K)

What the fuck [in an unironic fashion]

>Give me some pictures that I can post on reddit for epik upvotes!!!

I found this on the webs

Attached: 6df9ddea6d0a60e016f8929ba3e70068d13713f08aba345c7b51eb2f496df29d_1~2.jpg (1080x848, 123K)

Thanks for the dump but I'm tired and I just got done fapping to Stalingrad so I think I'll go to sleep instead of contributing

Nah, i've actually never been on reddit. You could probably find most of these if you googled.

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hello i just want to express to you my late grin from that picture, but i'm aware my post wont be any original if i don't write down some really honest from my heart, have a nice one.

Attached: 144342476285.jpg (755x696, 175K)

>move to Oregon, terrible mistake although I didn't know it
>too autistic for work
>find work in construction company belonging to family
>turns out everyone in Portland is absolutely paranoid about anyone using their bathroom
>companies don't let you
>restaurants won't let you
>no public restrooms
>construction worker policy says we can't use the clients bathroom even if we're completely remodeling the house and they aren't there
>first I ever heard of such strange attitudes, where I lived before every store had a public bathroom and it was considered basic courtesy to allow business partners or clients or customers to use your restroom
>have to shit in Pacos disgusting portable toilet when available, or in a box at the back of the house otherwise
Are all urban areas like this? Was it just because I worked with spics?

Idk. Minnesota is friendly with the bathrooms, but Arizona is real stingy.

it's because a lot of people, mostly homeless, shoot up heroin, meth, or crack in them.

I'll post a few

Oregano is the spice of life

Attached: 1530040599329.png (1176x361, 410K)

Happy sad boi

Attached: sadmen.png (736x333, 18K)

Plague Doctor ofc

Attached: wpqTCgTkznHrmKJJZp815ce7VBByOPVi9ZI7DlK81E.jpg (1782x3560, 529K)


I wish I still had all those retard stories


Attached: Screenshot_20171108023057.png (1440x1209, 335K)

Jesus christ I unironically want to curb stomp this kid.

Only decent greentext
Not even greentext

Attached: 1523263986791.jpg (556x2854, 537K)

At least he will die an incel

Im finnish and i also did that

this is disgraceful. i would never treat a stuffed animal like this.