let's have a screencap thread like we used to back in the day
I'll dump a few like it's a porn thread.
Let's have a screencap thread like we used to back in the day
the only thing that sucks is figuring out shit to type for every post
bizzare finns
filthy phone posting
diy rage
less phone caps
frogs mayne
autistic nonsense
anyone still here? originididoo
What the fuck [in an unironic fashion]
>Give me some pictures that I can post on reddit for epik upvotes!!!
I found this on the webs
Thanks for the dump but I'm tired and I just got done fapping to Stalingrad so I think I'll go to sleep instead of contributing
Nah, i've actually never been on reddit. You could probably find most of these if you googled.
hello i just want to express to you my late grin from that picture, but i'm aware my post wont be any original if i don't write down some really honest from my heart, have a nice one.
>move to Oregon, terrible mistake although I didn't know it
>too autistic for work
>find work in construction company belonging to family
>turns out everyone in Portland is absolutely paranoid about anyone using their bathroom
>companies don't let you
>restaurants won't let you
>no public restrooms
>construction worker policy says we can't use the clients bathroom even if we're completely remodeling the house and they aren't there
>first I ever heard of such strange attitudes, where I lived before every store had a public bathroom and it was considered basic courtesy to allow business partners or clients or customers to use your restroom
>have to shit in Pacos disgusting portable toilet when available, or in a box at the back of the house otherwise
Are all urban areas like this? Was it just because I worked with spics?
Idk. Minnesota is friendly with the bathrooms, but Arizona is real stingy.
it's because a lot of people, mostly homeless, shoot up heroin, meth, or crack in them.
I'll post a few
Oregano is the spice of life
Happy sad boi
Plague Doctor ofc
I wish I still had all those retard stories
Jesus christ I unironically want to curb stomp this kid.
Only decent greentext
Not even greentext
At least he will die an incel
Im finnish and i also did that
this is disgraceful. i would never treat a stuffed animal like this.