Facial Disfigurement

Would Jow Forums date a girl that has abt sort of facial disfigurement?

I know most guys would say no.

Are robots any different?

Seems like you have pretty high and unrealistic standards.

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Well I'm assuming it would be answered with a question that women would ask as well about the disfigured man. To what extent of damage has been done to their face?

i would prefer it i think birthmarks and acne scars and stuff make a girl look interesting. deformed like this is too much though.

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Looks matter very little for guys.

I meant a deformity like pic related

then like i said i think that birthmark makes her look even prettier. interesting girls are known to catch the eye of men actually, that's why colorful hair and stuff is so popular with women. smart guys of course understand things like that are a red flag but i can't get any girl so that's not an issue for me and i can like scene chicks.

One of my exes had a big ol' birthmark on her cheek. It would grow hairs!
I didn't really care about it, but she still got it removed. She was also fat but not morbidly obese

I am legitimately surprised.

Jow Forums never ceases to amaze...

A nice body, nice feelings.
I would marry a blind/deaf cutie
Maybe with some limbs missing ar completely disabled, no mental retardation though.

Perfect gf.

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He is right tho. The girl in OP's pic is really pretty, and her deformity actually makes her prettier.

This one looks very pretty and i would like to see her smile and be brave! Girls with deformities are just like everyone else, but a girl who proudly shows it off and doesnt let it hold her back is courageous and deserving of much love

Again. I am shocked. I thought you boys only went for 10/10s.

that's a huge lie to make us look worse many robots have 0 standards.

tbf, 10/10s look really boring.

I think most robots would disagree.

But Pic related is a 10/10.

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>I think most robots would disagree.
i would disagree with that

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She is pretty, but young white women look pretty boring, Maybe I am just desensitized to seeing them all over the media

lmfao im the second comment in that

Olivia Cooke is British. She is hardly white.

god acts through you my son

>tfw no olivia cooke gf

i havent talked to her or heard from her here in weeks but there is this Scarface redhead that posts her occasionally i wish she would post a pic so we could see

Also bruises and black eyes are my fetish, so that girl is a fucking 10/10

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Chantal Sebire
effects of cancer, after refusing treatment. the cancer burrowed through her sinuses, nasal cavities, and eye socket, leaving her face severely disfigured