Skinny Skeleton men UNITE

Fellow Skinny Skeleton's of r9k let's unite.
>133 - 136 ibs
Specail abilities???
>Drink So much milk that my bones are harder than chads 9 inch cock, People actually feel pain when they hit my bones.

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Who here under 100lbs guy?

you gotta be like 5'2 to be under 100 ibs.
I really feel bad for anyone under 5'2 and under 100 ibs.

5ft7 but I suppose there are guys taller than me.
I'm skinny but I'm not anorexic.

5'8 110 lbs here
I was 100lbs 2 months ago but im breaking out of it baby
My skeleton power is women constantly telling me they wish they were my weight

>tfw your skeleton power is woman constantly never talking with you

I'm 5'9 and 143lbs. I'm just slim. Are you really that skinny OP?

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im 6'0 and 141 you are nothing 2 me

>mtn dew consumption rates higher than honey boo boo's mom

Take a look at those american standarsd

yes, I used to be like 5'7ish 114 ibs three years ago. then i started eating better but now i've hit another wall

>145 lbs

currently training my entire ass off, eating about 3500 calories a day, getting in shape to join the army

gained about 20 lbs of mostly muscle in the last three weeks.


see you in sevastopol cunts

>gained about 20 lbs of mostly muscle in the last three weeks.
i lold, u dont believe this right?

How your hair health is going?

Whaddup guys
>Have a date this friday somehow
Wish me luck

lmao 6'0 116 lbs here

5'10 and 110
i have to give up because i definitely have some sort of body dysphoria thing where if i even think im gaining weight i freak out

Loving the amount of skelly-related threads today!
>5'9" (175 cm)
>115 lbs (53 kg)
Special abilities:
High pain threshold. Also the ability to eat anything I please without getting skinnyfat, unlike many skeletons.

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good so far, i take good care of it

What exactly does your torso look like? I'm the same height but 12kg heavier. I want to lose weight but not as much as you. Can you show an example of what you look like, be it a pic of your chest or an example from the internet?

how are u alive also checked

Here's an unsolicited wrist pic.

Attached: ayylmao.jpg (192x320, 18K)

Good morning folks.
>170 cm
>58 kg
>Don't really have a special ability... sorry.

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Do you eat something in particular to help your hair?

Thanks for posting a catgirl. Have a good morning, user.

user I weigh as much as you at 6'1.

6 ft 155 lbs I have no ass

Pushing it there buddy foor being a skele

Much heavier than you guys but also not a manlet
>6ft. 3in. (188cm)
>158lbs (72kg)
> can easily eat and drink 4.5lbs for a meal and won't feel the need to eat for a whole day afterwards.

I'm skele that ascended to normal weight but got into a car accident and went back to the bone pit, I don't know anyone who's succesfully gained wieght, then managed to lose most of it
Also, what are these threads for? Are we trying to gain weight here or just drink our milk and jerk off with our twink arms?

Attached: don't give up skele.jpg (534x486, 35K)

>158 lbs
>I have a sunken chest as a bonus

Bro I know this feel!!!
6'2" and also have pectus, I swear it's like if you have that shit your pre-destined to be on this site because an abnormal amount of anons have either PE or PC

I used to be 5'5" and 88lb when I was in HS.

Skinny boys have pretty hands I just wanna suck their fingers

hey skelly brother I'm 6'0 120 lbs. My power is that my legs look nice in slim pants

Any skelly want a chubby gf?

You sure wanna break some hips

5'11, 110 here. Rattlin every day. I fucking love being a skeleton.

That's not skelly at all. I'm 5'7 115 and I consider myself skinnyfat.

I will be gentle with him!

6'3", 130lbs, Sadomasochistic Schizophrenia

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Yes I only want a chubby gf


My super power is that about once a year I will get a tremendous amount of inspiration to gain weight, look up a ton of stuff online on what I should do to accomplish it, and promptly give up and forget about it a few days later.

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Kill me please


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>99 lbs
Get on my level faggots

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Who /slightlyathletic/ here?

>this makes my peepee hard hurdurdur

Hey fuck you man, that woman looks waifu tier to me, i don't care about the faggot getting choked.

>Height and weight
>like this means anything

Post your shoulder to shoulder width, larping shitfuck.