So Jow Forums, what is the best way to get these god like looks? Tons of Cardio and light exercise, or cutting and heavy lifting?
So Jow Forums, what is the best way to get these god like looks? Tons of Cardio and light exercise...
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Great genetics and not mixing with shitskins would be a good start since im guessing you dont look anything like this to begin with
Real answer cutting and heavy lifting
losing a world war
What the FUCK did they do to get those serratus?
Good optics.
Testosterone and amphetamines lol
step one go to kroger buy a gallon of milk,
a gallon a day and do your uppercuts.
those are soviet gym teachers, not nazis
They're communists lol
Cardio and light exercise as you said.
Plus have the testosterone levels of europeans 100 years ago, when they ate organic food, grass feed meat and were not surrounded by plastic.
>losing a world war
just lol
None of these niggers is natty
I'm 100% sure there were shitloads of drugs, free of charge, for everyone at the time.
They are literal public school PE teachers from all over the country btw
WW2 was before steroids
That's what that want you to think
Phone posting took another victim
why the fuck everyone assumes that they're Germans when they're Russians and the picture was taken in 1956 and not before WWII
Because the Nazis put out a lot similar "Aryan Ideal" propaganda
Being active from the age you can walk onwards
Phases of fasting due to world wars and bad economic management
Manual labour
all of them have good serratus and good transverse abdominis which shows good posture (not sitting all day) and none of them have the typical features of unfit gym rats like big chests and biceps.
Don't eat plastic food
>good transverse abdominis
how can i get this? used to have a sick core but the last 4 years ive been a lazy fuck sitting 12 hours a day.
how do i get a good transverse abdominis again?
Raw steak and eggs
tick tick BOOM!
>it’s impossible to get muscles naturally
That’s how retarded you sound
Technically still correct despite these guys being Russian considering Russia lost WW1.
Methamphetamine was legal and available OTC during this time in Nazi Germany
Read pic related for more info
westenoid cope
pushups and cabbage
soviets didn't lose
>nazi german
good thing we are looking at regular soviets and not nazi germans
Olympic weightlifting and gymnastics - do both and you will look amazing and have better performance than someone doing just one of them.