Lets see how many people are on this board RIGHT NOW

all lurkers and posters report!

Attached: wrdgy.jpg (811x525, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:


NOBODY report in

I love catgirls.

Attached: 2catgirl.gif (540x432, 1.49M)

Ur mom gay lel


Talk at me

Attached: Pacific Islands.png (1200x781, 418K)

just use Jow Forums stats lmao

Yo yo Chicka nigger



Attached: 1530777292077.jpg (752x750, 93K)

Lurker here
>original oregano from oregon

you lurkers out there know what to do

Ayyy yo white boi, wer femanon at?

The next post is just gonna be me on my phone, but you have no way of proving it. So now your results are flawed by at least 1 point

Hello my fellow dude
>origanal faggy

real lurkers wont respond

testing if im banned
this is not original lol

Attached: 1530133409243.jpg (1278x720, 951K)

Hello everyone! Hopefully we are all having a good time. I'm not....

Attached: FB_IMG_1532475362655.jpg (700x1048, 67K)


Pull my devil trigger, nigger

Attached: D5EF3563-B114-4032-9B3E-740AB41614F3.jpg (736x901, 66K)

What if l don't?

Wassup. Am normie.

Attached: Peak performance.gif (500x285, 1.25M)

>cool kids only

sup retard idiot dummy ugly

Attached: toga.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

I'm here I like all the memes kekekekekeke

Aww jeeze, get the spotlight off me, I'd rather continue looking

Attached: 1531546886680.png (694x463, 649K)

fembot here.
whats everyone up to

Attached: 30E3FBF1-09DB-4BE0-B627-E89439F0E4D3.jpg (614x1024, 54K)

Do you have a discord? I want to chat with you and just be friends. Haha

hi acknowledge me please please pretty please

Fembots are not real for fuck sake

normally I would just ignore these kind of threads, but you telling me not to report in makes me want to rebel and report in anyways.
robot reporting in

Attached: 1484813454246.png (903x600, 667K)

gives attentions to you

Can you give me attention, too? I want you to post an anime girl image, as well.

wow so much attention aaa so much so lucky.
anime picture

Attached: cvnkaa.jpg (749x1200, 72K)

Thank you, Cvnka!

Im here at this very moment, but I want to point out that i am not really a robot.

Just lurking around

Lurker here. Today was my birthday.

Happy birthday. I hope to see you following my master plan and posting here more often like the filthy roach you are soon.

lurking boi reporting in

Is this part of some plot to lure lurkers out of hiding?

>Is this part of some plot to lure lurkers out of hiding?
What are your thoughts on it?

the absolute oreganoman

It's pretty effective since you got plenty of replies. You got us lurkroaches good

Happy birthday! You should post more, friend.

(Not) FBI reporting in

Attached: 1521884966375.jpg (420x420, 51K)

what's going on in this thread frens?

Attached: bodypillow.png (657x800, 105K)

Thanks. Are you a fellow lurkroach?

reporting for retard duty

Attached: 1487990808808s.jpg (125x100, 3K)

I'm a former lurker. I used to be afraid to post despite the anonymity. Is there a reason you mainly lurk?

guess i will stop lurking as much h-hi anons

Attached: Cheerleader mug.jpg (640x1000, 61K)

here, hello

Attached: serveimage.jpg (650x837, 213K)

Hi yes i am here hello

Hey guys, chad reporting in

Attached: german-hairstyles-for-men-german-haircut-men-lovely-ideas-about-german-men-hairstyles-cute-short-hai (300x435, 27K)

Reporting in to beat some weebs

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1532234770487.jpg (386x386, 20K)

s-sorry a-user. If you are here you ain't a c-chad

Attached: 0Bb6mMu.jpg (600x880, 75K)

Crew Cut reporting in, ready to take notes


how the fuck was that not original

Attached: autism is my life.jpg (750x1000, 161K)

Biru brewer man reporting in.
I post in the /b drinking threads too.
Been on r9k back when it was original content in 2008.

Attached: MJ-tyneside-brown-ale.jpg (484x490, 35K)

All present and accounted for!

Wasted potential reporting in.
Howdy, space cowboys?

Attached: 1331279772454.jpg (400x400, 25K)

Here I am. Super originally

Attached: 1532514979999.jpg (715x1000, 80K)

Herro, anon1 here desu

OwO so original desu~

Attached: TrD1t5A.jpg (1009x1200, 138K)

Sup original bro

Attached: 2EB80FFD-6ADD-4D92-823A-2EBDA3401822.gif (500x373, 487K)

hello all of my frens, would you like to take one?

Attached: 1531801288564.jpg (1038x850, 90K)

You can't make me report in faggot. I aint doin shit till you

Right here, faggot

>origami origini

Just woke up, reporting in.

Attached: 1528712309511.png (837x1080, 487K)

Any actual robots left?
Walking on a busy beach on 4th of july with normies every where is basically what r9k has become and ive never felt more alone in my life.

i want to die

Attached: 245807CD-A78F-441A-A83C-61796F2179D1.jpg (640x709, 99K)

Somehow eating dinner at 6am reporting in.

I'm in the class right now, Reporting in

Attached: nichijou_01.png (704x396, 154K)

Charge your phone sweetie

just want night back

Attached: 1531034602085.jpg (569x599, 31K)

As you wish, Commander!

>I'm not....
me too

Attached: 1530712510382.jpg (660x1877, 489K)

red pepe standing by
origano comento

Attached: angry_pepe.jpg (900x900, 65K)

Reporting in from the flatlands of Dahl

Attached: 137A2F59-6029-46E0-BCA4-0C41AE3E67BA.gif (256x256, 1.24M)

heres your (you) op
hows everyones day going?

Attached: 4.png (180x157, 21K)

Hi how are you going you absolute unit.

Another user reporting in.

What is up my spics and homies

I am phoneposting

Attached: 1506043289204.jpg (444x447, 24K)

Same fren, I got a new phone and am content. Mimi seems like an ok app.

why not.
Reporting originally

pi-pipipii pi-pipipii
pingu pingu

Attached: treason.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Checking in OP, it's good to see some fellow lurking anons. Sometimes feels like this board is just filled with screeching tards.


Attached: fuck u need, youngling.png (540x788, 280K)

ye im in wehn see me

Attached: 50336d2572cfbc680264ceb3f50d774e2207de2e.png (657x527, 45K)

i-i would post here but sheklingstineburg is going to have my ass

Attached: 1532196508414.png (320x240, 8K)

howdy ho negro

Attached: 1530818899152.jpg (960x1280, 217K)