>want a house, a car, a 2.5 kids with a wife
>hate communism with a passion
>support Trump
I feel so fucking alienated among my peers. The only people who understand me tend to be the literal boomers that I work with. I feel way more in touch with their generation really. Anyone else feel this way?
Want a house, a car, a 2.5 kids with a wife
Other urls found in this thread:
its the worse time to be alive with those hopes and dreams user, sorry to say.
>want a house, a car, a 2.5 kids with a wife
OK, except the car.
>hate communism with a passion
You confuse your lack of understanding for hate.
>support Trump
You're braindead. Don't try to argue with me, try to do something quick before your mind turns to complete soup for your own good.
imagine being this stupid yet so self assured
Most people feel alienated user, that's the contemporary condition. Everyone is in their own little sub-cultures and feels a cold loneliness even in the crowded sardines case of the morning commute on the train or the elevator at work.
My question is why do you have those desires and beliefs, not a criticism you understand, I'm just trying to see where those beliefs come from and if they are integral to your identity
>tfw counterculture is having a family and being a respectable member of society
what the fuck happened
Thanks for posting a catgirl, user. She's laughing, too.
Didn't say I was "counter culture" just that most kids in my gen (gen z) are left wing as fuck.
>You confuse your lack of understanding for hate.
you seem to be the one confused here. hatred of communism is generally a direct result of understanding communism
That's right goy, support BASED Trump, he loves Israel, which is our greatest friend and ally. Together we'll own the libs epic style.
>grrr i hate society, also i want to support it and keep the system going while the elites fuck me harder with each passing year, i am so counterculture tho haha
most people realized how shitty their parents were and don't want to commit the same mistakes.
Also you're confusing like 20% of the population with being the majority.
>want a house, a car, a 2.5 kids with a wife
It's not that hard buy some shitbox in the ghetto, get some thot pregnant, and put everything on credit. That's what poorfag normies do and pretty soon you'll experience capitalism in its full glory.
>You're braindead. Don't try to argue with me
You sound insufferable to engage with.
Not an argument.
> hatred of communism is generally a direct result of understanding communism
Read Manufacturing Consent please.
Islamophobia has watered down traditional Islamic values. At least for me I feel like most other Muslims my age are abandoning family values in order to be accepted by Western society, which never valued family or respectability in the first place.
>LOL not an argument :^)
>LOL read this one thing and then base your entire opinion on that one thing and ignore everything else and then you will agree with me :^)
by the guy who thought the Khmer Rouge was a sweet deal. pass.
I understand you but don't share all your feels. I don't want a house car or kids, I dislike communism and am fine with trump but don't have strong feelings about anything. Every day I slip further and further into being a non-entity.
>>LOL read this one thing and then base your entire opinion on that one thing and ignore everything else and then you will agree with me :^)
Manufacturing Consent isn't a book about opinions, it's a presentation of a model based on thoroughly referenced and researched historical information. To suggest American anti-Communism in the way it has driven US foreign policy decisions and has been presented to the public is based on an understanding of the motives behind communist insurgencies is to be entirely counter-factual.
Whether or not you agree with communism is an opinion, but the facts of history are not. And in this case, they contradict your sweeping generalization.
If you find activating your brain cells just a little bit to be insufferable you'd probably be more suited to playing with Play-Doh all day instead of trying to type at a computer.
I'm not the guy you're arguing with but Chomsky contributed very little to Manufacturing Consent. The vast majority of it was written by a guy named Ed Herman who exposed US war crimes and who was more red pilled than you could imagine. Chomsky's contribution was rather small and really only there for the name recognition.
"the great act of genocide in the modern period is Pol Pot, 1975 through 1978 - that atrocity - I think it would be hard to find any example of a comparable outrage and outpouring of fury" - Noam Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent
Nice try, liar.
Also this, good point o
i dont even live in the us
what sweeping generalization?
>I don't want a house car or kids, I dislike communism and am fine with trump but don't have strong feelings about anything.
Congrats for being more of a cuck than OP. At least he expects to get something out of his support the system and the status quo.
>what sweeping generalization?
"hatred of communism is generally a direct result of understanding communism"
>i dont even live in the us
the US media has influence in its allies and client states; as an English-speaker you have been subject to its agenda in at least some form. regardless, my point was a refutation of the idea that large scale anti-communist movements have not been a result of understanding communism at all. US involvement in Indochina and Latin America under motive of anti-communism is a case in point. you living in the US or not is not relevant to the fact that these counter-insurgencies were supported by a media narrative that outright refused to understand why Vietnamese peasants supported the NLF or why the Sandinista government in Nicaragua had more of a popular mandate than the brutal regimes supported by the US in El Salvador and Guatemala. that very few even asked these questions is characteristic of much of anti-communist rhetoric in recent history
It's not. Most people, even in the West, want that type of life.
>I feel way more in touch with
Stop trying to be a part of a group
Not really, I'm an ancom and very few boomers share those views.
>You dumb
>Don't try to argue with me (p-p-p... please)
Shutup and neck yourself already. The U.S needs to isolate it's supply lines to this half of the globe. Resources are drying up globally, with the exception of Africa and South America. Putting America first, is the only solution to the incoming return of resources based warfare. Direct conflict over natural resources. You wanting to live in a shitty hippy bubble, is literally going to get all the smart people killed.
Why do modern Repubs take any criticism of Trump so personally. If anything negative is heard they'll plug their ears and say "fake news fake news". At least the retarded liberals were able to criticise Obama when he did something they disagreed with. Trump's following seems more like a cult. Nobody is allowed to dissent about literally anything or you must be a traitor. I feel bad for any actual conservatives.
Why do you support Trump? I don't think he's had a real impact on the housing market, yet.
>Resources are drying up globally, with the exception of Africa and South America.
Why is that in spite of all the times that malthusians and Neo-malthusians predicted catastrophe its always "THIS TIME its going to be different..."
>. Direct conflict over natural resources. You wanting to live in a shitty hippy bubble, is literally going to get all the smart people killed.
It's the system driving nations to war and its about profits, not resources...
communism is just naive
it depends on the idea that
a) an established state will be able to be removed (willingly or forcefully) from power by people working as freely associated individuals
b) that a loose association of free people without the backing of a central commanding authority will be able to consistently defend against internal and external actors from creating a new state
c) the inherent inequalities in birth and in upbringing will not result in an endless cycle of perceived struggle that results in the utter destruction of a communist society
not to mention being dependent on the idea of post-scarcity, which is not a feasible possibility quite yet
at least ancaps, meme ideology that they are, embrace point c and have the potential to account for point b in an ideal scenario (even though they too fail in regards to point a)
communism, in its current form and in the current time, cannot address most long-term problems in a feasible manner
the fuck, have you never been on Jow Forums?
trump gets shit on for being a "globalist crypto-kike cuck" every few minutes
even my grandpa checks the news every day to see if trump has finally done something in support of 2nd amendment rights only to be increasingly disappointed every day
>he fact that these counter-insurgencies were supported by a media narrative that outright refused to understand why Vietnamese peasants supported the NLF
That reminds of me a great clip from Fog of War
>I feel way more in touch with their generation really
I'm 20 and I've done my life right by the boomer playbook EXCEPT the borrowing shit tons of money part.
I think you are missing his point user. He isn't defending communism as much as pointing out that your hate of communism has been grown and developed as a propaganda tool to justify the policing of the world by the US.
If it wasn't, you certainly wouldn't give two shits about some communist country in South America trying to survive among st a capitalist world with nothing but "a loose association of free people without a certain commanding authority."
Uh, distributing resources evenly among the local populace isn't counter to communism. If you are trying to say that Trump being "isolationist" is somehow going to prevent resource-based warfare he has very directly done the opposite. The Trump admin's decision to drop the conflict mineral reporting requirements and it's subservience to Saudi interests exacerbate resource based warfare. Your shitty reality that you support is already getting thousands of people in the Middle East and Africa killed.
88% of Republicans support Trump. He is the most popular president among Republicans ever; the only higher approval rate was for Bush immediately after 9/11. They love him because he is fat, old, white, racist, addicted to television, and willfully ignorant just like them. In order to understand them you have to actually imagine being in the mind of a stupid person to "get it".
but my hatred of communism wasnt created by the us. it was initially created by communists constantly spewing their ideology at me and calling me an idiot for not following it instead of trying to debate or explain it to me like a normal person
after so many situations like that (all failing to actually tell me what in the everliving fuck they actually believed in and why they thought it was right) i decided to look into it myself and concluded that most of these people are naive idealists at best and actively ignorant of reality at worst
and no, i dont care about any country but my own
i can feel some vague sympathy for the people living in other countries, and i can learn from the mistakes made in and by other countries, but i feel no emotional attachment to the countries themselves and i care little for their global impact
you say naive, I say ambitious
>tfw just want a slave that I masturbate with every month that pops out the occasional kid
>tfw hate poor people even though you're a tumor away from being homeless
>tfw hate that spics and niggers are making your boss treat you like shit
>tfw bootlicker
>tfw 16 going on 55
Communist detected
Communism is just the idea that
>there are two classes in capitalism: those who own the factories (the Bourgeoisie) and those who work in the factories (the Proletariat)
>Because the Proletariat must sell their labor to the Bourgeoisie, they are essentially commodities. This, and the fact that workers don't have autonomy in their workplace, causes devestating alienation among the Proletariat.
>As well, labor is the core of all value. Thus, a worker producing a commodity creates a certain amount of value. However, the worker's boss takes the biggest cut of what their workers produce simply because they own the factory. So, in essence, the Proletariat makes bread but they only get crumbs. This is called surplus labor.
>Therefore, the only way to overcome these issues (Marx called them contradiction) is for the Proletariat to revolt against the Bourgeoisie so that they can run the factories themselves democratically. It would be just like how the Capitalists revolted against the Nobility in order to establish Capitalism. This struggle between different classes across history for dominance is called Dialectical Materialism.
In summary, Communism is about getting rid of your boss and running things yourself.
Marx is kind of intimidating for a lot of people, Americans especially. If you read Capital, though, it's really just a book about coat prices and dumb math with some obscure jokes mixed in.
I'm not an expert by any means, but of you have any questions OP I'd be happy to answer.
You probably just don't see a lot of people. I wonder if there is correlation with your values and being socially inept. or maybe the values are a result of the internet and those that spend more time on the internet are less likely to live a fulfilled social life. Anyways, I can feel this way, except I don't really connect with adults like you do either. It's not really a disconnection of beliefs as I don't look at others first, its more of a disconnection of being. Maybe you should try keeping your values private, if that's what you want. I don't mean to be scared to speak up for what you believe in, but don't focus on the stuff that usually polarizes people if you don't want to feel alienated. I'd go as far as saying as abandon your judgement to connect with others. I suppose it would be the best way to meet people in larger quantities and thus will allow you to dig through and find the quality you want.
older adults*
>there are two classes in capitalism: those who own the factories (the Bourgeoisie) and those who work in the factories (the Proletariat)
See, that's the issue with communism, it's extremely dated. As in, it hasn't been amended to fit the times since the industrial revolution.
If we only separate the workers and the bosses, then that would mean CEOs and other executives are members of the proletariat, because they don't actually own the means of production, they only work for the owner of the company.
Not that this much even matters, because every single time communism is implemented, one man ends up taking all the power and they starve their captive population like the nation is a giant concentration camp, and have a secret police force that makes anyone who says "this system of things is bad" disappear. If it grows into a protest, then they gun down the protesters like they did in 1989. That's the communism everyone talks about, the one where everyone is held captive as slaves to the dictatorship and barred from the outside by walls, razor wire, and armed guards, even if it's not real communism, because it's what realistically happens when communism is tried. Real communism never results, only systems like the Soviet Union or China. And in the end, all those dreamers that spoke about the glories of communism uniting the working people get lined up against the wall and shot, because they're no longer needed.