Over the past several years, I've shot down the advances of over a dozen girls that wanted to go out with me, and following that, I ghosted their asses. Some of them were really attractive also, and had nice personalities. Am I Chad yet Jow Forums?

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No, you're just an idiot.
Originally original

I rejected what everyone of this board prays and dreams for. I rejected it over a dozen times. I rejected it just because I could. I am stronger and more powerful than everyone here.

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Have fun being alone retard

Yeah nice larp.
Either that or you're a fucking closet case.

If I was to be hit on and reject girls it would make me a failed normalfag instead of a robot or a chad. chad destroys roasties and slays puss. robots don't get hit on.

I`m going with the mainstay, that OP prefers, over the company of women, that sort of human with a Y chromosome, and also the cock.

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You are all too weak to do what I have done over a dozen times. I bet you would go for a fat disease ridden cow if she offered. Weaklings.

I am saving myself for the woman who appears in my dreams. The one my heart yearns for.

I am an anti-Chad. I do to women what they have done to you. You should be thanking me.

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No. You failed so hard you have no idea. I can't even start to tell you how many mistakes you made. It's one girl with multiple accounts, and some other guy she hooked doing the same. You got cat fished by 2 people minimum. This is going to backfire on you hard, they're going to try to dox you (not openly) and go after you now.

>I do to women what they have done to you. You should be thanking me.
*smacks teeth* you aight old fag

why would I care about who you are or what you have done? I don't interact with women. I don't hate women. I don't care about people I'll never meet. Whatever you did is unlikely to have a strong, lasting effect.

This happened in real life, when at my high school and at college, not online. Online dating is for fags trying to hookup with land whales.

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u hurt pretty girls feelings :(



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if you need r9k to tell you that youre chad then no, youre not chad.

Well, next time I post here, it'll be an image dump of girls covered in my cum. I, a true Aryan Albanian Scythio-Sarmatian, lowered myself to the standing of a robot, of an incel, of a virgin. And how do you treat me, eh? I get back at the girls that hurt you guys, and how you treat me? You treat me like shit. Fuck you.

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you are unironically going to die alone.

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Ive only ever been hit on by ugly girls. I never rejected them because i was horny. I wish i had more self control like you

No but you might be gay friend

Too late. I'm going to fuck every qt that comes down my path now. I'll fuck em, cum on them, take a picture, and leave them. I was like Jesus. I lowered myself to your standing to understand you, and you treat me like shit. Now I'm defecting to the other side. Fuck you niggers. Also, it's always the cute nerdy girls the try to get my attention, so I'll be fucking the girls you desire the most.

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Go home Shad. You're drunk.

Post a pic of yourself for confirmation.


This is all you are getting. Not going to doxx myself. I look maxed myself for nerdy and loner girls, and it works fucking well. I also have good bone structure, wide cheek bones and shit.

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You're objectively fucking pathetic. Immediately smash your face into your desk over and over for posting this wretched, omega tier shit.

>Lonely and nerdy girls
Such a thing even exist?

Yeah. There's always been a decent amount of them, at least at colleges and uni's. Past that, idk.

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Is this nazgul?

No. But I spread nazgoth memes.

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I get hit on by women alot. I'm also gay and have no boyfriend so you're more that likely a fag also.

I just have morals, brah.

I've regarded the whole thing with nothing derision and scorn for a long time but awhile ago I was talking to a girl I know about relationship shit and she used the word demisexual to describe me. I'd never use it since it's largely unnecessary as I'm ultimately just hetero with specific preferences but despite my disdain for the special snowflake type people who apply labels like that to themselves the fact that there was a word for my preferences was kind of neat.

Lets just fuck a bunch of girls to spite these betas.

You only rejected them because you're too big of a pussy to actually go out with them

No youre a stupid cunt