My mother doesn't approve of me housing and caring for a mentally ill girl for grocery money and some cleaning in...

My mother doesn't approve of me housing and caring for a mentally ill girl for grocery money and some cleaning in return.

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Maybe she's right user.

sounds like a good life bro.

what kind of mentally ill? is she retarded?

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As far as I know she's attempted suicide a few times and her legs are covered in self harm scars. She's also recovering from an addiction to oxycodone.

I think I`d like to read some greentext.

Don't feel bad user I would do the same, ofcourse if she was the arthoe qt of my dreams. Is she cute?

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was okay until the drugs.
not a good idea friend.

Broken girls have ridden miles of dick user. You are basically a beta provider husband and you don't even get to have sex once a week.

It's charity. You're housing the homeless. Your Mom is a cunt that wants you to be alone.

Yeah, people with past drug issues are bad news. Prepare to get your shit stolen.

She's decent. She's slim and fit, not extraordinarily attractive but you could say cute I guess.

She had to get tested for a job she got. She's clean and she says she has been since she started staying with me.

I'm pretty sure she rode the train to pay for pills before she decided to try and actually live a life. It really doesn't bother me.

She was homeless when she came to me.

This, I found a girl hiding in our house almost a year after we'd been living in it. I gf'd her so she could live normal instead of hiding.

Greentext on the stories please.

So what's the relationship between both you of you like?

Breach was the ultimate waifu

We were childhood friends. We hang out in my apartment a good bit but it's definitely all platonic. Just a lot of good conversation and watching stuff together because she has no social life.

the thing about drug addiction is that the chance of relapse increases the longer a person goes without their fix
at the same time, the damage of a relapse increases exponentially based on time spent clean
so the longer an addict goes without their drug fix, the worse drugs and greater dependency they are likely to fall into when they relapse
the list of people who have completely beat addiction is very short
i highly advise against housing her long-term

That's great. I don't plan on taking anecdotal advice from an anonymous person on Jow Forums very seriously.

Post pics of hobo girl

>We were childhood friends

To hell with your mom, then.

Unless you're fucking her it's not worth it.

Fuck her


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As long as you're pleased with the arrangement and she isn't a bad roommate. I hope for your sake you're not crushing on her?

She was really good to me when I was a fat ass in elementary and middle school. It probably doesn't seem that important but I still appreciate the way she treated me even if it was all just helping me with angst.

I'm aiming for being roommates to be honest. I don't need sex to make helping her worth it.

Not currently. I don't really get infatuated with people very quickly. If I do it will take time.

Post a pic, its not like we can track her down. She was a bum afterall. At least her bod

Ahhh, Generator Rex! Now that sure wasn't just another kiddy cartoon!

why did you even post? what was your goal here?
did you think we would be jealous of you being in slight physical contact with a female?
did you think we would praise you as some sort of saint?
what do you want from us?
this is objectively right

Am thinking of adopting a neet myself. I... didnt said anything to him yet tho. She approached you or the other way around? Could you post greentext of it and how were the first days?

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If it fails can you adopt me instead? 24 year old NEET here

If it fails I will probably make a thread for potential others. I was inspired by the adopt a neet thread on /soc/, did you checked it out already?

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No I never go on /soc/. Can you give me a link?

Are you a female(female)?

Well, almost every board have its gems, /soc/ is complete trash except for that one thread. Im on my phone rn, idk how to link stuff like that. Im a 24yo male too

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where do you buy NEET girls?

Discord unironically is a place to start :^)

I've never used Discord, is there a page there where people sell NEET women?

He said girls, not trannies.


>skin where the shirt is lifted

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This sounds nice.
I just want to give somebody a safe and comfy home.

Man, my mom is always so intrusive. She apparently try to use an app that'll allow her to see my phone, somehow. She thinks that the internet is trying to make me a slave or something. I have this one online friend, who's really my only friend outside family and we'll talk then she'll come in and ask me why am I talking to him and ask if I was in a romantic relationship with him. I mean, I do have some attraction towards him but He's not a faggot. Lately He's too busy with school and work to really have the same levels of time we would spend with each other and I'm getting concerned whenever or not he really likes me or not.

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bump cuz want greentext

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