My obsession with this actress I have a crush on is getting fucking worse

My obsession with this actress I have a crush on is getting fucking worse.

It's her birthday today and I want to get on Twitter to congratulate her and send her some of my poetry. Do you think she'd appreciate it? I love her so fucking much, I can't stand that she would think of me as less than dirt if we ever met. I'm fucking scum to her, a worm that means nothing just like the rest of the population.

I want to be something to her. I want her to see how much I care about her, but she would just be revolted and disgusted if she COULD even see such a thing. She is a beautiful Goddess with innumerable great qualities; an angel in human flesh, something otherworldly, a highly advanced space alien even. How could someone like that EVER find room in their heart for a lowly, pathetic subhuman such as myself?

Pic unrelated.

Attached: Japanese Analysis of Proper Culinary Preparation.jpg (611x131, 14K)

if it's well written then yes, i think something very high tier may surprise her positively (if she even reads it that is, and isn't a brainlet)

Here's something I've been working on tonight. Do you think it'll make an impression on her?

>Navigational defects, ready to sink,
>I'm standing in the river of mud
>trying to work out all of the kinks
>in my ankles and feet, boots filled with mud

>Here are my thoughts and feelings for you to read
>I'm not as wealthy or entertaining as you
>my life thus far has been an unwatered seed,
>left in the dirt with nothing else left to do

>I know you make me glow
>I think I could do the same
>for you if you got to know
>me and my only name

>>in my ankles and feet, boots filled with mud
should read "boots filled with blood", sorry

Tell us who she is and show us your poetry.

Elizabeth Gillies

here's one of the poems I'm working on

DMs or are you going to tweet it at her?

Did you watch Victorious when it aired? That's when I first found out about her. I loved her character, so hot.

What do you think is the best way to do it?
I didn't watch it when it aired, but I've started watching it lately out of boredom and I kind of fell in love with her.

If you tweet it, you'll be traceable I believe. But it'll probably give you a better chance for her to see it. I'm not sure how DMs for celebrities look like though so I could be wrong.

What do you mean? I'm not trying to harass her or anything. Is it not okay to give her a poem?

I mean we can probably find you if you tweet it at her. So what final product you make out of this thread, we can probably find you on twitter once you send it.

this poem is all about you, not her.

Oh. That's fine, my Twitter account doesn't have my real name or contact info or anything.

Or I could make a new one just for this.

I know, it's driving me crazy. I want to write more about her but it's hard not to talk about your own feelings when you're writing poetry.

Let me see if I can get another one worked out.

Eh it'll be a small chance anyway, but I wanted to warn you. Since it has no info anyway, you're good.

What do you think, good enough to give to her?

>God had a child before
>If he had a second, it would be you
>In your inside, at your core
>you are the greatest a Maker can do

>Steel spine, eyes of a lioness,
>forcefully violent yet pure
>Protector of the weakest,
>their savior and their cure

>The sun gave your spirit
>and the moon gave you your heart
>In case you can't hear it,
>the world sings psalms to your art

Errr.... doesn't speak to her personal qualities - this poem could be about literally anyone - it needs to be tied in unique attributes rather than the absolutes she is the superlative of.

Maybe the first verse, but the second verse talks about her super assertive and compassionate personality and her distinctively wild eyes, while the third verse talks about the energy she has in her attitude (the Sun's spirit) while having a mysterious and gorgeously dark depth of feeling (the Moon's heart).

And it ends with the appreciation and gratitude of the world over for her amazing gifts and contributions to all of our lives.

>but the second verse talks about her super assertive and compassionate personality
without being tethered to something she does that exemplifies it

>and her distinctively wild eyes
that's teh only thing that's tied to her.

>while the third verse talks about the energy she has in her attitude (the Sun's spirit)
again, could be about anyone because you ahven't tied it into a behavior that's unique to her

> while having a mysterious and gorgeously dark depth of feeling (the Moon's heart).
that's word salad mate.

I don't know if I want to put too much emphasis on her physical beauty though. I feel like it debases her by focusing on her skin deep qualities (even though she is stunningly beautiful).

that's why you want talk about behaviors, things she does

Let me try another one then. Maybe this will be better.

My concern is dude that you're exhibiting classic 'idealization' tendencies - you're not in love with her, she's just a kind of hanging hook for your confused feelings or perhaps a need to project these feelings onto something or someone.

Naturally if you are projecting this idealization onto her, aside from the preposterously slim chance that she will actually see your poem, there's a very slim chance she'll actually respond to it even if she does and when that reaction doesn't match up to your expectations it'll hurt you.

>I see the things you do for others
>You tell a joke to lift them high
>and magically make an elixir you stir
>to get them sailing the sky

>I hear the songs you sing
>in your art, the bobbing music you make;
>With your voice the melody rings
>and leaves me in a daze I can't shake

>And I feel the roles you portray
>when you act as another on screen
>Everything you do, everything you say
>when you act is so sacred and clean

There are ways to reach these people if youre that interested reach out to her management. Its going to cost you most likely tho

No, I can't explain it. She has something so intense about her. Yes, part of it is her physical beauty but it's more the fact that she can kind of cut through the bullshit of life, y'know? Like nothing and no one can make her bend or break.

That sort of strength is intoxicating to me because it's so unfamiliar but insanely impressive and stunning. It feels like someone's shocking me with a high voltage current whenever she gets that fucking LOOK in her eyes, like she's about to do something both very noble yet also somewhat "bad" or against the rules.

Not to mention the fact that she's insanely talented at so many different things. I'm very attracted to creativity and raw artistic passion.
Nah, the most they would ever give me is an autographed t-shirt or something, I'm sure. I highly doubt they'd let me actually meet and talk to her for longer than thirty seconds or something.