approximately how many hours per day do you spend fantasizing about this?
Approximately how many hours per day do you spend fantasizing about this?
Enjoy squashing eachother's arms under your body weight, normies
anywhere between 90 minutes and 2 hours erry day I would say. I should add that it's somewhere between vague memories and fantasizing.
Zero. I usually fantasize about just talking to Her, and OTKing her until she cries.
My sexual fantasies have ascended.
My mind can't form such clear fantasies, as much as I'd like to. I just think about annoying memories all day that I'm distracted with something.
Approximately zero amount of time
.01 hours a day. Im being completely honest too. Thats how deprived I am, I dont even acknowledge its possibilities of ever happening
Whenever the fantasy starts feeling real, my mind and body suddenly reject it for feeling "weird". Autism is a powerful curse.
Boys haven't liked holding me in the past, so it's usually not a good visualization when it does happen
this, I prefer it when they rest their head on my chest or shoulder so I can envelope them with my arms.
Although sleeping with a hand full of titty is nice, especially when they grab your hand and put it there.
what I miss from women is back rubs. I always preferred to sleep alone because I move and h8 being awoken because of someone else.
Maybe 10 minutes every third day.
A combination of these two. I don't think about it until the loneliness gets too bad, then once the fantasy starts getting real I remember that I haven't even held another persons hand and that looking someone in the eyes makes me uncomfortable. Even my taste in porn is just devoid of intimacy because I can't understand it.
>Even my taste in porn is just devoid of intimacy because I can't understand it.
Fuck that hurts. I'll be reading hentai, and if the couple is all lovey dovey and stuff and there isn't an underlying current of comedy, rape, hate fucking, defiling, or a combination, I feel awkward and close it.
Maybe 30 minutes or however long it takes me to drift off to sleep, I think it would be nice to have a cuddle but don't give it much thought other than then.
>I feel awkward and close it.
Too real. We are meant for more than this... we deserve love goddamit...
I do this for 4-6 hours everyday as we both are cuddle addict NEETs who just cuddle or play games.
1 when i wake up
2 in the afternoon
3-4 in nighttime
I've noticed recently that I lie in bed during my waking hours for one or two hours just fantasizing about cuddling and making passionate love with a long term gf that will eventually be my wife.
Since I was 14, I haven't been able to drift off at night without cuddling one of my pillows and having imaginary conversations with it, pretending that my pillow is her.
I'm getting older, and I won't be able to drink these feels away forever. God help me.
Every time I get home and lay down on my king size bed
I barely ever watch real porn anymore because I've lost any real attraction to it
Hentai is barely enough when I want to jack it
How could a guy cuddle me without noticing that im holding my breath so he doesnt think im fat? silly user
>implying that I wouldn't like feeling that little bit of chub as we cuddle
>knowing that there's more of you to feel reaffirnming that you're real and actually there
Someday user. I believe that you deserve love.
have you actually taken the time to analyze how FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE that is? you've got half the space you normally would, there's literally no position in which your left arm would feel comfortable, you've got hair in your mouth and you can't even sleep because boner.
Never. My subconscious tell me that I will never be good enough to deserve it. I just can't see the day.
too many, too bad a 'fembot' crushed my heart so now I always catch myself when I fantasize about this and stop it asap since women only love good looks
>and you can't even sleep because boner.
You can hold a bf/gf in your arms and not get a boner you pathetic virgin
>tfw no skinny small breasted girl with a nice butt to cuddle with so I can feel her heart beat and her bum at the same time
too many to count man
silly silly user, I'd cry if you touched my stomach
You're both wrong, getting a boner while cuddling is comfy.
I'm talking from experience, I'm not a virgin. maybe you don't get a boner from the ugly ass weeb slut you managed to acquire, but don't vent your frustration on me.
I only like cuddling after sex, when it's time to sleep, I just retreat to my half of the bed.
Zero, actually, I don't fucking care about women okay?
I'm so much superior to most of this board Jesus
i had a girlfriend for two years who was really cuddle needy. every morning after she slept over she would wake up and cuddle up to me and when i petted her she would promptly fall asleep again on my chest for at least an hour if i kept petting her. she always looked very peaceful. if you are aware that things probably wont last it gives you special appreciation for those moments, not a single moment was i ever annoyed and bored by it, i always cherished it.
now shes been gone for half a year but i can so vivdly remember those mornings because i soaked them all in and while it sounds incredibly cheesy i am not just sad but there is also still happiness in my heart due to these memories and i am thankful that i have them
sorry for REEE having a gf but maybe some will understand
I had a gf met online, and we get the chance to see each other for a couple of days. I took high risks for visiting her place, but these moments in bed while we cuddled, her as small spoon and me as big spoon, were totally worth it.
I miss those days man.
0 hours and 0 days. When you get to a certain age >tfw no gf feels become so obsolete you are much more concerned on what are you going to do with the rest of your life.
Because it's not worth all the bullshit you have to go through to get to that point with a bitch.
None but I spend every night and morning I go to sleep and wake up thinking about this.
>Tfw no mommy gf that is older than you to cuddle you nightly.
I don't really fantasize about that necessarily, but a better life in general. A life I could have had.
About 6 hours a day, and then I only get to do it for ~1 waking hours on work days. Days off are spent in bed with her.
1 or 2 if Im being totally honest
I hate fantasy scenes in movies. You know the ones, where some miraculous life changing thing happens and everyone claps and it hard cuts to
>Doris? You paying attention?
I try not to fantasize too much like that, that self-insert kind of fantasy, but I indulge in a fantasy-fueled wank every now and again
Between 30 and 45 hours per day.
Last some months I've been waking up in the middle of the night crying, overcome with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I have dreams where she's dying. Then I stay up till daybreak.
Days are all right, I guess, relatively.
That's the sweetest thing I've heard on this shitty board in a very long time.
>approximately how many hours per day do you spend fantasizing about this?
24 hours a day
god im so lonely
Probs about 1-2 hours everyday
you cant sleep face to face, the hot breath makes your face all sweaty
I feel like shit for fantasizing about my crush cause he haves a boyfriend
yes you can loser. also enjoy some /u/.
I would love to do that
but sleeping face to face is more romantic I guess
>not turning the air conditioner to it's lowest setting and making your room as cold as possible so that you're forced to cling together to stay warm and things like hot breath wont make you sweaty
I'm not the only one that thought to do this then
i have a few more of these im gonna post
it makes sense to me
Ofcourse you can, kinda. One person just needs to be slightly lower and have their face pointed towards your neck. It's maximum comfy when you also hug and tangle up your legs together.
True, sadly i never have done that
I have studied photos, videos and simulated it all in my head for too much time
Hell no, I live in Spain, imagine all tge heat that it will generate, it would be heatstroke tier.
breathing is hot t b h
and i dont mean temperature-wise
I hope that i can use stuff like virtual reality
Here in italy we arrive at 31 degrees and i still use winter clothes
I try not to fantasize about something I'll never obtain.
Helps keep the suicidal thoughts away.
I try too, but sadly i fail... I am scared that my crush's bf would hate me for this
I can't tell in terms of hours, but about 90% of the time I'm not busy working, I fantasize about finding someone who would like me. I haven't gone to the point of being able to even imagine cuddling yet. The concept is too far removed from my reality.
it's from like three years that nobody even hugs me
I finally got to do it last week. Better than the sex preceding it. Sex is overrated, cuddling is 11/10
True, i would prefer cuddling my crush more than doing sex with him
18 hours/day
The other times I'm sleeping
How about touching each other while cuddling?
just got back from a nap while cuddling my gf like that. you can ama me anything, virgins
I used too until I realized all women are Chads cumdumpsters and the thought of cuddle one of those used up whores is repulsive.
>ama me anything
lmao @ u
rip in pisses
Managed to do this with my fwb, i feel better today but tomorrow i'll think about it again
I just want to be left alone, after all i have witnessed on here and irl about women and how shitty they are, how the base almost everything on looks, money, status etc., how they never truly loves you, by being cheated and see cheating all around me, how rigged and hopeless this fucking system is, how much reality and manga's women are apart and that no matter what I do I'll never achieve that happiness, I prefer to be left alone.
One day, I hope I can rest. sorry for the blog post but I am so tired anons, so tired.
Never have I read a post that I have resonated with more
You mean like feeling her boobs while she rubs her ass on your dick? Thats pretty nice too, but I start fearing for my dick's wellbeing if I'm hard for too long
No I mean jerking each other off (at the same time or one after another) while cuddling
Usually when I go to sleep and when I wake up, it just feels better when in a cosy bed
An hour or so on weekends
Exactly 1 as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep while talking to my pillow and caressing it's "hair".
None anymore. I only fantasize about battles and adventuring now.
I am a KV but I have cuddled before and it's amazing. Too bad it was probably just a tool to manipulate me though
Thats nice too, but at that point I'd rather just have sex.
Usually I don't let this stuff get to me but lately I've been feeling like shit and tfw never cuddled is one of the reasons.
Not much, because I can cuddle my waifu when I feel like it.
All day everyday to have this
there's only 24 hours in a day senpai
Pretty much every night, i try to sleep and then boom tfw no gf fucking keeps me from sleeping
Could really do with some of these right now desu
usually when she's away
having a girl to nuzzle into and be held by is bliss, bury face into her chest and feel safe and cozy
Every day I imagine being the small spoon to a girl
Good thread also making me mad
This. Do you start to yawn uncontrollably once you snap out of the feel, even though you're not sleepy? 'cause that's what happens to me and it's quite annoying.
Bumping because good thread
Cmon it is theeads like these that define r9k we can just let it die!
where manga is this?
All my fantasies about gf involve me talking to her about mundane topics and feeling at peace with the fact that we can both just waste our time together, without being anxious of the future.
>tfw you will never hang out at the park with your gf talking about whatever
About 10-20 min a day. Much more on the weekend when I have time to lie in bed.