How do I get a physique like this?

How do I get a physique like this?

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just like do whatever and dont eat much

Oh right, I forgot to specify. No trolls please.


He wasn't trolling though user. Maybe throw in a little body weight stuff if you feel like it.

basically this, its really not that hard. Some simple running, maybe calisthenics, obtainable in a couple months maybe a year if fatso

Are you guys looking at the same picture as me?

This dude once did a 200kg deadlift for 3 reps after a half marathon. Dude isn't a joke. He had something like 5k cal a day for a while?

No trolls, just let me know how many days straight I'll have to work out to get this in a few years

Attached: Ridickuluslyhuge..jpg (221x397, 14K)


just do some cardio/dieting. Maybe some crunches/planks and ab work.

This meme has been on Jow Forums since before I even started coming here and I still don’t get it