post your results lads
pic related is me cya later virgins im chad mode post your results lads
pic related is me cya later virgins im chad mode
Ciarafags btfo
>tfw I'm a fat neanderthal looking motherfucker and I got a 85%
Whoops, i selected guy instead of girl
I guess she is an okay guy
At least I have solid confirmation now
got 88% and good face symmetrie
my nose is curvy to the right und my ees have an uneven height... sure thing
holy fucking shit JUST
I get anywhere from 53% to 65%, But it keeps saying I have a small chin even though I am fucking Moonman
72/100 maybe if I shaved my beard I can get a higher score
Website says I'm good.
nicest thing I've heard in a while, thanks internet
you look like a methhead
>have bangs and've been thinking about moving them to the side
>use site and it says Big Forehead in bold
I guess i'm keeping them
got an 89% pretty, calling BS on that
If everything else is in working order, I can live with that. Where's yours friend?
ummmm okay
face game is unironically not bad but the egghead ruins it, horatio
lmao i was expecting worse, yet hoping for better
Reported and saged. Go back to /soc/ attention seeking faggots.
Ugly, just as expected
74% see ya later virgins, off to get some Chad
You have to set the points yourself so you should probably try it a few times and get an average instead of going with the first score. Unless the first one is good, then just roll with that.
83% bit I've gained a little weight recently so my face isn't as shapy as it normally it...oh well guess it'll have to do.
Cya later losers
Against r9k rules to post pictur of self
It's not very accurate....
Bullshit, total bullshit.
You look pretty hot
why didn't you report and sage?
Show me your boipussy, twinky
How much do you charge for blowjobs?