Website will tell you if your chad post your results lads

pic related is me cya later virgins im chad mode

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Ciarafags btfo

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>tfw I'm a fat neanderthal looking motherfucker and I got a 85%

Whoops, i selected guy instead of girl
I guess she is an okay guy

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At least I have solid confirmation now

got 88% and good face symmetrie

my nose is curvy to the right und my ees have an uneven height... sure thing

holy fucking shit JUST

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I get anywhere from 53% to 65%, But it keeps saying I have a small chin even though I am fucking Moonman

72/100 maybe if I shaved my beard I can get a higher score

Website says I'm good.

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nicest thing I've heard in a while, thanks internet

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you look like a methhead

>have bangs and've been thinking about moving them to the side
>use site and it says Big Forehead in bold
I guess i'm keeping them


got an 89% pretty, calling BS on that

If everything else is in working order, I can live with that. Where's yours friend?

ummmm okay


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face game is unironically not bad but the egghead ruins it, horatio

lmao i was expecting worse, yet hoping for better

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Reported and saged. Go back to /soc/ attention seeking faggots.

Ugly, just as expected

74% see ya later virgins, off to get some Chad

You have to set the points yourself so you should probably try it a few times and get an average instead of going with the first score. Unless the first one is good, then just roll with that.

83% bit I've gained a little weight recently so my face isn't as shapy as it normally it...oh well guess it'll have to do.

Cya later losers

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Against r9k rules to post pictur of self

It's not very accurate....

Bullshit, total bullshit.

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You look pretty hot

why didn't you report and sage?

Show me your boipussy, twinky

How much do you charge for blowjobs?