What does having fake tits feel like?
What does having fake tits feel like?
like bags of sand
Like giant zits
Is that madison ivy?
why are you asking Jow Forums about this, this place is a sausage fest
the only place you will get an answer is /lgbt/ cause i just assume those guys are into that kind of thing
if my woman went out like that id beat her
>if my woman went out like that id beat her
t. incel
i don't see her dressed up in db gear
even if she's being paid
Might be an old photo of her, she a stupid stomach now.
>women literally pay to get their breasts cut open and have silicone shoved inside them in order to feel sexier
madness when you think about it
That's why she waits until you're not looking. She probably looks like a tied sausage when she does it too.
Yes that’s her. She’s a big dbz fan and has a bunch of costumes she wears to edm stuff.
think that if you want lol, i know my life, you don't.
That's her? No way. her tits aren't that big wtf
obvious edit man
Maybe have some faith that she would never go out like that then?
Wife beating is very serious and should be reserved for serious situations. Like if she went to a bachelorette party.
i have 100% faith she wouldn't bro, shes a decent woman. Hence the joke. I wont ever need to.
News flash: she's already cheated on you.
lol no your projecting because you like to think other people are hurt and alone to make yourself feel better.
You're still the one trying to prove how much of a man you are by saying you'd beat your non existent wife based on what she's wearing, on an anonymous internet forum. Your posts are dripping with insecurity.
Fake tits feel gross.
Milky coins
>very serious
fuck off cuckposter
some of us have a decent moral compass
> beating wife
> joke
pick one
god you sound like a gigantic fucking faggot
for a couple thousand you could literally fuck the whore you posted and find out
I was watching a post-mortem of some fat chick who had breast implants, they cut open her torso and her implants slid out into her organs. Was almost sick
Read the OP again.
A female friend of mine who is (or was) flat as a board just got some small implants to make her a B cup, but she got a different kind that are placed beneath the chest muscles instead of on top to avoid the bolt on balloon look. I didnt even know it was a thing before she told me about it.
But as you probably guessed shes more or less unable to do anything for the next two months or so because they literally had to cut into her pectoral muscles to get the implants in. She cant lift anything over ten pounds right now and has to wait for them to heal in full.
I asked her how it felt and she just said it feels like slightly more weight on her chest, otherwise it feels normal (aside from the soreness of the healing) I gotta admit, they look good on her, the cleavage looks natural, but that doesnt stop me from knowing that she has fake tits and thats now on my mind every time i see her.
shes not my wife yet just dating. The only reason your mad is because your lonely and want me to be lonely too lol
i picked both, deal with it
had an ex that had fake tits, she already had big milkers but wanted them bigger. I honestly don't like how they feel and only dated her because she had an IUD and I got to cum in her all the time kek
they feel undeniably artificial. there's a uniform foreign object when you're just trying to get a handful
>tfw love the feeling of big fake tits
>gf has fake tits but they're the ones that go beneath the breast tissue
fucking monkey paw breh's
>she already had big milkers but wanted them bigger.
the dreeeeeam
Idk who is crazy here. What do fake milkers feel like? Should I buy my wife some? I like big tiddies and she's at a C cup now.
user that had ex with fake tits
that's your wife, don't do it. the supple, tight feel of real perky tits....the rebound after a good squeeze...unbeatable. fake tits just have this weird globular feel. think of a squishier, breast shaped lacrosse ball in there. it never feels natural. it may look ok....but the feeling of squeezing natural tits is forever lost when they have fake tits.
i hate fake milkers
the look bad when she's completely nekkid and they feel like shit
only boomers actually have taken the silicon pill
the real boobpill is the "liposuction from stomach into tits" pill
I enjoy the firmness.
Different tactile sensations for different folks or however the saying goes.
return to /b/
You don't just hit your wife for trivial shit. She's gotta earn that shit.
the lipo thing - it works? Feels á natural?
you can't enjoy the firmness when the feeling is obviously fake
it's like wanting 10 pancakes made out of actual milk, but realizing that you only have enough milk for 5 and because of making 10 pancakes with shitty onions milk
it's stupid
i'd rather settle for less rather then the thing that's obviously fake
don't have a clue
i just know that the japs do it like that and they're apparently like real tits
but if you're a grill i'd still advise you to not do it
small tits are still nice in some situations
if we were talking about my potential gf i'd rather he learn to cook or something than bother with jewish operations
>you can't enjoy the firmness when the feeling is obviously fake
Actually I can.
are you saying then that you like big fake tits more than you like big natural tits?
I miss the cute Madison with small tiddys, she ruined her body