This was posted unironically
Jow Forums bf
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah it's more like
>how tall are you?
>See that guy, he's what's known as a Chad
>*explains normies*
>that feel when no girlfriend - oh wait, there you are!
>Jow Forums bf
>likes Jow Forums
doyyee heheheheeeeee hurr hurrr
>will love you 4ever
Will probably get angry and dump you cause you talked to a male cashier
Fucking normies should all burn in hell
Always amazes me how the rest of the internet will try and mimic everything done on this site and at the same time completely shit on us for being losers
>>that feel when no girlfriend - oh wait, there you are
this actually pisses me off
you can literally just replace "normal fag" with "normie" and it could be labelled as "tumblr bf"
its funny because this bf/gf template originated frmo this board
Reminder that the bf/gf meme started here, and this is what became of it
Well, the meme was already dead on here long ago but I guess the normalshits are just now catching up. Unsurprisingly they took any and all depth right out of it
This shit even has a videogame, what the fuck
>over 4k likes on this rancid garbage
God they ruin everything they fucking touch
This so fucking much desu. Also, OP pic related is clearly made by someone who just heard about Jow Forums from a YouTube video
Change >likes Jow Forums to >Jow Forums addict
No one unironically likes Jow Forums but people use it because it's the only site that has amazing stories to see that you can't get enough of
I use it because I relate to people here. No where else is dark and fucked up enough.
>No where else is dark and fucked up enough.
- without going too far.
I was hoping that would've been implied.
Might as well get this thread on good rails
>anyone has enfj gf?
ideal x was a painfully tumblr tier meme anyways, good riddance.
Nice birb my guy
normies have awful senses of humor, all they can do is parrot.
Holy fuck... accurate to a T... only i hate my mother and my dad is the coolest guy on earth.
This probably explains why i only have co workers and acquaintances, never any friends.
can confirm. didn't dump me but he threw a shitfit and i eventually left his schizo ass.
Kill yourself roastie cunt.
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>Jow Forums bf
pick one
Fuck you hoe
>teehee just flirting with Chad cashier, don't worry user
>dark and edgy
>but not too dark and edgy, that's scawy stuff
>will talk about niggers 24/7
>will rant about jews 24/7
>will hate women 24/7