Why do girls ignore people so much? Even if things seem to be going well, and they tell you a nice thing and make you think they like you, it's always bullshit and they barely talk to you and ignore you most of the time. Are they really always just busy, or do they have a million other people to talk to, or is it simply because girls hate when people are """""too nice"""""""" because they have retarded lizard brains and only like a specific type of person?
Why do girls ignore people so much? Even if things seem to be going well...
trust me, girls always have time for good looking guys, if people care enough about something, they will make time for it
females enjoy attention, just because they reciprocate it to the givers doesn't mean they have romantic interests in mind
Why are girls so fucking fickle and unpredictable and only like very specific select few people. Talking to them is impossible, they just ignore/ghost you randomly even if you did nothing wrong.
it doesn't matter if you did or didn't do something wrong, your 'mistake' was not being good looking, trust me I used to be good looking and girls would love to talk to me, then I got deformed and girls won't give me the time of day. the only reason it seems fickle or unpredictable is becasue girls are never upfront about their intent/wants, if you understand that girls only want good looking guys then suddenly all their actions make sense.
cont. and also they don't want to seem shallow, so they will never give you a straight answer, and even would rather lie that you said something wrong rather than admit that they're shallow bitches who only care about looks and couldn't give a shit if your had a bad personality as long as you were good looking
Did you get deformed from a disease or something? How can you not want to go on a shooting rampage after that?
Because they are prey and we men are their predators n they know this. Even with modern laws they are potential victims n I want it to remain this way to get worse really. Women have no place in society other than breeding babies and taking care of the home.
fuck off you larping edgelord
no from a face injury then got dumped from my group of friends too, a year or two later i got sever acne too which I still have
Shut it bitch. No asked your opinion
It's usually just being polite. If they don't reply, it just means they're uninterested, user. It's as simple as that.
Sorry but if someone gave that facial expression I'd be forced to clamp them into an undying hug and squeeze them relentlessly.
its because there are betas everywhere and they have to talk to them all the time so they can keep their attention, idk if OP is beta or not (probs based off the thread) so all they do is say high and then fuck off to talk to chad and show off their army of beta robots.
btw getting advice about women on Jow Forums is like asking a garbage truck driver a physics queestion.
They have other people asking for their time
Women llike to operate off feelings more than we do, so be extension they like to reply when they feel like it, yes if they like you more then they'll feel like it more often
Work on being a better conversationalist, odds are your conversations are not any different than the other guys that want her attention
>Why are girls so fucking fickle and unpredictable
>Are they really always just busy,
They're just easily distracted.
Pic related, I have never seen a purer distillation of the difference between male thought patterns (linear, procedural) and female (emotive, multi-faceted, like pulling your headphones out of a ball of different cables)
this! Rare a tripfag is right.
>why do whores that post their contact info online and have a thousand thirst betas trying to talk to them ghost me as soon as I out myself as a thirsty beta
You're clearly not nice if you're saying they have retarded lizard brains. They can see right through your "nice guy" manipulative bullshit. Women aren't the problem here. You're scum.
you're just not attractive enough
roastie getting toasty originally
How bad is this face injury?
it depends on the girl. some are indeed shallow and dedicate more time to attractive people. some are truly that busy, some get distracted and need more reminders to respond
youll find someone who truly values your time eventually. my best friend is a girl & she wants to talk to me more than I can keep up with sometimes
I'm an absolute dick who preemptively shuns almost all women. Not because rejection sucks so bad, but if you make the mistake of approaching a female in the current year and she's not feeling it, she may very well attempt to have you lynched.
Most do it because they are afraid of spurned men snapping on them, but there are some real evil cunts out there too and they have free reign.