Does anyone else just loathe conversation?

Does anyone else just loathe conversation?

It's not that I'm anxious or apprehensive or nervous about talking to people, I just hate it. I genuinely never can find a reason to give a shit about anything that anyone is talking to me about in any circumstance in person, even if it's related to me. I don't think I'm superior or that I'm a better person either; I respect other people, but I don't care about anything they say to me. I feel this way even about my family. I'd much rather just be alone for the rest of my life than deal with talking personally with another human.

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I like talking to people but I hate "conversations." Like I don't want to talk to someone just to talk, I want to talk about things.

>says he hates conversation
>tries to start up a conversation on it
>on a website made for conversation

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>Does anyone else just loathe...
I'm sure there are enough edgelords and spergs on this board to find a mate for everything.

In person would be the golden words, I don't really care about it here anonymously. None of you fucks know who I am.

Don't u think that in some occasion other ppl may have perspective, knowledge or experience worth discussing?
So what ever you are doing, you can do it now more easily and faster?
I want some new info that i don't find online and some stupid need for sharing but other than that i don't like talking also.

dubs of truth
origami post i swear

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then you just have anxiety

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its because most normans talk about useless shit

I don't really. I'm not perturbed by people talking at me, I just can't find a reason to care about what they're saying.

then you're in denial. this post is pure cope.

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My life would be easier if I had anxiety and I could be treated for it. I genuinely think it's easier to express myself anonymously because I know you lot care about as much about me as I care about you.

you think it's easier because you have a hard time maintaining a conversation with someone face to face.
seek out professional help for your anxiety

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I hate talking to people. And all I ever really feel is annoyance. Or indifference

My only issue in conversation is that I can't stay attached to whatever the other person is saying. I don't have anxiety. I don't care if people think I'm attractive or retarded, it really doesn't matter to me.

I won't say I loathe it but I don't seem to take enjoyment from it as people around me do.
1) I don't have many interests and when someone has a similar interest it usually becomes a who knows more bragging contest.
2) People believe in whatever they want fuck it doesn't matter why. A person's conviction only changes when he wants it to change, no matter what.
3) People usually love gossip and drama and I'm not fond of it.
4) Seeing people talking crap doesn't trigger me. I know some who can't hold themselves when they listen someone talking shit about a subject they know. When it happens to me, I usually just wish I didn't forget my headphones.

I suppose I'm boring or just retarded, no biggie.

Kyoko is a disgusting whore and you love trash

yep. i hate my voice, its very nasally and faggoty, and im also just a boring/uninteresting person with very little to say in most conversations. i avoid them whenever i can.

your anxiety must come from your lack of social skills. this is why you try to avoid it in person.
my recommendation still stands

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My family usually just talks about stuff like

>look what I planted in the garden

I just shrug my shoulders or make a grunt of acknowledgement. Other family members say this as a response to each other's talks about nothing, so I don't know why everyone bothers.

I'm not going to tell you about my personal life further user, but I think you're cute for arguing with me so much. I'm going to get drunk now.

drowning your sorrows won't solve your social problems, user.
get professional help

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Stop replying to me or I'll keep talking to you about my problems publically. I'm medicated, it didn't make care about other people.

freud would suggest your problems stem from childhood. how was school for you?

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Freud was a cokehead idiot with grandiose ideas and my childhood was fantastic.

fantastically alone and full of repressed memories that is.
you are so fine indeed

You're reaching, and I'm drunk. My childhood was fine, and I didn't repress any of it. I'm not alright, that's why I made the thread user.

something clearly went wrong or else you wouldn't be here.
given how young the average person here is, im almost certain something happened during your childhood.

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I'm twenty five. I appreciate your efforts, you've been a wonderful conversation partner. I'm gonna fuck off now

lol you were being baited dude
why did you reply to their armchair psychology spergshit

Depends on what it is about. It it is about something I am interested with someone I can stand being around, than I am okay with it.

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i wasn't baiting. he clearly has a problem with people and not conversation.

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>posting a wall of text
Literally how? I never have that much going on in my brain

I know what the op is talking about. I don't have any bit of anxiety in me, I'm very calm, i can comunicate with anyone about anything IF needed. But if someone starts talking to me about bullshit stuff, small talk about weather or the generic "how are you doing?" I start clenching my jaws and my fists out of anger. I despise talking. I have zero interest in their "stories". I only talk with people only if they have to say something interesting or about stuff i didn't know about.

I feel anger and annoyance slowly welling up when people babble on at me about whatever nonsense and expect me to reply to it. I don't care. Please leave me alone.


Do not lewd my wife any further please.

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Don't say that I loathe it, more like I don't fancy conversation, because

1. If its the same thing like "hey hru", "wyd" those basic kind of things, I'd get boring. I tried to come up with different topic whenever I start a conversation but it isn't that working on certain people.
2. I only talk when I want to talk, but in the end I feel bad for leaving that person on read or ignore them for a few days. So I make a small "lie" saying that I'm going to bed etc.

I don't know really, like maybe socializing in person isn't really my type since I don't talk much in person (also not much friend irl) rather online.

I didn't say lewd kirigiri

I actually feel very tired when/after I speak so I try and avoid it.
If I need knowledge in something I can use books or the internet. Also me not talking doesn't stop people from talking to me. I rather just start a conversation and listen to people, occasionally answering with a grunt or something.

I loathe conversation when there's nothing new to say and it's the same recycled small talk. I hate it even more when it's some random stranger. For instance I'm buying something and the clerk tries to strike up a conversation. Just ring up my stuff so I can be on my way. Fuck.

I've sought professional help 3 separate times ranging from age 14 to 25. Every time I'm forced to talk about it reinforces it in my mind and makes it even worse. I get a goddamn adrenaline rush every time I leave home. Xanax doesn't help, anti-depressants don't help. Exercise didn't help.

I gave up. Tired of wasting neetbux on useless treatment

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You're wife a slut

I literally work night shifts simply for minimal human contact. On my days off I still stick to the same sleeping schedule so I only interact with members of my family for as few hours as possible.

>he must have a flaw or repressing it
Hes just misanthropic

I hate conversation because i can't just end it whenever i like. Being trapped in a conversation you're not interested in is hell.
I still like talking to people online though because its easier to just walk away from a conversation.

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Ha! Your wife likes dead bodies!

i'm trying to get into a night job. where do you work?

>bringing up Freud

This is how you know you're dealing with an armchair psychologist.

maybe you need someone around you to help guide you through these things. something like a wingman, but for general outside stuff.
i honestly breaks my heart that i can't you robots out more.

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what if i brought up jung? what would that tell you?

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Look into Schizoid Personality Disorder.
This isn't a diagnosis, only a professional can give you that, but I think it's worth your looking into.

I have a cousin with game. Swole, tall, sociable. When I go out with him and his friends I feel the same. Tossed in the boiler, like I'm permanently giving a speech in school. Can't be fixed. Every time I motivate myself to try again it ends up worse.

I've also tried all the main psychedelic drugs so please don't recommend that. I think they worsened my condition. Least I can keep the house clean.

Some people can't be helped. Like a person without legs can't be taught to walk or some gay analogy

What is wrong with schizoid personality disorder?

If you mean what are the symptoms, then look here or in the DSM.
If you mean to imply I'm saying there's something bad about it, then I'm not.

>I genuinely never can find a reason to give a shit about anything that anyone is talking to me about in any circumstance in person, even if it's related to me. I don't think I'm superior or that I'm a better person either; I respect other people, but I don't care about anything they say to me. I feel this way even about my family.
I feel that way a lot of the time. It's not constant, but more often than not I just don't care about whatever someone is saying and would rather be alone. Sometimes it's okay, but I have to be in a specific mood for it I guess (which is rare). May or may not be connected, but I'm also just generally uncomfortable around other people.

I don't like it too much myself. I'm crippled with constant anxiety about whether or not what I'm saying is even coherent. Even minor disagreements cause to me to shake in anxiety. I don't really have much to say 90% of the time. I also must admit I always feel as if the other person is stupid as well. Even if they are smarter than me. I dunno man I just I dunno. Drinking doesn't help I only get even more withdrawn. It's all just a chore I genuinely cannot relate nor am I relatable.

Oh, sorry I thought you implied it was bad. So many do
Just anxiety? No anger, disgust, etc

Yeah it's hard to describe. I don't really feel any strong emotions all too deeply. Just this weird never ending tension. I shake a lot because of it.

You also said that you think or feel as the stupid or lacking in knowledge about something at . Do you have anything else that you think of other people. Personally, mine was that they were lying or faking something when they said or did a facial expression

By your logic, noone is a robot here since everyone is socialising here

>Personally, mine was that they were lying or faking something when they said or did a facial expression
Yeah I'm pretty paranoid about people most of thr time. Whenever somebody is nice to me I assume they're trying to manipulate me for their own ends or that they are mocking me on some level. I am also extremely cynical about everything.

Pretty much sound like me. I suppose you trusted people before, but gradually learned to be careful and cautious around them

i'm not sure how you came to the idea, but i wasn't implying he's not a robot.

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Depends, I'd rather not talk just for the sake of talking, that gets on my nerves. But I like having good conversations nonetheless.
>all I ever really feel is annoyance or indifference
Too right m80.

He probably is though if hes here. Unless hes a normie. Also Im talking about the majority of the board, not just him

Do have any idea to why you may have became like this?

No. I don't think there was any one event or series of events. My brain is just wired wrong, it seems.

I have trouble with conversations because I have nothing of value to say so I just sit there while they talk my ear off.

I wouldnt say wrong though, you sound introverted for the most part. People would say that you were wrong if they though that a healthy human was histrionic or extroverted.

>It's not that I'm anxious or apprehensive or nervous about talking to people
>In person would be the golden words, I don't really care about it here anonymously. None of you fucks know who I am.

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let me clarify further:
a desire to socialize does not make someone not a robot.

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Let's not pretend conversation on Jow Forums works at all like real life conversation. Even if you're conversing with someone equally as autistic or misanthropic in real life just the ability for both parties to fully think out what they're going to say before they say it and read responses at their own pace drastically changes how anonymous internet conversations play out and how tedious they are or aren't. There's a reason people trying to greentext in real life sounds fucking stupid and its not because of anxiety.