posted the meme about her then deleted it like a fag and apologized
why defending drugged whores...they deserve to be laughed at pewfagdie
posted the meme about her then deleted it like a fag and apologized
why defending drugged whores...they deserve to be laughed at pewfagdie
Other urls found in this thread:
heroin is endgame
a heroin girl is everybody's girl
it's the ultimate sellout.
He apologized because it transcends the bullshit.
Her life is on the skids, no reason to kick, a real man doesn't make a woman's life worse..
It was good of him to do so.
except she's fine and it wasnt even heroine
she's just a basic crack whore
Remade it originally
yesterday morning-
demi lovato overdoses on heroin
20 mins later
demi lovato stable and talks to her family
damn son, i thought when u OD on a FUCKING HEROIN you need 20 days not mins to start being stable and talk to people and shit
only attention whores
see people, this is why i destroyed earth and flooded it many times
i hate you
- God
What's Pewpiedie? Mumkey's stupid gilrfriend liked the thing. Who is that brunette in the picture?
Great song:
i have lost literally 6 family members to drugs
it's a shitty meme, but a joke is a joke
at the end of the day, you get into drugs because you're a weak, pussy bitch
a slut is still a slut
regarding what she uses :D
sorry for the loss
ia with u, she's a rich cunt and she doesnt know what to do with herself
its what she actually deserves. cuz booo booo its so hard to be a millionaire
so hard u slip straight into drugs
Oh she is someone who is called Demi Lovato. And she's a millionaire drug addict? Gosh, need to start following her. I love to see them fall, esp. if they came popular by looking good or screwing publicly.
U know ure living in 2018 when u get shit for joking about junk whores
She is a so called singer
Desu she looks like someone with down syndrome
Those eyes are...down
drugs are fucking heartbreaking.
right now know a gril.
perfect life, sweet, but low self-esteem (body image).
Meets bf, he gets her into meth, other stuff.
she's now psychotic on street, dis-owned.
PTSD, psychosis, paranoia, refuses all help.
She never asked for that, will probably die on streets.
maybe ppl get into them not really knowing how chemically strong they are.
Maybe they are just looking for a momentary escape.
Once heroin/crack/meth/addicted, they lose control. That's not pussy bitch, that's chemical.
Maybe when you develop diabetes from eating too much sugar, I'll say, "Hey Pussy Bitch, you're fault you ate all that sugar, die quick."
Who knew...
go to the church and pray to fucking ME
Lemme guess - because she's attractive, that means she had no free will when choosing drugs.
true, she didnt even finish high school
ia with u, demi lovato is indeed a stupid bitch
fucking white people
they cant just take some weed they have to overdose and shit
Wow, listened to her for the first time. A bit phony and over pompous style of singing, but okay voice. Would not pay for it though.
I thought she is an actress of some sort.
>opioid epidemic going on for years
>people dying of overdose constantly
>normal fags don't care
>some celebrity overdoses
>they all suddenly care
fuck this gay earth
>fucking white people
Funny how niggers and over assorted shitskins make up the vast majority of substance abuse statistics... We really should have picked our own god damn cotton.
u think negros are smart enough to cook those things
they just do the lettuce
fag much?
and she isnt even an A list like amy winehouse or whitney houston. she's some random shit
They don't need to cook anything when they can just buy or steal it from a dealer
im a negro and i only OD on watermelons
what's wrong with me???
wtf? -drugs cut across looks, money, gender. i mean, a rarted knows that. you throw that in, like some worthless card. i'm right.
damn right.
have any ever gone back to Afroca?
if nigs of today want to claim being slaves,
let's just deport them in that they claim their ancestor's status.
And to demi lovato too
pewpiedie is right
Wh*Toid education, everybody.
for those that i got the opportunity to say it to, i did call them the fuck out for being stupid and weak
do not you makes apologies on the behalf of addicts
how fucking dare you
literally watching people kill themselves
you can fuck off, man
>fag much?
I have no idea what you mean. Person who does not like Demi Lovato is a fag? Or does like her is a fag? Jesus I am tired of you idiots.
google- poot lovato
have fun fapping
fuck ur monkeys nigga
how could this bitch stay fat on meth? just how hedonistic is this whore?
based Big Nigga
idk man.
but she's fat af. she should start eating dicks maybe
Not really, you can reverse an OD pretty quickly and junkies get pissed
where's hitler when you need him???????????!
gas the chick
heroin one bro? nah bro
It isnt even edgy, it's just an ironic meme. I thought it was going to be some edgy meme like the hundreds made when lil peep died.
As a former addict myself it isnt even edgy or insensitive
He shouldnt have removed it
Narcan/naloxone you dumb namefag, bro
>this entire thread
What the fuck are you people even talking about and why do you type like you're on facebook?
dude even apologized like some pussy
for what, for a crack whore.
those twitter fags cant digest a basic meme
pewdiepie got buttfucked for posting a meme about some...''famous'' whore who overdosed and then he apologized for it
shit i got lost in this fuckery. narcan works quickly but still that chick didnt do ''much'' if she was fine in 20 mins
people can go into coma and die easy af with heroine
This is a very shitty poem
>ITT people think they're special because they don't care about a Disney child star
You are the first ones ever!
zoomer anons are set to become the most worthless anons Jow Forums has ever produced.
I cant write as a writer until i get verified.
and i've been waiting for thousands of years
and still nothing
why wont people verify me
>the most worthless anons
dont drag black people in this
i KNOW i fucked up
i was high when i was creating them
Stop posting, it isn't funny
Bite me faggo