No one is hiring other than the lowest possible positions

>no one is hiring other than the lowest possible positions
i don't want to flip burgers ever again
i refuse to
i wont do it

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Do security. Observe and report. Night or swing(afternoon) shifts are the easiest.

Kill yourself OP. Join us.

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do nothing. collect neetbux while immigrants flip them for you and fuck your women

>Finally land an interview at Sears for cashier
>Act autistic
>He rejects me on the spot after the interview

Fuck robots just aren't meant for jobs

i push shopping carts
you know what?
i'm happier
it's fun, women give you looks too.
i prolly flirt with more women watching sweat than
any othe guy on this board.
work as a part time webdev as well
but I'll never leave my cart pushing job.
I am so fit it's not funny.
it's so relaxed and I meet shitloads of people.

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I feel the same way about customer service/cashiering user.

I recommend a comfy overnight job to at least limit interaction. Maybe get a stocker job at a grocery store, its been good to me so far and the turn over rates are so high all you have to do is show up and try to get adequate hours.

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Bet that ugly fuck looks like you too, fugly incel

>pushing carts
Don't tell me that's actually a real job in the caliphate of ameristan.

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Hahahahaha, cart pushing

Next you push your motorized carts :-DD

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fuck man why is it so hard to land a job with a livable wage nowadays
i don't want to come back home smelling like fries and onions for minimum wage
can get a job like that easily, but what's the point
i managed to actually graduate and made it through university
yet it's the only field that's open for me
i'm stuck man, no escape
i refuse to work for lower than $22k a year
is that too much to ask for?

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why not get a scolarship and start studying again?, jesus are you a nigger?

In this economy, yes.

Jason Genova, the 30 years old all time best bodybuilder and plane crash survivor with ADD OCD and DVD is a cart pusher at publix

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Based pushcart user. I get looks being a guard but then again I do have a nice ass

study what, i already hole a bachelors in economics
you think i can afford a masters?

then why not trying to get a job with your bachelors you fucking dipshit, if that doesnt work try something else

>boohoo life is not going as movies and anime shit, boohoo imma be a pussy forever

>surviving a plane crash just to end up pushing carts around

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>bachelors in economics
No wonder you cant get shit. Apply for a bank and move up the ladder you pathetic faggot. You know what nah fuck it be a NEET can thats all youre good for


im 27 working on marketing shit and im done with this shit, im starting international business career, fuck everything ima die trying

>>(poster 47069089)>
I'm serious, You know how many women will talk once outside the store, outside? by themselves, weekend, buying food for one. ppl gotta buy food. trust me. than you could ever believe.
look better than that guy.

Then bag groceries

>starting international business career, fuck everything ima die trying
Damn, this guy knows how to dream big! How would you even pursue this?


jobs pay shit and require experience. you'll be worked to the bone for shit wages if you're lucky. might as well stay home

Get a claim adjuster license easy 1k a week my dude
Or forklift license


there is literally a career called that, import, export, aduana shit, internationa commerce, traveling to other countries,

thats what the whole thread is about
applying everywhere and not getting a single call back

Damn user, legit inspired me with this one.

Pet sit for a pittance. It might be fun.

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here you go OP

i posted this in many, many different threads and tried to start my own threads and nobody cared they all died but i feel like it might actually help you / would interest you

everything listed is legal except for forging the degree, but many large C-suite executives and CEO's of major companies have done the same thing

if you follow my strategy and stick to max middle management / smaller companies you'll be fine and the absolute worst that could happen is you get mentioned in some local small town paper, but all you have to do if that happens is hire someone off blackhatworld to derank it and or get someone off an onion site to hack in and delete it

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Spoiler alert
The guy in "Catch me if you can" got caught in the end

seems like a good strategy

blatantly lying through your teeth and fabricating work history like this is not even illegal, the worst they can do is fire you. maybe, MAYBE they can file a law suit for wasting their time

but honestly even that is a lot of work, barely seems worth it. Im too lazy, I will just stick to my wagecuck job

lol, it literally took many months / years for multi billion dollar corporations to find out their CEO's raking in millions lied, imagine if it was some tiny little company and some middle management position, literally noone would care

also not to mention, if you get caught, nothing happens to you except you get fired and max some shitty small town paper writes an article about you that you can easily derank / hack into and delete

this isn't actual crime
the only thing that's *maybe* illegal is forging the degree, if you're worried about that you could just use unaccredited colleges / universities that don't exist, but literally everything else is 100% legal

it costs a shitload of money for a company, let alone a corporation to file a lawsuit against anyone for anything, let alone something that isn't even illegal, or if it is is questionable, and extremely petty at most, they would spend waaay more money than it costed to even hire and keep you from the very beginning on the law suit, which they wouldn't win, except nobody let alone companies actually files lawsuits against people for things like that not even multi billion dollar international corporations so...there's nothing to loose
>Im too lazy
lmao, that's just retarded, you don't even have to move you just move your finger around and click a few buttons and type a few keystrokes faggot, it requires very little work
>I will just stick to my wagecuck job
are you insane? that insurmountably requires more effort than anything i've ever even mentioned, a few minutes out of your day sitting on your ass so you can sit on your ass in a /comfy/ middle management role for the forseeable future and make 4-5+x as much money as you are now?

well, i mean, i guess it kind of makes sense, otherwise nobody would be poor

stay that way i guess, less competition for me, i felt bad even releasing my guide because i feared it could spread but now i realize everyone's just too retarded

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Security is boring,
I would be embarrassed to paid for standing around doing nothing
What you need is lite physical labour

>health problems and back pain at 35


>doesnt you can work in an office building full of qts
Not your gunna do anything with yourself anyways

>I recommend a comfy overnight job to at least limit interaction. Maybe get a stocker job at a grocery store
Literally my job. Sometimes I wish I could be left alone all night but some of my co-workers have similar hobbies like vidya and anime. It's pretty comfy overall. Night security looks appealing to me too.

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>stay that way i guess, less competition for me, i felt bad even releasing my guide because i feared it could spread but now i realize everyone's just too retarded
look fella thanks for the advice but you have to understand you're posting on a board where actual subhumans who are content to stew in their own shit post and I'm one of them. I'm too much of an autistic sperge to pull this off. but if you had success with this, all I can say is more power to you. the rest of us would be a nervous sleepless wreck before we even got to the stage of registering a domain.

what degree??
