Finland is experiencing the hottest heatwave it's had in recorded history

Finland is experiencing the hottest heatwave it's had in recorded history.

6 weeks of +30 is probably normal in whatever tribal country you come from but here this is absolutely insane.
And it's the same +30 every day. There are no cold days in between. Even when it rains it's fucking hot, it's also fucking hot in the night.
This shouldn't be geologically possible but hey, anything can happen when you fuck the planet with toxic waste.

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Binlant :DDD

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How else are the imported shitskinned masses supposed to survive in cold, dark europe? Change is good, goy.

30 whats? Degrees celsius?

oh boo hoo, cry me a fucking river. finnish faggots are finally dealing with temperatures that other people around the globe have to deal with every year, big deal. i thought you queers were supposed to be tough.

It's not the same, man. Your winters are warm. How exactly do you get used to -30C and +30C both?

t. cries like a bitch when it's 0C

i live in northern michigan man, winters here regularly hit temps of -23C or lower with summer temperatures often reaching 30-32C. we get used to it by not being little bitches.

M8 you other fucks get blasted and whole society comes to a halt when it drops down to -5 celsius and snows for two days. You are not in any position to whine like a little bitch.

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>you other fucks get blasted and whole society comes to a halt when it drops down to -5 celsius and snows for two days
yeah nah, i don't live in texas or louisiana. here we're used to it being hot as fuck in the summer and cold as fuck in the winter.

Same shit in Denmark. I haven't seen a raindrop in over a month either.
I want our shitty summers with non-stop rain back.

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At least AC exists in America REEEEEEE

Here on the Balkans we go out skiing on -25C and go swimming on 40C. Get on our level pussies.

>cold as fuck
thats cute... but honestly, never talk shit to a finn, they will end you

no one gives a fuck albozerg

holy fuck
skin cancer epidemic soon
I wish it was 30 here. fucking useless summer, I didn't build a swimming pool for no reason.

Boo hoo faggots, it gets to 50c here, grow some balls you shit cunts

It's getting worse here as well m8, winters last forever and the summer heat hits new records. This summer was somethibg of an exception due to constant thunderstorms, but last year was hell. Wore a wet shirt all summer.

saskatchewan in canada has the highest temperature change between summer and winter. Regular highs in summer up to 40C some summers and regular lows at -40C every winter.

t. saskfag

It depends on several factors. Visited Spain a few years ago and despite the fact that it was about +45C, the air was wet enough (being between the Ocean and the Mediterranian) that it was bearable. That same temperature would've been the death of me elsewhere. It also helped that their buildings were made to be really cool on the inside, but a really cold winter would ruin them because of it.

Weird, I live in the Middle East and usually the summers are really fucking hot, it's pretty normal now and averaging 35C. What's going on lads

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Dutch user here. It's the same here fuck this shit. My room is already 29 degrees right now

>dont be a bitch

But this is MADNESS.

What's the point of looking at weather forecasts anymore when it's every day the same?
I don't even remember the last time we've had the same temperature for months.
In Finland the weather is usually constantly changing but now it's about +29 and sunny every single motherfucking day.
Every day they just predict another week of this shit, then another week and so on..

This isn't even going to stop. This is the only weather that will ever exist anymore.

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And for the record, last year we had +11 in July.
Was comfy.
I guess this is payback for having comfy summers all those years.

Good. I'm glad you faggots are getting put in your place.

>around this time of the year it's usually 35-40C daytime, 26-28C nighttime
>this year is exceptionally cold and it's only 30C day, 20C night
Thanks for taking away our heat:DD
t. central yurop

My room is 28C.

How does it make you feel, knowing that they don't even know when this shit's gonna stop?

A couple of weeks ago they said this was only gonna last for 10 days. 10 days turned into 4 weeks and now they just don't know.

it was all planned by the jews. there's a bigger reason why sandniggers are going to your countries to racemix, otherwise your next generation won't survive.


Taa. Vittu mita PASKAAAAAA

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Send help pls anons I'm dying

Bro, we get high of 50+ in summers and 35+ is average daily. Fuck off.

I live in the UK and right now we're dealing with 28 degrees, this is fucking torture, I have no idea how you poor fins are dealing with it.

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fucking poorfags!

its 34 outside, but 22 inside

t. a/c europeen

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>t. finn

i want to fuck a finnish girl
t. midwest USA guy who gets hit with 90-100 temp days every summer

>be finnish
>heat wave
>go to sauna

Hot sandniggers warmed you up for good.

same in sweden its fucking aids we from the north are not made for this warmth

Kuolema tulee, auttakaa vittu; saatanan kuuma!

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Anything above 30C is not robot friendly

Having a hangover when it's so fucking hot is hell

I remember when I lived in England they'd lose their fucking minds when it got above about 25 degrees celsius - literally going swimming in fountains and shit.
You euros are a bunch of soft cunts honestly.

reminder that people saying not to cry about >30 tempatures have a/c and dont live in houses designed to keep the heat in

>heat index is going to be 37c today
>cutting peoples power off today
I love it exposes y*nks with ease.
Why fucking move to Florida if you can't live without actually?

top fuckin kek these n*rtherners can't handle a little heat
Maybe fuck off back n*rth
37 out right now, perfect for chilling outside with a cool drink

Yup got me a nice cold /sips/ in my hand ready to go out and start cutting some normies power. If they get ragie I just flag them and they dont get turned on for weeks since Orlando police are pretty assed to escort the hostile customer guy around. Feels great my dude.


Denmark here, absolutely loving this +30 heat, doing all kinds of zoomer stuff. Sucks being a NEET i guess tho.

michiganfag also here. Every state in this latitude gets hot as fuck summers and freezing russian winters. For non americans, summers here are like 35 C or more, and winters are easily -10 C and below

I live in the Midwest and it can be -20 to -25 in the winter and rise to the 40s in the summer

Holy smokes the 30C just turned to 24C and a fucking monsoon rain in a span of 15 minutes

You are like little baby. Try living down south in a tropical climate, Finigan. The heat is like my friend.

>he thinks 85f is hot
Lmao nigga i'm out here chilling, it's gonna be 115 today

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>he enjoys being sweaty and smelly
Idk man that's pretty gay

>living in a stone house that preserves heat
Reeee Ive never been jealous of american shacks

but you have AC, so of course the heat would be nothing for you

I can mostly ignore the sweaty and smelly part. Also, I believe you're projecting your inner homosexuality, since being sweaty and smelly by itself has nothing to do with being gay.You could be sweaty and smelly from fucking a girl, so what you said is just plain stupid.

At least you don't work outside during 30+c weather
t. works outside in 30+c weather

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It's a cool 59 (15 C) here in Finland Minnesota.

Ye man but I'm sure leather clubs are more sweaty than you'd ever get by fucking some used roastie so it's more gay than not

>not living in a place where the highs are >40 daily
fucking cucks the lot of you

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Just pretend you're in a big outdoor sauna lol

>Be in the Finnish army
>8 guys stacked into a single room
>We do physical activities all the time
>+30 inside, +30 outside
Absolutely ebin.

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>tfw work in 5C fridge environment
literally perfect for 30C+ weather we're currently having but is a bit shit in the cold, wet winter.

t. bong

t. ACfag


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It's not that bad. I even have a hoodie, long pants and winter boots on outside (I'm using winter boots because they're all I have right now). No AC at home, just a fan.

AAAMUJAAA vitun mortti :DdDD hajoo paskaas

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I actually enjoy this faggot. I wish I go could go tetsing tomorrow

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tuokaa tuulettimia saatana

So you've been to leather clubs? That's pretty gay.

That's only 86F
Why are fins so weak? Are you guys incapable of sweating? Ever heard of a fan?
The only time you should complain about heat is if it's 90+ otherwise ur just being a pussie

Fair enough but I can guarantee the fun of it is going to disappear real quick after you've been doing the same shit for 4 months, it's dark all day round and you haven't eaten a decent meal or had dry socks for a week.
At least if you didn't manage to get into some decent branch of service.

>land of sauna competition world champs
>complains when it's under 40c
Big think here.

>Lmao these polar bears die when you bring them to the rainforest, like I thought these animals were supposed to be scary and dangerous.

Helsingin IT user


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i feel your pain
t. construction worker

why do finnish people like nico so much

Lmao that's basically t shirt weather. Americants are pussies

>How exactly do you get used to -30C and +30C both?
Ever been to Manitoba?

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Lmao nigga like bundle up and hydrate.
t. Electrical utility worker

At least you still have rain
>Huuuur the UK is a depressing wet rainy island
I miss water. This desert shit is annoying.

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>booo hooo you trop cuntry guise can't take 5 C boo boo

Bitch, i went as far as going out at -15 with only a hoodie and normal pants/sneakers

And I'm from a beachside city in Brazil.

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Funny, those "tribal countries" you laugh at probably don't spew out 1/100th of the greenhouse gases you super advanced technological Finns do

My dude I've had 15 inches of rain this month. Shit gets kinda old when you work outside.

I hope google isn't lying to me.

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Man don't think I'm in any position to rate anyone since I served as a guard dog in KarPr. But what I heard from a friend it's overall pretty comfy branch unless you become an NCO. Anti-air/artillery NCOs were the least motivated conscripts I came across.

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It's finally going to rain? Fuck yes
Last time it rained was may