Do Incels actually exist or are they a meme?
Do Incels actually exist or are they a meme?
There is a lot of confusion over this because people have different definitions of it.
Assuming you mean angry, woman-hating virgins who think they deserve sex and want to lash out at ordinary people, then no, that's probably a tiny minority.
Assuming you mean people who can't get sex or are at a major disadvantage to getting it (studying STEM, being ugly, being a young male) then yes, there are people who struggle to get sex even once a year or at all. They are not always horrible people.
The adult virgin thing is a meme on r9k, like tendie posting. Its not real, and its kinda gay, but its funny so we do it. Incels do actually exist though, like people in wheelchairs and shit like that probably never have sex. Shit sucks.
Lots of retards here call me an incel whenever I talk shit about women but the only reason I consider myself qualified to talk shit is that I've fucked enough of them to know what they're like.
I'm pretty sure we have a lot of adult virgins, I know quite a few in real life.
some people are incel but 95% are just autistic and cant get a GF because of that also if you are really ugly man you never going find love bro
By the strict definition of it, I am an incel as I'm a virgin at 28. But I don't blame women or hate them. At my age, women except a certain amount of relationship experience and confidence level I'm unable to provide, I see that there are many better options than me available and would most likely not date myself either if I was a girl.
I bet you dont actually. Its very rare to be 20+ and have never had sex. Like probably not even 10% of the population. And that 10% are full of people in wheelchairs and downsydromes and stuff. Its very unlikely you know any actual adult virgins.
yeah I'm one. Not physically deformed, just did STEM and have really bad avoidant personality disorder, basically can't take risks. Disobeying my parents was literally unthinkable to me until maybe 18, (and I do mean literally - disobeying to me seemed like wrecking my life because I trusted them to always give good advice) but even now (22) I still wouldn't want to.
Try studying computer science. Wasn't there even a survey among US unis showing that 1/3 of the stem students graduate as virgins?
>personality disorder
Such a fucking meme youre just as capable as anyone else
>Like probably not even 10% of the population.
I'd argue 1% are adult male virgins.
>lol just get laid bro
great input man
I cringe when I write 'personality disorder' but honestly if you met me you would know there is something very wrong fundamentally, at it aligns with the definition of it.
its probably aspergers
Im talking about 18-20 year olds mostly
I'm 28 and still a virgin
fight me faggot
Absolute bullshit. Everyone was fucking everyone when I was in uni. There is no way over a third of people graduating were virgins. First week of uni was effectively a fucking orgy, youd have to actively try not to fuck to avoid it, and if you did that you wouldnt be an incel more a volcel.
surely you must have seen short, weak-looking boys with feminine faces? Do you really think these people are getting sex?
Yes, since you are describing gays.
Literally all you need to do
Probably yeah, but like I said theyre the ones in wheelchairs and shit
I agree, it probably comes under that umbrella and any perceived difference is just up to chance/that individuals life experiences. But it's still a description of how I am.
Without any sources you are just blindly guessing based on your own preconceived notions
You cringn because you know its a meme and inventing some disease because youre too lazy to get out of your comfort zone and talk to a girl is fucking gay.
>muh ancedotal evidence
no, because I am short, weak-looking and with a feminine face and I'm a virgin. I am a heterosexual as it is possible to be, not even slightly interested in boys, they're disgusting.
If I'm this way, others will be.
Sure Lol me too ive never even hugged a girl IRL
Of course theres just as many ugly girls as there are ugly guys.
As easy as it is to get sex I doubt I'm wrong.
I was looking back over some photos of me at family get togethers when I was growing up as a child and teenager and yeah its no wonder I was just a outcast my whole, they just scream autistic antisocial weirdo
>every college is like my college
Typical normalfag, can't grasp beyond the scope of his own personal experiences
>says the guy claiming adult virgins are common
Is this a LARP? or did you wonder in here from kikebook?
I'm cringing because I know it's a meme that tumblr types use to justify their shitty behaviour. But it very closely aligns with how I act and I'm just mentioning it because if you read the wikipedia page it is a description of me to the T, and will save me the time of describing myself (the exact same thing) here.
I CANNOT shake this behaviour off. It seems to be autism-induced and my brain is wired up wrong.
They do exist. They even have their own language. Bullet barrage. They rarely speak, but when they do they get all kinds of media attention.
Im as much a robot as anyone im just saying that for most people who went to uni, including the robots, its more likely than not they fucked a few women.
No youre just being a faggot and making it up for attention and could stop being a faggot anytime you wanted
I've tried to explain the nuance but you're not having it
here's your fucking (you)
>had sex
looks like you don't understand what a robot is.
>i'm right because it reflects my personal experiences
My first post was the one you responded to. What is common? 75%? 55%? 33%? 15%? 10%?
What the fuck kind of definjtion do you gave for robot? Edgy jaded outcast that doesn't fit in? Pic related? You're a fucking joke.
Just have sex bro, like all you need to do is get laid. Everyone at my college was getting laid everyday from day 1 like you would have to reject 10 women a day for sex
28 year old virgins are a meme they dont exist bro
>Implying ugly girls will settle for ugly guys
People who post on r9k are robots. Thats the definition.
>be me
>elite uni
>Chads everywhere
>more men than women
>just being 5'9 puts you in something like the bottom 10 percentile of male height
>about half the women are taller than me
>poor but everyone else is rich and wants to marry someone rich to maintain their lifestyle
Of course they would, thats how ugly guys have sex. If 1% of adukts are virgins, then at least 49% of ugly men are having sex with ugly women.
I'm living proof you're full of shit
So any retard who found this board from some edgy meme fangroup or teenager hangout is now a robot?
Fuck me.
And you could still fuck plenty of women after like an hour of partying. Grow up.
Are you American? In my country (central Europe), people don't live on campus and only 15% live in student dormitories (off-campus).
From my computer science course, there are either people who I've never seen with a girl or the ones who have girlfriends for 5+ years and are living with them. Among my friends the later ones are in the majority and are all very nice and decent people who actually act like grown ups.
I think the 30% virgin rate is pretty accurate considering how many guys at Uni are totally stuck in the middle school mentally of just doing nerdy programming stuff or playing video games. None of them would ever even talk about women. It maybe also doesn't help that I am at a technical university which has about 80% male students. There are also the classical goth dressed metal heads who just come to class, don't talk with anyone and go home, living with their parents. So not a hell lot of social interaction for them (but ok it's their fault).
Only a very small amount of the girls I know are single and I only had a very minimal amount of dates in the last few years, none of which ever worked out. So I'm not in a wheelchair, interested in women, about 4/10 (not fat) and still have never kissed a girl at 28. Sorry to break it to you, but that's just how the world is for some people.
Well yeah, preteding to be a virgin and making up tendie stories isnt that hard bro, anyone could do it
Sure thing
it's amazing how they push girls far away even when they're good looking
like those kids who get bullied, they emit this electromagnetic field that repulses everyone
I am in a wheelchair and fuck bitches in wheelchairs
My first year at uni we had virgin incel orgy day at the student lounge. If you didn't go you'd have to wait an extra year for graduation. 0 virgins graduated
Yeah, we're all pretending.
Thanks for reminding me why I left this board.
You have a naive view of the situation.
Thanks to social media, women have more options than ever (yes, even the ugly ones) Since women only date up, this leads to the "Incel" epidemic where ugly men cannot find a sexual partner.
Ill admit i have no idea about eastern europe, im talking from an american perspective. It would be almost impossible to be a virgin american adult. But still it seems to me that of eastern europeans didnt have sex there wouldnt be many eastern europeans, and im sure your population has increased over the years so you must be full of shit. Its not hard to have sex with a woman, weve being doing it since we lived in caves you memeing faggot
>It would be almost impossible to be a virgin american adult
Im not saying everyone in a wheelchair is a virgin, just the ines that have dicks that dont work
>Sure thing
Oh sure thing indeed, reddit cancer. The only sure thing here is that you're a white knight from reddit who worships pussy so you always see women in a positive light. The world isn't fair.
The fact of the matter is women are hypergamous and only date up, so ugly men don't even get ugly women. You're full of shit.
Thats bullshit any guy could get a tinder and smash someone at his level in like a day. Women dont always date up, thats obviously untrue since why would a handsome guy fuck some ugly skank?
not that guy, but you know it's people like you who are part of the reason I just gave up and checked out of socialising. I just get criticised constantly and made to feel like I'm completely worthless by people like you.
>inb4 stop being a self-pitying faggot
I just can't, I try to interact with people and it's the same every time.
>avoidant personality disorder
you know doctors don't diagnose this anymore right? it's just classified as a type of autism now
I dont see women in a positive light. Judge each indivial by their actions, men and women. Some are shit, most arent
Im 99% sure your trolling me btw
>It would be almost impossible to be a virgin american adult.
This guy is either baiting or a roastie. Don't pay this retard anymore attention
In my case it's Germany and the population is actually decreasing, but that is not the point. I'm a normal guy with a job and friends so I see how normal and common sex is. I totally get your point. I'm most likely doing something wrong and trust me, I've spent the last 10 years trying to find out what it is that makes me so unattractive.
What made me respond to you is simply that I cannot stand the claim that is is IMPOSSIBLE to be an adult virgin if you are not disabled. I don't expect any sympathy for my failure with women, but I just hate it when people deny that a situation like man exists or that I am a somewhat normal human being living a normal self-reliant life.
I have fucked plenty women bro like im a robot trust me bro but i dont stay indoors all day i go partying with my friends and use tinder i fuck all the time but i swear im a robot bro
just be like your fellow robot here and go outside and you will be crawling in pussy
99% sure this is also meme attention seeking
then I have that type of autism, I'm not saying 'OMG I HAVE THIS DISEASE (IT EVEN HAS A NAME SO IT MUST BE REAL!) PLEASE FEEL SYMPATHY' I'm more trying to describe myself to you.
meant to respond to that guy
>any guy could get a tinder and smash someone at his level in like a day
I didn't get anything out of it after 3 years
>Women dont always date up, thats obviously untrue since why would a handsome guy fuck some ugly skank?
>Im 99% sure your trolling me btw
lol pretty sure you're the one trolling me. You have a very ignorant view of female nature, so you're a white knight from reddit or an actual roastie. I'm not giving you anymore bait.
The stats are in this thread like 3% of adults are virgins and theyre probably the ones in wheelchairs. Its impossible to know mostly virgins unless you live in a monestary. Its simple statistics you memeing larper
im just saying you don't have to look like a tumblrite and say you have a personality disorder anymore, you can say you're autistic like the rest of us now friend :)
Bullshit you cant be a virgin after ten years of trying
yea this is definitely bait
here are some statistics on the number of virgins by age group
Show me in the official handbook where it says a robot cant have sex. Ill wait
>I didnt get anything after three years
Thats a lie
Pretty good troll, he's got the normospeak down pat.
Are you guys retarded
Of course avoidant personality disorder is real and no it's not autism
It's permanent, severe social anxiety IIRC
but there are certain things I do which I know others don't
>go to great lengths to avoid talking to people, even if it means wasting time or money
>hate talking to people unless I'm sure they like me
>feel vindicated when people fail at something I wouldn't do myself, like asking a girl out and failing, or even something more trivial like driving their car (moving deathboxes) and crashing it
I don't remember being asked
cant implies something like i dont have a penis
unable to is better
seems like all the virgins on this board are in fact lying because you think its impossible
>tfw 93% of your age group men had sex
i'm probably mentally ill
>man pretending to be a virgin says he knows about women
Youve revealed yourself bro if you really were a virgin you wouldnt have any insight. Well played though you had me going at the end there
>Thats a lie
hahaha nope
who are you trying to convince here?
don't forget to account these 1.2% is prolly full of down syndrome, cripples and midgets
kek and the 2.6% said fuck it i'ma fuck a ho
See exactly like 3% of people are virgins after 20, and thats the three percent that are im wheelchairs or whatever, its impossible for the first guy i responded to to say that everyone he knows is a virgin
So what exactly is your point? That I had sex and forgot about it, so I somehow only think I am still a virgin?
>any guy could get a tinder and smash someone at his level in like a day
That is interesting. Where are these women on my level? I never see women whom I'd consider less or only equally attractive than myself. Maybe if I'd find a girl twice my weight with a below average face. But where are the 150kg women? Do they use Tinder?
Anxiety is a meme lazy people use to avoid putting effort into new things
yea my buddy was near a car bomb when he was deployed in Afghanistan and took a 5 inch piece of steel to the spine
lost control of everything below his waist but he's still looks like a greek god he gets hit on all the time but he just has to say no
If you are hetero, then stop being so gay. Hit the gym and change your look to masculine.
looks like one of those surveys where they ask 100 people and then say everyone
most likely asked 100 chads and stacys from uni for that age group who knows
This has to be meta trolling theres no way that you actual think that most people are virgins. Look at the stats
>trying to argue that its impossible to have sex on tinder
Im interested to see how this ruse continues
I found this re prostitution. High estimate of 20% of american men pay for sex at least once
so you have problems socialising and understanding alternative ways of thinking
wonder what that could mean
>most people
i said on this board not in general
actual robots are, if you filter out the normie trash that comes on this board.
>look at this survey bro
i was never asked, and how do i know they didnt just ask 10 chads from uni to add to that age group then say thats the average
Shit sucks poor dude
yes, I know it it probably just a type of autism. But it is a type of autism not everyone else here has (a lot of autists here take risks, and I know a lot of autists in real life who take risks).
This is just the 50th percentile, aka halfway point.