Any fellow surfers here on Jow Forums? How does it feel knowing you participate in the most chad sport?

Any fellow surfers here on Jow Forums? How does it feel knowing you participate in the most chad sport?

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How2start? Moving to coastal North Carolina soon

Best activity for the weekends. I just started this year, not very good yet but getting better. Looking forward to summer to keep practicing.
I'm just using a foam board at the moment but I'll probably upgrade to fibreglass this summer

I'd love to but I am landlocked XD

>buy big surfboard
>ride little waves

start with foamie board. Understand which length will suit you. Smaller boards require more skill and strength, longer boards are for those phat cruises down the smoother waves. It'd be easier to start with a longer board ultimately

why is it the most chad sport?

Feels based man. Always get sick mites when back up the beach after getting pitted on a sick barrel. Local floosies love seeing me and the groms shred the gnar when a swell comes in. The fat fucks and pudgy office types put their heads down. Just remember to stay off my wave brah and especially paddleoboarders, if you steal my left turn I'll sock ya right in the kisser, mate.

because surfing those perfect giant rides on waves shows you don't give a fuck and can handle dangerous instances and get thrills from it. Women and men love those qualities in people who can do dangerous shit for fun. Surfing is full of lean, athletic sick cunts too, which goes without saying.

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the surfer dudes I know are really full of themselves, think they are the hottest shit and are actually total douchebags. pretty sad, because it ruins the awesome sport for me

*blocks your path*

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I don’t live remotely close to a beach it fucking sucks. I’m not great at surfing but I liked the rush. I still have my board and wish I could use it. Never met anyone who surfs because I live so inland as well, and I’m not the type to vacation to some beaches alone.
Also waves are a natural fear to me. It’s weird that I like surfing and waves so much but at the same time and terrified of them. A lot of internal conflict and stress going on there. I don’t like fucking tiny meme wave surfing though they need at least some heft to them

Ausfag surfer reporting in

>boomers be everywhere

put the boomer wojak over his head

windsurfer here

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Fuck SUPs

TFW move from San Diego to the San Joucein Valley with the nearest beach being 2 hours away. Had a nice 9'0 Walden Magic Model but sold it for traveling expenses.

reporting in. Used to compete locally/regionally here on the east coast. With school and such I got away from it. Just bought a nice Lost Libtech RNF Redux and loving life. I still got the moves.

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bro what part? i love the outer banks but they don’t have great surfing, most of the waves break too close to shore to ride. that said i’m sure there are places you can find, but it’s not that common from what i’ve seen

>Outer Banks
>Doesn't have great surfing
>Arguably the best spot on the East Coast

Take your NSP funboard and gtfo kook.

You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Dis cord yet??
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How do surfers always have such good bodies?
Doesn't seem particularly taxing fitness wise.

Skaters are usually at low bodyfat as well. Both require good core strength.

>so dangerous
>just fall in the water
Try again sweaty

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I was about to say how stupid calling surfing the most chad sport is, but then I thought about it. It is literally the sport of Chads (ottermode, show off your body doing it, bit more dangerous than other sports but not stupidly dangerous, being outdoors at the beach).


The majority of your time in the water you're paddling. The whole process requires a lot of core strength. If you're actually good enough to go down the line and do turns and such your legs get smoked. Most surfers are pretty otter mode.

surfing can be taxing and sometimes infuriatingly exhausting if the wind's being a choppy shit cunt

It is a white dominated sport (with some brazilians make gains in the competitive world). The difference between men and women physically is exceedingly apparent. Women are nowhere near the level of men. It truly is a Chad sport.

Any surfers on Long Island here? How is it up there? I'm moving up there in a couple of months.

shits insane on your core like skateboarding, I went a couple years ago and after four hours I was just barely able to stand up. Also a lot of paddling for cardio/arms+while you're standing up it kinda works your legs like snowboarding. I would def do it more if there was a beach near me, it seems like the fun of snow/skateboarding but with less chance of injury.

the only sport without niggers making us feel insecure

What are the best places in America for surfing other than Hawaii and California?

florida probably has some gems

best spots in the phillippines?

>completely flat out
Fucking kooks

Why is that man carrying a board when there are no waves.

Looks like they're breaking way off shore, I've never been to a spot like that but they exist

Yeah true there might be a reef or some shit out there.

I like surfing but I would not call it dangerous at all.

That's because you're surfing 2ft wind slop on a fun board. Plenty of pros have died. Every year people get their faces ripped off from face planting into reefs.

Yeah, where you at folks?

Surfing is one of the only ubermenschian sports akin to mountaineering, climbing, old school fencing, etc.

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>wind surfing

get on my level bitches

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Is that Curren Caples? Lmao

that is just the tightest shit

Noa Deane, kids insane

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what's the point of working out of you don't get to show off in what's essentially a real life plug-suit?

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I read this in the most kangaroo voice imaginable

if you read this post again you will realize that there's actually not a single "mate" in there

its an illusion

I didnt get anything you are trying to say and I have been learning english for 15 years and lived in 2 english speaking countries.

Fuck off kook

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did he dead

no he decided to become a fish

You have to be 18 to post here.

shut up, SUP racing is one of the more physically challenging sports

Kind of sounds like you just don't play many sports. Every sport has a chance to get hurt.

Either way, be safe, have fun, etc etc.

Had the first decent swell of the summer last weekend, shit was so cash. Ireland gets some really good waves brehs

ill kill u

If that isn’t the classic boomer looking guy who does exactly this any place you go where there’s SUPs holy shit. It’s like there are clones of this guy casually steering his shit directly in your way from way out in left field.

Fucking kill yourself faggot oh my god I hate paddleboarders

There are plenty of surfers who are skinny fat, especially if all they do is surfing. What you’re thinking of is either surf marketing where they take pics of model-tier guys on the waves, or professional surfers who unironically probably do steroids and are genetically gifted and lift weights and workout hard outside the ocean.

Enjoy being cucked by a bull shark out there

Daytona Beach checking. Plz send hurricane.

Nah, look at most pros.. they're otter mode/skinny fat. Most do not lift serious weights. At most calisthenics and some meme tier TRX stuff/kettlebells.