When did you realize you weren't like the other girls?
When did you realize you weren't like the other girls?
When did you realize you weren't like the other boys?
ISFJ girls personality and I like girly shit, even put my hands inside my sleeves like a girl.
when I saw my penis
When i looked down and there was a dick, now get the fuck out roastie
>even put my hands inside my sleeves like a girl.
this is not what makes a girl
I love when girls do it.
I knew I was different from other boys when i was being made fun of for not being a complete jerk!
tomboys a best
I hope you actually do have a cunt tho
She's taller than me
I live in a country where girls are 5'6", on average.
Looks like the one true /bestgirl/ OP
OP, you do realise there are no females on this board right? Just a bunch of faggots roleplaying
>tfw no qt tomboy gf
This is the last feel I want to be feeling right now.
Can I have a self conscious tomboy girlfriend to remind her she's beautiful with or without assets, just the way she is, pls
I just want someone to cuddle hug and fall asleep with, and build a life together
Why can't I have this
>just a bunch of faggots roleplaying
I always wanted to be a dragon
I'm female not even do rp
post bobs, originally
this thread will probably answer WHEN I SAW MUH DICK
fuck this gay board.. filtered
Don't start a new tranny larping thread when there are already multiple tranny larping threads with under 50 replies please.
Also you are a guy. You will never be a girl.
Can the mod ban the word fembot please. This is the cancer killing Jow Forums
when did you guys realize there are no 'other girls'?
Well I'm petite, cute (when I actually try), with emo hair. I realized I wasn't like other girls when I failed to socialize for the entirety of HS, lost my understanding of socialization (sound like a complete idiot whispering whenever I try to talk to someone I haven't known for more than 3 month). Plus, grew little tits.
>putting 5'5" there like its meant to be tall
Lol womenlets. My freaking mom is 5'7" and a former Stacy
>get invited to sleepover by genuinely sweet blonde athletic girl in my class
>it's my first sleepover
>watching "My Girl" with the Home Alone kid
>funeral scene
>holy shit
>burst out laughing
>all the other girls are crying
>looking at me
>start laughing harder
>can't stop
>her mom comes in and screams at me to shut up
>finally manage to choke back guffaws
>walk back in from the hallway
>the most popular girl looks at me and says, "what the fuck is wrong with you"
>never invited to another sleepover but blonde girl did go to mini-putt with me and it fueled a slight obsession
When boys started ignoring me when they discovered sex and starting directing their attentions towards prettier girls. So probably starting in middle school, gradually increasing until I entered high school.
>tfw attracted to masculine-featured and masculine-presenting women
>tfw they're usually lesbians
>tfw girls don't have stories of rejection only self disappoint for not being the coolest girl apparently
I never understand the concept of "short=cute" with girls. Tall women look more aesthetically pleasing, under 5'4 party girls turn into hamplets after freshman year of college.
I think it's just roasties trying to copy the very real height insecurity/discrimination with men.
You know what, fuck it. I'm autistic.
>friends with girl
>she was Asian so the fact she was a boring video game obsessed slob was rendered adorable
>gets a white beta boyfriend as a result
>she becomes way less cool instantaneously
>invites me over to her house
>planned a water balloon fight
>she didn't want to play water balloons because her makeup would run so she hid the ones I bought
>nobody realises this
>trying to find solution
>"Uh...we could...use....toilet paper."
>her boyfriend looks at me
>"that's fucking retarded and lame"
>tear up
>"yeah, I know."
>he blasts me in the face with the hose
>she stops playing outside with me and spends her time making out with him
It's okay though because when he "graduated to white women" (his words), dumped her, and tried to get with this white girl who confided to me she had a college-aged boyfriend I loudly blurted out that fact to him moments before his promposal. Which he then had to finish. With a bouquet of roses.
OK, this is me. Here's my rejection story. Just to add before I start, that wasn't even the question of the thread you idiot.
>Senior year of HS
>Finally work up the courage to ask a guy who I was obsessed with for 4 years to go out with me (maybe prom?)
>He's a goth but pretty chaddy and friends with everyone
>Normally sit alone at a table in the far corner of the lunch room but this time I go outside and sit at an empty table looking at him
>at the end of lunch, give him a note asking him out and run out
>notice him laughing with his friends when I look back for a sec
>Get called to the counselors in first class of the day
>start to get a panic attack
>get to nurse and the counselor is there waiting for me with the nurse
>Nurse helps me calm down and then they CHECK MY WRISTS!
>Counselor tell me that the guy I asked out thought I would kill myself if he rejected me so he went to the counselor.
>counselor gave me a talking to about suicide and why it's bad.
>called mom and went home for the day.
>cried all day.
>never asked anyone out since.
stfu we have it hard too.
I've told this one before:
>Stacey who always used to hock loogies at me, throw ketchup covered tampons at me, smear lipstick on my stuff, broke my art project, etc.
>friends (sort of) with a couple Chads because I helped with their homework and they thought I was funny
>he gives me her nudes
>"do what thou wilt, user!" he says in a funny accent because I would always "talk like a Shakespeare character"
>literally a video of her, in her bedroom which is easily comparable to her selfies complete with a blurry family portrait in the back, fucking a black dildo
>plan to send it to her boss, the parents of the kids she babysits, her coach, her pastor
>plan to wait until I get home
>walking to bus
>realise I can't destroy this girl's life because she's mean
>delete them
>erase from recycling bin
>about to get on bus
>rotten banana to the face
>see Stacey laughing with her friends
>never invited back
>not rejection
>be me
>16yo 5'11'' femanon
>be in locker room with other girls
>they are talking about kissing other girls but clearly as a joke
>they laugh at me and think I'm insane
When it comes to more physical aspects I always knew I wasn't like other girls. I dressed like a guy for a long time, people would even mistake me for one. Over the years, I've learned to wear dresses and more girly clothes but I refuse to put on make up. And I'm still 5'11'' in this land of dwarves...
I can top it. That's pretty arrogant on his part.
>ask this dude in my computer class out
>"uh...I ...have a girlfriend"
>yeah fucking right you ooze virginity
>"if you didn't have a girlfriend would I be dateable"
I got more.
Probably cracked too hard at this
>asks out chad
i got rejected by a fat and flat girl, she looked like a fridge and nobody wanted her
>be me
>laughed through most of the "cruel" death scenes on GoT
>mum asked me if GoT was that funny
OK whatever. At least you got more you cunt. I've been alone forever. STOP POSTING HP FAN FIC SHIT PLZ WTF.
I like left more than right though
>they are talking about kissing other girls but clearly as a joke
>but clearly as a joke
>as a joke
They weren't joking they were nervously broaching the subject of their own sexual curiosity behind a shield of plausible deniability
I'm skinny. Why would you ask her out if nobody wanted her.
But you have to admit, it's pretty fucking gay. You would never see Chad do that
because i had 0 attention ever and all my friends were getting laid even the dorky hyper leftist ones we made of and i was getting insecure.
>have epilepsy
>have crush on this kid from math olympics
>he's since forgotten about math stuff and is chad now
>still entertain this stupid "Kindergarten Boyfriend"-esque fantasy of being the ~*~only one who really loved him~*~, wrote much melodramatic poetry
>see him in the halls
>he looks really upset
>he calls me over
>starts telling me his parents are getting divorced and that's why he's been fucking up school
>hugs me
>"I'm really sorry to you and (other Math Olympics friend), because you guys were really special to me and I just...ignored you."
>"Thank you, that means so much."
>keep hugging
>walk down the stairs talking about skipping class to see a movie
>hit my head
>did I mention I have epilepsy
>he picks me up and carries me bridal style
>suddenly arm jerks
>uppercut him
>he drops me down the remainder of stairs
>everything feels soft, bright, and white
>feel myself pissing
>see his horrified expression
>"to hell with you then"
>he runs
>he never told anyone
>I sat rolling on the floor in my piss foaming at the mouth and screaming for several minutes while a crowd formed around me until a teacher showed up
>did I mention this was the beginning of cellphones being everywhere and it was recorded
I'm numb now.
GOT is fucking hilarious, especially after the writing dipped. Favourite moments?
>"you've never been rejected"
>"hey guys I got more rejection stories"
>"at least you got more"
Ok, and? You are literally just seeking people to justify your gayness. You're like a retarded guy showing his dick and saying "Am I am guy? Am I a guy?" Stop seeking justification.
Jow Forumsbois
Dude what? You're reading this shit wrong or getting confused or whatever.
This is me.
I never said I hadn't been rejected. I never said I have more stories. I was saying at least she has more stories. Stop being dumb.
this thread is some serious women hate fuel
I've got one
>be me
>has crush on Chad
>ask him to prom
>ask him to go out with me
>writes song asking him out
>brings guitar to school and plays him the song
>he looks at me confused
>we talk afterwards
>flattered but still no
So yeah, I fucking wrote a song asking him out (the chorus was "go out with me" a bunch of times) and the guy still said no.
this is the funniest shit I've read all week, who comes up with these?
be my inappropriate laughing gf
We are allies. The oldest alliance in the world, user
>have crush on brother's friend
>I used to order drugs off the dark web
>brother finds my shit
>they're all wowed
>we drop acid
>i give them drugs because please be my friend
>try to kiss brother's friend
>he swerves
>offers me a high five
>immediately feel anxious
>have my first truly bad trip
>become paranoid about having a seizure
>start farting uncontrollably
>brother and friends go to park
>cry and beg crush to sit with me because I'm terrified of passing out
>he sits with me
>I can't stop farting
>he eventually leaves despite my insistence that I'm terrified
>"you're gross"
>he calls my parents
>my mom finds out
>my mom calls me and starts screaming at me
>I can "feel" her voice through the phone
>she says I'll have pernament brain damage because drugs are bad
>"this...is forever?"
>start screaming
>keep screaming
>neighbours call my mom
>she comes home
>pass out, but no seizure
>go to hospital
>pissed myself
That song "Rosetta Stoned" by Tool captures the mood.
Oh! Sorry. user and all that makes it hard to tell.
>"flattered but no"
This phrase haunts me. It's worse than the mean rejections because then you don't even have the "he's a jerk" defense
A cold and uncaring deterministic universe? My life sucks.
be my Yuu Kashim gf
where are the girls who couldn't even get anything?
I bet you're no older than 20
I am not the original poster of that. Just saying he is a girly little gay and he reason to whine about it anonymously
ya, and? I'm 19.
robots rejection story
>ask out literally anyone even a 0/10 ham planet
>is now a 20+ year old virgin with no relationship experience
fembots rejection story
>ask out chad
>asks out another chad
>sleeps with a chad
>hey we're in a relationship now right?
>someone other than chad asks her out
Uhhhhhhhhh wtf. Sorry. I didn't have the courage to ask anyone else out. And maybe my standards are a bit too high but I want someone who can support and help me.
get on my level. i'm 26 and never had a boyfriend.
lies lots of ugly fuckers would support and help you.
>he's not a jerk
That is exactly it! He is a really nice guy and was never a dick to me. It still hurts that he rejected me...
Any fembots want to be my practice gf? I can't date you in real life because I live in South America.
I'm surprised that's not original
>have yet another crush on a guy from my chemistry class
>he also does drugs
>conversation starter: ask him if he knows a dealer for me
>gives me a name and number
>always bought my drugs online so have no idea what to do
>text him, "hey do you sell marijuana (crush) says you do"
>crush immediately gets a text
>"the fuck is this nark you sent my way."
>try to salvage this
>ask him to introduce me to this guy
>I buy beer for everyone
>crush is a skinny manlet and I have beefy arms
>offer to carry all the beer
>doing okay
>nearly lose beer
>go to party
>always did edibles, but said I "smoke" weed
>he hands me a bong
>light it wrong because I'm retarded and drunk
>correct self
>"hahaha, I'm okay."
>drop bong
>"that was my first bong"
>he never talks to me again
Anyway I gotta leave break. Love you guys.
i am portuguese, i want a suck from a girl
You don't like girly shit, f*ggot.
You just lack the identification with masculine energy and desires.
Where are you from?
And you couldve avoided it all if you just didnt take the drugs
>farting uncontrollably on acid
iktf, it always strikes me as the most preposterous side effect
thats your only problem, your standards are too high
come back to us only if some smelly loser neet virgin rejects you, then you will be like the rest of us
ya, I doubt i'll ever get a bf.
Most of em are too beta to help me. They would end up crying with me. I need a guy who can support me mentally. I got problems and I need someone who can help me.
>you are a guy. You will never be a girl.
You want Chad. Just fucking admit it
wow you really are a girl
>Favourite moments?
>be Oberyn
>poisons spear to fuck up opponent
>starts badgering the audience without checking if the opponent is actually dead
>gets punched in the face, eyes gouged out, and skull crushed
Best part is Clegane somehow not dying with that red eyed zombie bullshit
Ya a little bit. But in the same way that you obsess over Stacy. How much of the porn that you saved. watch is of chestlets and crazies.
Yay!! Lisbon!
I'm surprised there are other Portuguese here.
conheci ja portugueses no Jow Forums e ate ja me encontrei com eles irl. quer dizer so conheci um mas de qualquer maneira
>This phrase haunts me. It's worse than the mean rejections because then you don't even have the "he's a jerk" defense
The absolute state of roasts in 2018
>watch is of chestlets and crazies.
different user, but i only save porn if its of chestlets. chestlets are unironically superior to titcows. i dont like big boobs at all. they grab any guys attention, even mine, but thats all they are good for. as far crazy goes, well, every girl in porn is crazy.
Oh a serio? Eu vejo algumas bandeiras no /pol e no Jow Forums mas somos tao poucos...
>thread ironically proof that other girls don't exist
Putting hands inside sleeves feels amazing. There's nothing wrong about that.
>tfw wear slightly too long sleeves in the winter and they cover my hands almost entirely and then I just watch my fingers as they dance on the keyboard as I write code :3
ok whatever, it's bullshit. Gus only want fucking Stacy.
I'm leaving.
when i realised i had a peepee
conheci no Jow Forums gente boa por acaso.
se quiseres manter contato posta ai alguma cena, tipo discord ou skype para eu te adicionar. vou sair daqui a pouco
>guys only want stacy
one of these threads again, so soon?
could at least wait a day
>chestlets cant be stacy
are you serious? how damaged is your self esteem? in my dictionary, ONLY chestlets qualify as Stacy. if i can see a line or crease at the bottom, her boobs are too big.
or shit has it even been a few hours idk.
you're joking right?
this is bait, right?
this is real life bud. all the girls think they're different but none of them are.
>but I want someone who can support and help me.
what means this desu?
Not her, but ai think she's implying all robots are insane and can't really make her feel safe and comfortable
>implying all robots are insane and can't really make her feel safe
not everyone who uses this board is a robot
>inb4 get out
>wutever you guys do it too I'm leaving nyaa
Just say no u and leave.
This is why females were chased off for so long, they're basically permanently underage and they fucking well post like it, irritating children.
I'm a cyborg and really want a fembot gf, but they all hate everyone on here so here I sit with tfw no gf, with my only options going after the stacys on tinder. I wish fembots knew that there are more than just hateful robots here.
Don't be a bitch about it. I'm INFJ and love girly shit.
i know that feel bro. the trouble is weeding out the ones who are legitimately batshit crazy from the ones who are normal levels of crazy.
I do not understand why women do not grow out their hair if they are not dykes. Short hair looks unattractive on a woman, keep it long and feminine.