Fembots, how do we get laid by you? Any tips on how to get with you guys?

Fembots, how do we get laid by you? Any tips on how to get with you guys?

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Tip 1: be Chad.

I wanna fuck a qt trap instead. Short but intense relationship would be ideal for the summer

>help me meet retarded mentally ill girls
stop being thirsty
I also unironically find it hot when people shit on girls that post in fembot threads or make any threads here. you probably talk with more girls than you think. Every time I add someone I pretend to be male until we voice chat or something.The best way to see what the person is like is when they do not know you're female.
>roast get the fuck out
i'm going.

>stop being thirsty
No, sperg.

how many guys have you fucked and yes I'm aware we've talked to many women on this site you give it away so easy with your typing style

I would never date someone from r9k. Maybe if I met you irl and you seemed cool but idk.

Fembots are mentally ill and will cheat on you more than normie girls. Seen so many cases of it happening to people kek

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Why the fuck would you want to date a fembot?
Imagine how much more mentally fucked up a normie girl is compared to a normie guy.
Now imagine how fucked up a fembot would be compared to a robot.

why have you faggots fallen for the relationship jew?

step 1 is don't be a misogynist douchebag
step 2 is treat us like normal people and don't act desperate, it's creepy

>step 1 is don't be a misogynist douchebag
Youre not a fembot are you

I am, and I'm tired of being called a roastie and being told that I'm incapable of logical thinking, which is 100% bullshit

>I am, and I'm tired of being called a roastie and being told that I'm incapable of logical thinking, which is 100% bullshit

fucking normie


I just fucking came

nice larp m8. why do you enjoy pretending to be a girl?

>i cant handle the bantz
you dont belong on Jow Forums desu

>being able to think logically
pick one and only one

>I just fucking came
Touch yourself again

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take the other roasts advice and leave or are you the same one?

Let me translate from roastie to english.
step 1 is don't be ugly
step 2 is treat us like normal people and don't act desperate for sex, that is only for chad

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Treat me like a princess, while not making it obvious you are treating me like one.

Just try to be normal and not act like complete retards

Wow, didn't see that one coming

Is remaining friends with a fembot possible?

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No. You stay friends with a female in the hopes that she finally picks you or leaves her Chd bf and you get the sloppy seconds. Name a single reason why else you'd want to befriends with a female? to talk to her? to have conversations? to share interests? Have a good gaming partner? Someone that cares? All of those are a fucking start to a joke when a woman is involved.

Yes, if the fembot is fat and you're in love with another girl