Hurry up brother, the boss has only given me a ten minute break today
i-igotta get back
Hurry up brother, the boss has only given me a ten minute break today
i-igotta get back
>boss sends me out for food
>i get it
>all the other employees are mad because they didnt order in the food they just gave me a list and sent me to subway
>spent the full lunch break in line, called back to the office and said i was still in line and couldn't leave the store, sent pics from phone as proof of how packed it was
>finally get the food and make it back
>everyone is mad at me for something i didnt even do, nobody has payed me for the food but is trying to take the sandwich while also insulting me
>take the bag back to my car and leave
>come home and play videogames
>thinking about going home and working on the farm for my dad
all i want is enough money to live and pay for videogames, a gym membership, and a dick in my butt
The last part can be arranged user
You gay or summit
FUCK. Boss man is ringing me. I'm stuck in traffic though
Why did you buy shit for you other co workers wtf?
>The last part can be arranged user
would you like to share with the class or do you prefer a more private exchange...
You won that round
>user go get the food from subway heres a list
>we will pay you back upfront the moment you enter the door
when i asked for my money they told me they would "pay me back later" .
You should never buy things for people unless they give you the money first.
i will make sure to never repeat my mistake, i let myself get pushed into it because i was afraid of making people feel bad.
had i actually had some i probably wouldn't have quit my job rather pointlessly
>>user go get the food from subway heres a list
Yea I know that feel I hate disappointing people
Reminder that this is a fresco wagie thread and not a thread about the ethics of buying others food before payment
>tfw someone from high school comes into the store you slave at
>tfw he doesn't recognize you at first
>but then you notice a look of pity comes upon his face
where do you work? is it really that bad?
Gay brothel
>get half hour for lunch
>go to favorite chinese food place
>takes 6 minutes to walk there (have to run)
>can't waste time thinking about what i want, order the thing i always get with the waitress before i sit down
>get nervous as i hit the 20 minute mark in my lunch break as my food comes in
>hold the waitress up, give her my card as she drops off my food so i can dash after i finish eating
>have become well practiced with the chopsticks over months of this routine
>tear through my meal, eating like goku after a fight
>sign the receipt and sprint back to my office
true routine in my work week
wow, fucking bastard, no food for you then
I like this one. Its like that painting where God gives life to Adam. Except its Fresco instead of Adam. In the picture, in that fleeting moment, Feelsguy is like a god to Fresco. He is the one who decides if he is nourished or not.
Do you work at a grocery store? Because that's the number 2 absolute shittiest place to work, right behind number 1 -fast food. You CAN find an easier place to work that pays more with just a bit of effort. Seriously.
I never actually get lunch on my lunch break. By the time the elevator's made it to the ground floor in my building ten minutes have already been pissed away, and you're looking at a 20 minute wait minimum for food in the overcrowded cafeteria. I just bring a granola bar or something.
LMAO fucking cucks.
I bet you get lunch at 12.
TRUE alphas go at 11. And get to eat before all the normie fags who wake up at 8 go like cattle to the cafateria.
MFW my food is always fresh as 11 is when they just open up, MFW the quality of food i get is better because the people are not as tired of all the assholes yet.
MFW this is if i actually choose to eat instead of bringining in my lunch which i do for most of the week, and spend my 1 hr walking around in the sun, or walking to a park nearby to just chill at maybe even eat a magic brownie at.
i honestly don't know if you guys really are outliers, or if i'm the weird one.
Do you actually have all this bad shit happen to you at work?
I work a junior job (production chemist) on not a lot of money (24k GBP /yr) at 25 years old and I seem to have quite a nice time at work. Admittedly, i'm a normie.
Will fresco ever get a break
They treat this way because your a fag.
Damn people really want Fresco to take off.
>*crack - pssshhhh*
>"Thanks for waking me up neighbor! My alarm didn't go off!"
>he says, while larping as an anime girl
Why's your ice cream machine always down bro
the worst feel of all feels
Someone please explain the meme. What's this character supposed to be?
Fresco is the actual 30 year old boomer. A man who's living in a harsher corporate world that either requires a forced happy exterior, a business career, or that exterior is one he merely adopts for himself to not breakdown and seem normal to his coworkers. Maybe a bit of both. He may be more upwardly mobile than the typical wageslave Wojak, but will ultimately end up in a dead-end corporate job. In days of old this may have earned him the white picket fence and lawnmowing bliss of the boomer, but now it brings him nothing but mediocrity and stress.
How is he a boomer, if he's only 30?
30 year old boomer is a separate meme that's really just about mocking Gen-X nostalgia, but got mixed up with just mocking actual unironic boomers. Fresco is unique and "the actual 30 year old boomer" in the sense that he follows the career path, ambitions, and ties to maintain the attitude of the unironic boomer, and that just bears different results because of the current business environment.
Whoa, that's deep lmao. Thanks for the explanation.
buy them sandwiches tomorrow and poison the shit out of them
This. Always imagine fresco working for a harsh corporate American company, ok ish pay, poor benefits. Basically in the cubical rat race where you need to suck a cock to get that promotion. The promotion is never worth it unless you are
Fresco is Hal from Malcolm in the middle
Could you Bring back those black Cheese burgers for October I liked those
Absolutely based FRESCO
How though? I've been working in retail for two years now and, even though I have a shitty meme degree, only five jobs out of the hundred that i apply to respond back (which I then fail the interviews for). It feels like finding a job that doesn't pay wagecuck-tier money is impossible here
Because of the new-found popularity of this particular fresco, the version that I saved will become ultra-rare soon enough. It's a version without the hedge. I won't share it now, but have a rare fresco for your troubles.
FRESCO is a salarycuck in a corporate office world.
If someone posts a particularly rare fresco/makes me kek I'll post an ultra rare
It's the best one I have.
Look online for jobs you might be interested in. Not craigslist, but more professional sites. Or just go to places you might be interested in and ask if they're hiring.
Boomers NEED monsters. How many times do I have to tell you?
Are you the same guy from the thread 2 days ago?
What's the boomers monster meme about
>What's the boomers monster meme about
Keeps us able to perform at a decent level.
Has no sugar.
>that Mike Rowe boomer wageslave pledge
It's perfect
Just post the rare Fresco faggot
You mean this version?
I unironically love me job.
I enjoy being around my coworkers.
I am respected.
Doesn't change that I'm a filthy virgin.
Most of these Fresco scenarios are americans. Since you are paid in Good Boy Points I am guess you are living in the UK.
Americans love working so much they go crazy.
the dubs impressed me so here's a fresco
Fresco could also me Japanese. I didn't realise how fucking work cucked they are