What is the most absurd and amusing exercise that he ever demonstrated?
What is the most absurd and amusing exercise that he ever demonstrated?
Other urls found in this thread:
Weighted quad digits
Suitcase deadlift with a barbell
His exercises have a good reasoning behind them but jesus christ do they look stupid.
5x5 clickbaits
wasted diggs....
Tetrix 3xF
Lateral raises
floating scissors (1:59 and onwards)
Some of his shit seems just nuts and outright stupid but i learned how to unfuck my shoulder and do some excercises properly due to him so i guess he's ok. Idk how he can charge almost a hundred dollars for something you can find for free though.
what did you do to unfuck your shoulder?
Not OP but face pulls and rear delt work before every gym sesh helped alot. Also yesterday I did a leg day with only front squats and my pressing was much better today.
What are his lifts? Perhaps his joints are healthy because he's a fitness fag who doesn't lift over 2pl8
He said that his knees are shit because he used to lift for his ego back in high school.
I see
Every bicep one is some fucked up version of hammer curl.
most of his theories seem right but at the same time, some of them are never tested especially when he starts to talk about anatomy. Its like he is writing up a hypothesis and doesn't bother with actually testing and data acquisition. But there are other theories he does test through application by using other athletes. At the same time, how could you ever know which ones he actually tested? To me, he just sounds like an undergrad who knows minimal amount to know more than the average person.
Pistols squats as a bet while I was drunk. It was hilarious. Mirin those quads.
I thought it was because he said his has pes planis(flat feet)