>therapist is wearing a crucifix
Do I bring this up in conversation and ask him to take it off during our appointments?
Therapist is wearing a crucifix
maybe yes, maybe not
you could also see another therapist, or not
What is wrong Jew?
Maybe hes Greek? Greeks get given Crucifix when they get baptized and they often just wear them for life even if they dont even goto church.
>so buttblasted by a religious symbol you want it out of sight
I think you need more therapy to get rid of the mindset that you can morph the world around you ya little sperg
Maybe, or maybe you should crawl back to your coffin you FUCKING VAMPIRE! HAVE AT YOU, FIEND!
Depends on how religious he is. If he isn't a gospel spewer then yes.
Gotta agree with this
What makes you want him to remove it so bad OP?
Fucking bloodsuckers thinking they can fit in with regular humans.
I just dont want to see the constant reminder that I am smarter than him. We both know it to be true. Anybody who goes for a psych degree in college is going to be dumb, but to be so stupid that you believe in god is another level. Hes a great guy and all, but I cant help but feel like Im talking to a mentally stunted human.
You should propose a trade. He takes off the crucifix and you leave the fedora in the reception.
Or the vape
fuck off faggot
>psychiatrist has a freemasons ring
Why don't you tell him exactly this? That you think he's a mentally stunted human because of his beliefs.
i *tip* at thee sir, we shalt kill all SHEEPLE when thy time draws neer friend
And yet without this subhumans help you cant function in society hmmmm
Le epic hat joke xD
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you believe that for no other reason than that your teachers have told you so, and all the materials you've bothered to read have confirmed it. Try making an actual study of something before you arbitrarily decide that those who believe it are inferior.
wrong I went to a catholic school for elementary school. studied it and was even an altar boy up until confirmation when i told my parents it was all bullshit. since then even they stopped going to church
Proper Christians don't wear crucifixes, moron. It's just a symbol for >muh heritage
No offense OP, but lets look at the facts. You are going to therapy and he is your therapist. One of you is demonstrably happier and in better mental health, in spite of your perception that he is as less complete being for having faith.
One of the factors might be his ability to consider, or at the very least tolerate, other viewpoints.
I can confirm this. i have one from my baptism and it's solid gold - i've worn it all my life
>has bad experience with man made religion
>guess that a creator of the universe is now impossible
You know human religion doesnt have a monopoly on the concept of god right?
You understand that its entirely possible for their to be a creator that nobody on earth has ever heard of or knows anything about right?
You understand that the universe doesnt revolve around you and that any creator has better things to do than prove their existance to someone they most likely dont care about.
Being an athiest is just as stuck up and stupid as following a human made religion
Yeah user, go ahead and whine about it. Aggressive behaviour can get you a pretty neat diagnosis. Don't risk it. This is like telling him/her you are constantly looking at her breasts to the point where this causes annoyance to you.
>boss has one
>boss's boss has one
>boss's boss's boss has one
>implying im atheist