Chad Mbti?

I got ENTP, beat that faggots

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I got ENFJ for a month after accidently megadosing on LSD

economically speaking, ENTJ is probably the most chad type... but take MBTI with a pillar of salt because it's a Lot of nonsense

How was it? Were you like chad?

ENTP is the best, imagine having the humour of an autist, but the social skills of a god

I went back to community college and got a job until the effects wore off and then I went back to my INTP NEET self

Shit bro that's crazy, my bro took LSD once and he saw patterns for like 6 months. Did you enjoy the change then?

Mfw get cuck tier INFP

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Just LOL, imagine being that beta. You should stop drinking onions bro

wtf i cant say onions here -.-

I did. I got positive affirmations from people because my attitude was so positive. LSD fucked me up so much that time. I reflected on how badly I treated my past dead friends and my family to the point where I cried like a baby so I changed my attitude. I was spaced out for a month from it. Chicks were smiling at me. People got this positive aura from me. The change was so much I went to Thanksgiving dinner with my extended family which I rarely did in 5 years.

I really miss my ENFJ self

That stuff is all made up. The Big 5 model is the only model of personality with any scientific basis. You might as well be arguing over your horoscopes.


WHY ME!!!!!!

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How can I trust the accuracy of this test?

ENTP here, it's fabo
YES. I end up being quite popular wherever I go.
Immediate friends are an INTP, ESFP, ENFP, and INTJ.

Really ESTJ/ISTJ/ISFJ is really pushing me. Like they do some illogical shit, but I can totally understand and just going with the flow helps.
Half of my family is ISFJ, and their shit routines / repetitive activities / feeling based shit drives me up a wall. They also see our argumentative moments as antagonistic rather than just playful banter. 10/10 would rip hair out

Boss is an ESTP. Thank god. Dude fought dogs and sold drugs, yet works retail. ESTPs are the best, they get shit DONE.
Really enjoy the mystical vibe from INFJs. They all have a set of (questionable) yet interesting beliefs. They also tend to be fairly chill.
ESFPs, tho I have many around me, just love attention. They must get off to having themselves on other people's minds. Extra, honest, yet fucking retarded because that F is there. Coworker is a single mother with no connection to the father. Fucks multiple dudes. Come the fuck on.
ENFPs. Silly, extra, yet they also have that pinch on ENTP argumentativeness? Deadass majority of my friends are ENFPs now that I think about it. Once again, that F is a disease though.
INTJs. What a card. They have mile high standards, which they cant even meet. They can also be quite intimidating, calculated, perfect bros for evil deeds.
All of the INTPs I know are totally stuck in their head, but whatever. The better to talk with, they are interesting.

Although everyone has their perks. Where would we be without that super thoughtful FJ, or that friend who is the group organizer?

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Entj is Chad, I'm an entj

Can someone explain all this MBTI shit to me? How do you identify which is better? I go ISFP by the way.

you're cancer

what are you even saying that's too much text

If you ain't ISTP, you're a normie.

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idk, I find INTPs are pretty autistic

Im ENTP but still an autist because I take arguments way too seriously, unless we're all being ironic of course. Some People like it some hate it. I find that the people who don't aren't of value anyway.

Take it again user, but this time take advantage of your powers.

i'm an xntp, i'm angry and i think i want all the istj on earth to fight me???

all this time...
us, the people of thought...
and even ENTPs and ENTJs have been accused of being robot-like...
but, i had enough, i am angry and i am here to disclose the truth...


i haven't met a single xntx who doesn't have a main purpose, an ideal
and i haven't met a single ISTJ who does have those
all they know is to obtain and attain tasks which they can complete by just using their hands, without a cause
even sims 4 characters has more personality traits compared to them
but we are passionate and ambitious people who wants to see change because we LIVE, and we CARE about how we live
istjs simply don't. all they care is just their concrete obligations, which is barely %10 of being a human.

>t. xnfp

INTP here
You can't even compete in the autism ratio with me, tough boy

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Co to za degenerackie gowno

Zabij sie, pedale. Not OP.

So Fi users strongly care about what's moral or not and they have strong opinions even after all those years and Fe is about feeling close to a group of people, seeking harmony with other people and being "polite" and "politically correct" because of muh social rules, right?
-like some politicians because they're cool (and because of the memes...) only to lose interest once I realize I don't really share their ideas
-shit on those I don't like even if I know nothing about the topic (and sound edgy in the process but hey, a lot of person do that), only using the main "arguments" of their detractors...seriously, I should stop talking about politics, it's a pain in the ass for me and for the others.
-the more I talk with those I disagree with, the more I understand their reasoning, the more I ask myself 'why do I even keep annoying them? they're right'
-more concerned about the laws than morals (even if I feel like a shit after some of my actions)
-hate SJW but also edgy far-right people(about jews, gays etc...)
-pretty much a stupid typical Jow Forumstard before, whining around people with different opinions, like a little bitch
-despite that, I try not to talk about politics in real life, because it may be dangerous (physically) and because it may ruin my relationship with other people (and I don't have lots of friends)...or maybe just because I don't want to lose the argument.
-not very sociable, would rather do things alone (except when I'm too lazy or it's something I know I'm bad at). Like to be liked, hate it when hated (except when it's what I want, of course). Feel energized when I make other people laugh and when I know I'm appreciated. It was easier when I was younger, now, saying 'I love you' is pretty much inconceivable.

So many astonishingly destabilizing and stressful questions. What do I use? What's my type? Am I just stupid and impuslive? How do I finally get my shit together : reading things in order not to look like a complete idiot during debates?

>hate SJW but also edgy far-right people(about jews, gays etc...)
Shit, I simply wanted to say I can adopt a fairly "neutral" point of view around commies and nazis, for example, about gays or jews, as I said...

You sound like an insufferable twat.

I know, m8
I should spend less time on the internet with all those faggots, tb h

Probably INFJ repressing auxiliary Fe. Talk to people more, specifically about ideas and theories you have in order to test if they would work in reality. Talking to others about things can serve as a reality check and Fe is the Ni dom's only way of doing that because inferior Se doesn't get used productively whatsoever until your midlife.

INFJ? Now, that's something new...!
Most of the time, people typed me as a sensor and this is also what I thought (and it's still the case) even though a few people also thought I was xNTP (I can hardly see me as a xNTP since I'm not so smart, in touch with intellectual stuff and I'm more down-to-earth).

I completely forgot about this whole 'loop' and repressed functions thing...

Can be ISFJ too, all I'm seeing is repressed Fe when you wrote "like to be liked, hate it when hated, feel energized when I make other people laugh and when I know I'm appreciated" which is clearly Fe and "now saying 'I love you' is pretty much inconceivable" which stems from repressing it because you're isolating yourself. The extraverted ones require you to engage with the world in some form.

Extraverted functions require you to engage with the world* is what I meant

Also the fact that you see sense in what values others are presenting and thinking about it in such rational terms means Fe. Fi doms value their own personal firsthand experience above anything else

ISTP reporting
Bash the feelers and down with the leader wannabes !

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Dunno can you consider ENTPs leaders?
You have to force us to do it otherwise we ain't gonna do shit.

In literally either an ESTJ or ENTJ

I think I'm more of a Se user. And I think it's not my inferior function. I always whine : "ugh, I'm so bored" but when I finally have the opportunity (and the motivation) to go out, engage in a physical activity, I have the time of my life.

But I'm really socially awkward and it sometimes ruin the thing. This is why I don't like team sports : I don't like to disappoint other people and if you fuck up or you're not focused enough, your teammates just shit on you. I'd rather just play tennis, badminton or shoot at targets.

Maybe I'm just too obsessed with my image. Sometimes, I just think about how much I'm repulsive and it makes me aggressive and irritated. I should just take it easy and finally appreciate my life without thinking too much about how other people perceive me.

>Also the fact that you see sense in what values others are presenting and thinking about it in such rational terms means Fe
What do you mean?

>wanting to kill based ENTJs

I don't know much about yous exept that you are fond of yourselves and to argue I don't like much the EJ combo

what types complain the most?

Actually, I kind of like them because they annoy other people. And also because they're badass...even though it's mainly just stereotypes, I guess. Now if I had to deal with them, I would probably hate them, if they're as bad as people say.

I'm just a shithead, tb h

You could be ISFP if you've been reeeaally isolated from stimulating experiences. Se isn't just sports and exercise but in the case of the ISFP especially also drawing, painting, fashion, music, sculpting, etc. that allows for self-expression and experimentation.

You often find a lot of paranoia in INTJs and INFJs because inferior Se means they don't often see the obvious truths that people don't really think they're stupid, or they think their friends don't like them, or whatever it is. If you're ISFP, and you're isolated a ton, you could be Fi-Ni looping and the repressed auxiliary Se stokes inferior Te fears that you're inept and incompetent.

What I meant by Fe is that Fe users generally have a more hands-on approach to society and values. They look at social relationships from the perspective of "will this work?" whereas Fi users are more concerned with reaching ultimate human truths and values. They want to respect individuals and individual differences where Fe wants social cohesion, in spite of individual differences.

I think the most apparent reason is that Fi has a very experimental approach to "good" and "bad", constantly trying to figure it out where Fe quickly understands and implements its idea of right and wrong, which relies a lot from external sources which is opposite of Fi, which relies on the user's firsthand experiences.

>or they think their friends don't like them
It is the truth though

Most apparent reason? Most apparent difference*
Sorry it's fucking 200 degrees here and it's hard to think when you're sweating like a pig

Imagine being the faggot that actually typed this out

Entj here

I'll ball you up and roll you down a hill then explain why you needed it and have you agree with me

Then smack your girl on the ass on my way out

It usually isn't the truth. The only way an INFJ/INTJ can know for sure is to ask for an explicit answer which they likely won't do because they're retarded like that. This leads to INFJs doing "trust checks" where they do something that's questionable for the relationship they have with that person and then go like "DO YOU STILL TRUST ME?" which is so fucking childish and retarded. INTJs are even worse, if they suspect you're trying to use them they just cut you out of their life forever and forget you even exist. Also extremely paranoid and childish behavior.

Not bashing INFJ/INTJ (I'm one myself) but fuck man, they can be exhausting with this shit if they're immature

well, I don't care about art (I fucking hate museums, I think modern art is sometimes ridiculous and I think a painting is beautiful and ugly...simple as) and I like music...just like everyone else, I suppose. I won't use art to express myself. I have a tongue, a body. But it's true I'm kind of...isolated. I'm lazy but when I can finally go out, it really helps me.

by the way, it's interesting to know you think I may be a feeler and an intuitive one. Most people type me as a SP (mainly ISTP/ESTP/ISFP and ESFP, when I fuck with people online).

>beautiful and ugly
Beautiful OR ugly* damnit
A painting is just a painting. You either want to have it in a specific room of your house because it's cool, it reminds you of something etc... or not. No need to try to be 'deep' about it.

It's more about using art and getting in touch with it yourself, but I know that Fi is the kind of function that likes whatever it wants and fuck what anyone tells it to do so it makes sense you wouldn't like it just as well. If you're ISFP and Fi-Ni looping you might recognize feeling like a lone wolf, being misunderstood, being paranoid, passive, negative, pessimistic, cynical, self-defeating, fatalistic, unwilling to fit in, perhaps seeing yourself as being destined to drift through life meaninglessly, and feeling as though nothing will really change no matter what you do.

No matter if you're ISFP or INFJ or something else entirely, isolation often leads to looping which leads to a myriad of negative emotions, ego disintegration, inferior function grip, etc. and it's generally just a woeful experience. Probably the worst thing anyone will ever go through if they let it happen to them. Typing someone in a loot is also complicated because they get such an intimate relationship with their tertiary function that they might think it's their dominant, so your best bet is to engage with the world more if you want to figure out which type you are and also avoid looping for so long it makes you depressed and miserable.

>If you're ISFP and Fi-Ni looping you might recognize feeling like a lone wolf, being misunderstood, being paranoid, passive, negative, pessimistic
Yea, I used to "feel misunderstood" but in the end, I'm just a weird, lonely introvert. It's my fault if other people think I'm weird : I know my behavior can be really weird but shit, I can't change it. I could change it, but it's difficult. It doesn't matter if some people can't accept me. The whole world won't reject me. I can also be rather pessimistic about my future but once again, it's not so important : I don't want to become a leader or something like that. I will just work, have fun, work, retire, have fun and die. It's what we're living for, after all : enjoying life and then die. Unless you're a robot but let's be honest, Jow Forums : we're not robots :^)

I will try to finally live my life, get a job and have fun. Spending all this time alone is just killing me. I'm still a young man, after all, I have time, a lot of time.

(but later, damnit, it's too hot)

That's a good idea, just keep in mind it shouldn't be a stressful thing. Do stuff that feels good and natural, if it's stressful you're probably using functions lower in the stack and that's not the point. Find a hobby you really enjoy and engage with it and others.

>just keep in mind it shouldn't be a stressful thing
A sport I like, studies that interest me OR a physical job, just the way I like 'em.

Then maybe I will appear more... "alive" and "present". Plus maybe it will help me with the typing.

Exactly. I hope it all works out for you, good luck.

Thanks mate.
For some reason, it's very motivating.