Ugh, women

Ugh, women

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Laugh out loud,
You think it would have been a bit harder to prove but I guess it's more true than I realized

What they say is true, just be yourself
The reason you can never get a girlfriend is because you're too scared to talk like an r9k post in public
People think youre funny here and women will think youre funny irl too :-)

I know this is ironic, but I actually tried this and it didn't work. The only people willing to respond were Asians and they ghosted me every time after finding out my height so just fucking lol.

Rats I was really going to go out and try this but I must thank the fellow manlet for saving me from terrible embarrassment

Because you said "Most of you"

Most dumb bitches are going to say "Tee hee lol I'm not like those other girls"

Girls lie to themselves and eventually convince themselves their lies are actually reality.

I'm not an incel or some woman hater but from my experience they're so fucking dumb and will lie to themselves until they genuinely believe it.

Youre right, that guy should change it to
>all of you

I don't know why guys keep posting pics like these. Girls like hot guys. You probably wouldn't care if a 9/10 grill said a bunch of weird shit on her bio, as long as she is hot

If I had standards that low I'd already have that gf

I heard extremely attractive women are never asked out? I'm too shut in to know.

I would never wanna date a braindead roastie no matter how hot, especially if she had disparaging rants about men in her bio. But nice projection there faggot

These are the most retarded posts I've seen. Tinder is only used for fucking, of course they will choose a chad over an average guy.

that was hurtful to me, lad

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I already don't swipe on hot girls, I'd rather have a homely gf

The reason they can't get a girlfriend by being themselves is because their personality is fucking obnoxious and they have nothing to offer.

A Chad with the same personality will get millions of girls. Personality is irrelevant, who you are to other people is based primarily on looks.

That is easily proven wrong. Personality matters. Although not the kind your average robot might have.
Also, note that the above guy's facial features are simply average.

Not possible. A Chad cannot have an obnoxious robot personality, or he would not be Chad.

If it's easily proven wrong, then why can't you post the proof?
The OP imagine proves you wrong.

OP image merely proves that any retard can get matches on tinder. No need to be a chad.

>any retard can get matches on tinder
If you look good, yeah.
I assume most guys on here have used Tinder, you can't just lie like that

False entirely, I used tinder for a year and received no matches cause I'm an ugly subhuman. If I was still me, but looked like a Chad I'd get matches. But because I'm ugly I got nothing

That guy in OP's pic doesn't look good. Plus he's shirtless, so any girls he attracts will be trash tier.

He still attracts girls, something robots cannot do

Because robots never try to set up a tinder profile.

Speak for yourself, most men have some level of dignity. I would swipe left on Kate Upton if she put shit like that in her bio. Dont pretend like this is ok roastie

Except I did and got no matches after a year, but you'll just ignore that fact again.

I mean, in uni girls would often get wet by average looking guys who were funny, knew to play guitar and could express their ideas in class. but I'm not american so I guess we're not as plastic yet.

>implying 99.3% of you retards wouldn't put up with anything from a 9/10 abusive bitch just to be allowed to smell her hair once a month
Deny it all you like but a place with a bunch of retards who are so far down that they manage to get themselves blackmailed into HRT because they need attention so bad doesn't really inspire confidence in me.

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>catfish as some nigress roastie found on instagram
>within minutes of making the account have 99+ likes
>exclusively right swipe on chads and chadlites
>mfw every single right swipe is a match
>mfw bombarded with complimentary messages
tinder is only meant for women to share the top 20% of males with eachother

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this is a really good point, if there's a loophole they will take it have to really corner them. I believe they are all thots regardless though.

This, people try and say this speaks to the character of women. But a girl could have this exact same bio and she'd get even more matches. She wouldn't even need to be hot.

>make fat ugly feminist a dating profile
>200 emails in 2 hours

literally all girls could get guys with that exact bio. a female couldn't even fail because of her bio.

lol dom't pretend you have success on tinder you ugly virgin. this guy is probably leagues better looking than you and is tall + muscular

In case anyone does not know all women care about is physical attraction everything else is secondary

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>dating app that is based on matching people up purely based on physical attraction
>women swipe right and message when guy is a 10/10
More news at 11

Also that's a pretty refreshing bio not gonna lie. Most guys either don't put a bio or their bio is as basic as any roastie. Edgy humor is starting to go mainstream anyway.

>using t*Nder
You fucked up

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3 examples of women being stupid isn't indicative of half the population m8.
There are normal (and pleasant, personable, reasonably nice to look at) women who won't immediately break your heart and exploit you.
Admittedly, i'm a full blown normie

Nice guys hate him - man in your area found ONE simple trick to get whores on tinder.

At best I could brutal hate fuck one. But to get to that requires effort and speaking to Beefy Mcroastie flaps is so annoying it outweighs the hornyness.

>homeless man eats moldy sandwich because its all he can get
>middleclass woman eats moldy sandwich because it had the word chad wrote on it in marker pen

if you have options and go for someone so terrible because they're hot then you're bad

if you have no options and go for someone terrible because its literally all you can get and its better than being alone forever then you're probably not all that bad, just ugly and male

>Also that's a pretty refreshing bio not gonna lie.
It wasn't made by the guy in the picture, it was made by someone who is bitter about the state of dating apps and so they made this fake profile to make a point.