So my girlfriend had sex with 16 people before me (started at 19yo, we met when she was 22yo), all FWB and ONS...

So my girlfriend had sex with 16 people before me (started at 19yo, we met when she was 22yo), all FWB and ONS, no relationships. She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.
She also did anal and let the guys come inside her mouth, sent nudes and so, things she is reluctand to do with me. She did, though, or promised to do. Also a kind of a threesome thing. Most of the guys were low class and it didn't take much to get her to bed.

How do I get over this? How do I stop thinking less of her? We are both STD free and it's not like I was a virgin when we met. She's intelligent, funny and I like to hang out with her though.

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You will never get over it lmao, the best you can ever do is cope. That's why body count is such a big issue. Also, fuck off you normie cuck

Give into it and try to raise her count as far as possible and try to watch as she gets fucked. It's the only way to go.

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tell us what she looks like or post pics

>How do I get over this? How do I stop thinking less of her?
Grow up I guess. I know this is an unpopular opinion here, but a relationship is more than just sex.

>shes intelligent
Obviously not when she ended up with you

>being concerned your gf was practically a whore who easily gave her body away to many men is immature
You think Jesus would marry someone like that?

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You must make a decision, and then hold yourself to it. Are you going to work past this and let the past be the past, or are you going to break up and not look back? Decide. Once you've made a conscious choice and lived with it for a while, it will get easier.

You can't stop thinking of her as lesser because she is lesser. Drop her, preferabaly from a moving train

>Died kissless virgin at 33

Women need to be beaten on a regular basis. Your dumb skank gf needs to be beaten with a wrench until her jaw is broken.

didnt jesus marry a literal prostitute?

If you honestly like her and she honestly wants to change, then go for it.

Idk do we have a lot in common? Does she enjoy the same tv shows and doing the same stuff as I do?

Just more reasons to drop cuckstianity

I wouldn't give this too much thought or actually make plans with marrying her. Now, talking a lot about it might make her miss the good ol' times, kek. So yea, slam it while you can but be aware she's not the chosen one. Even cheat her if the opportunity arises.

Pls beat me with a wrench user

I'll say this again. A relationship is more than just sex. You won't get in a relationship is the only thing you care about is sex.

encourage her to cuck you get her to fuck everything that move, keep at it for a year, get one bull to get her prego, then leave her whore ass and pursue a better girl, her ego and life will be in attters juste because she is a massiv slut, during this one year were she is riding 20guys a week, you go full /sig/, get money, workout, and when she is the lowest of sow leave her like the trash she is alone with a baby and no money

yeah but he had mommie issues. Mary cucked Joe and he fell for the mother of all lies, god knocked her up and she's still a virgin. At least men don't fall for that one anymore but still fall for we only kissed, or he only got the head in or I was really drunk or he forced me or I don't remember what happened.

In the crazy fanfic version of Christianity, yes.

these women don't change and she hasn't stopped. the only difference here is OP is the first fool that stayed around and wants to be her bf. All the other guys hit it once or twice, knew what she is and took off.

This is the greatest idea ever, wish I would've thought of it when I dated a slut

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I'm sure all the guys who pumped and dumped OPs girlfriend have no trouble with women.

only reason op is putting up with it is cuz she is probably out of his league. I bet he's aware he'll never slam hotter stuff so he's trying to brainwash himself into thinking
>it's not that bad
when 6 months ago he was prolly posting about qt virgin

>How do I get over this? How do I stop thinking less of her?
Here's the thing, user. Your values clearly lean more towards the "sex with serious partners only" (which is reasonable, as studies have show less sexual partners = more stability) while hers lean more towards "lol casual sex is nice but a serious partner is cool"
There is some clashing here between your values and her values, so I honestly doubt you'll ever fully get over it. Plus the fact she refuses to do that nasty shit with you that she did with the other guys is worrying

>Plus the fact she refuses to do that nasty shit with you that she did with the other guys is worrying

OP is the beta cuck provider. It's classic female dual mating strategy. She's looking for some money right now. But she'll be back to fucking and sucking sociopaths in club bathrooms soon.

Banging a girl and having a relationship isn't the same thing. I guess I know why you robots are so alone all the time.

Dont take her seriously. It may be gravy now but ther is always someone better.

Dont settle for it. I personally dont take whores seriously and whenever we split up they always revert to their usual whoring self.

Just think about it, if she wasnt with you or if you guys split she will just go back to riding the cock carousel until she finds another idiot to tame that will come back and make the same thread asking the same question.

Dont take her seriously OP, im warning you. Date her, fuck her but dont you ever say the L word or think of a future with her. Have fun and move on to someone better.

its a madonna/whore thing. You are relationship material and so she presents the madonna to you and fears you will not respect her if shes as easy with you as with her meaningless flings.
This will likely never change, or only with great effort.

What this smart user said

It's not healthy, you'll feel better if you let me take care of you.

Because we're too ugly to have girls want to sleep with us? I guess men who like to beat, rape, and murder women are liked by women more than men who want to love and have sex with them.

Are you a dumb cunty whore?

>relationship material
Which means beta cuck provider to clear up confusion

fuck off normie
original co

No, but because you have no clue what a relationship is. You can only think about sex.

>She's intelligent, funny and I like to hang out with her though.
Then don't let it go any further than friends. She's scum. But scum you can sometimes talk to if you get bored.

Fucking normies are the cuck supremos of this shithole of a planet.

A relationship is giving her money while she goes off and fucks guys she actually wants to be with. The guys who only think about sex, but get it because they are hot enough.

Relationship with a roastie is just about sex.They do not have anything else to offer.

OP, why don't you just take the redpill and stop being a cuck, she probably has a backup boyfriend whose dicking her rn as we speak. Just dump and move on, if you two have kids just imagine how shitty that will be,

Imagine your mother had a bodycount of 16 lmfaoo. She fucked 16 guys in 3 years, that's about 5 guys a year. 365/5 = 73. She fucks a new man every 73 days, that's literally less than 3 months. Are you sure you want to stay with her?

No need to bring redpill ideology into this, it simply means shes more serious about him than about her fwb and ons and wants to look decent to keep him around. Now the real question is, should he also be serious about her? I think not, this will likely just lead to resentment further down the line, he should find someone who isn't in the habit of making comically bad decisions all the time.

You can do whatever you want. Keep her around for free poon, but don't expect her to be faithful to you.

t. cuck-but-in-an-original-way

Lol cuck

Dump her, her whoredom will always claw at you.

hahaha cuq

Why not bring redpill ideology into a place where it fits? This is a story told time and time again within redpill thought

Why does it bother you how many people she slept with? How many did you sleep with before her? Would it make it better if the numbers were reversed? If so why?

If its really that big a deal to you dump her and find someone with less previous partners.

I don't think OP's problem is the number. The problem should be literally everything else. If you can't see the bigass fucking red flags waving around with the rest of the post, then I don't know what the fuck this world is coming to.

Your image is correct.
Sex isn't a world detached from reality. It's not something you can just shrug off, it's part of who we are.
She is the same person who has done all those things, and will continue to do so given the chance, if that bothers you then it always will.

You can't be sure of a woman's body count. OP might have actually lucked out and found an honest woman, but probably not she's probably done a lot more than just 16 guys. Especially since most women don't count giving a blowjob in their sex numbers.
But it's best to assume all women have fucked at least 50 guys nowadays and act accordingly. No woman is worthy of relationship nowadays. Cause they will lie to you to try to get you as a provider if they sniff out money.

>How do I get over this?
adopt a cuckolding fetish

Why do you care? You're clean, she's clean, and as long as she doesn't cheat on you, it's fine.

I dont see why shit she did before she even knew he existed should matter. I mean something I do now matters to some woman I meet ten years down the line Im gonna think that woman is fucking pathetic.

Provided she doesnt cheat I dont see why any of that should matter to OP, especially seeing as he wasnt a virgin when he met her. I mean if she came here and made a post saying blah blah my boyfriend came in a bunch of girls five years ago youd think she was stupid right? Well thats how OP looks.

So? You said you had sex before her. Why care?

You are just making it fit, nothing about this story is inherently redpill cuck bullshit. Shes just a dumb girl who made dumb choices and will come to regret those choices if she does not already. He, by own admission, also got around and told nothing about his financial situation, children or planning to marry her. Hes already having doubts, where do you get the beta provider from?

>things she is reluctand to do with me.
Drop her. Now. Enjoy fucking her as much as you can then dump her. She does not love you. She is not attracted to you. She will do this stuff with other men who actually make her wet. She considers you a beta. OP be very careful with this cunt. Never trust her.

>have rape kink
>also have rape recovery kink
What did I mean by this?


The fact that she's reluctant to do the things with him is even in those shitty redpill comics. This is classic female dual mating strategy at work.

Mayeb she just tried it, didnt like it, and wont do it again with anyone. If some bitch forced you to do something you didnt like what would you think of her?

OP does she not want to do anal or is she reluctant to have sex at all?
Also what's her history of mental health?

Dump her. Stop believing the bullshit normie society shoves down your throat. That is not okay, healthy, or normal.

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It's not that she had sex previously. The way she lost her virginity and has acted flags her as being extremely likely to cheat on him. She's not a girl who has had a bunch of boyfriends and fucked them. She's the kind of girl to find a hot Chad while at a party and have him ass fuck her in the bathroom. Previous behavior is a indicator of future behavior. People believe that for everything, but for some reason women get a pass for being evil whores.

If drug addicts and alcoholics can return to their vice with little incentive, then people can go back to their sexual vices just as easily.
>Provided she doesn't cheat
You can't take that as assurance, though. You might argue that she is reluctant to do with him the things she used to with others. It might be that she isn't into them at all anymore (been there, done that kind of situation), but I don't think fetishes just stop being exciting.

She did it with multiple guys before OP. She just doesn't like doing it with her beta provider cause she isn't wet for him. If my gf asked me to do some act that I did for all my previous gfs I'd do it yeah, even if I don't like doing it that much.

>at this point in my life if i ever get a girlfriend she and i will both be in our 30's and her bodycount with number in the thousands

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No one forced him to date her. If I found a corndog in the trash I wouldnt expect it to be delicious. Seems stupid to date her, complain about shit she did before she knew he existed, and continue dating her.

>hurr im gonna keep on eating this garbage dog even though I hate it


I hate the pretend to be a virgin meme

lol you won't be able to recover from this

>She also did anal and let the guys come inside her mouth, sent nudes and so, things she is reluctand to do with me.
She is a clever girl. She knows that having anal sex or drinking sperm is extremely harmful in a relationship, because she'd have to do those things too often so that she would have rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids and throat cancer sooner or the later. If you are not accepting her for not doing those things with YOU, I hope you will never find anyone and kill yourself and also stream it here. I'd love to watch.

There we agree he should drop her like the trash she is

rofl that's literally our point tho

Is she repentant for her past or does she just see it as her "party phase"?

Se deserves throat cancer and to die a slow painful death

Well yeah, but he should dump her because hes an insecure faggot, not because she did anything wrong.

>She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.
Sounds odd for a female to lose her virginity in a casino toilet with no relationship. You're sure she is not transsexual?

i'm a 25 KHHV NEET there's no pretending
the closest i ever got is i went to pittsburgh comiccon with a girl but it wasn't a date in the least she just wanted a guy to be with her so she wouldn't get ogled at i guess
that's literally the extent
i don't hang out with anyone irl it was an extreme fluke that it happened
she has some successful job now where she goes around the country and she has thousands of dollars in the bank so she probably looks back on the time we almost might've been a thing and shudders with shame or she doesn't even remember me at all

She's the one who decided to degrade herself until she can hardly even be considered a human anymore. In a just society she would be executed or at least exiled.

Not OP but that's what makes me think OP's gf is not just a regular slut, but has genuine issues. Was she molested maybe?

No one deserves to die for a cancer just because they fucked with Chads instead of you, you imbecile.

You will think about it everyday.
Even though you keep telling yourself it doesnt matter, deep down inside you hate the thought.

When the day comes that you break up, you will consider her as filth and you will hate yourself for having dated her.

I've been there bro.

Why did you give your girlfriend the beta interrogation?

Considering I was jobless most of our time together and she spent more money on me than I did on her, I hink the provider thing is out of the picture.

She seems to regret at least most of it.

She wasn't. Her father (not biological) was pretty abusive though.

That's not really odd. She probably grew up in a small town without sufficient Chadly men for her. So once she went to college and had a "girls night" she saw a Chad there and just needed to have him fuck her. It very common for women, they'll lie about it though.

Its like you didn't read at all. Yeah, imagine all those low-class alpha uberchads she fucked in some dirty public bathroom, how will the op ever compete with them?
I'm gonna give you some advice. Never attribute to malice what is far easier explained by stupidity.
Its far, far more likely that she simply has some hangups with her selfimage and liked the attention she got when she let some dude fuck her ass and now regrets what shes done than that shes actively plotting to cuck op with every chad and tyrone in a 100 mile radius in some dirty public bathrooms while living large on his beta bucks WHILE TELLING HIM ALL THIS.

She could be nymphomaniac. That's female equivalent of a Chad. She's a Chadette.

That's where you are incredibly wrong. Loose women are directly responsible with rewarding evil sociopathic men with affection and sex. They are the enablers of everything wrong with humanity and should be punished as such.

>pretending this hard

Try hard. Its virtually impossible to be an adult virgin unless youre in a wheelchair or some shit.

And hes the one that decided to degrade himself by being an insecure faggot

>So once she went to college and had a "girls night" she saw a Chad there and just needed to have him fuck her. It very common for women, they'll lie about it though.
No it's not common for women. It's common for women to want to have a relationship with a Chad and believe a Chad when Chad tells he wants to have that too, even if Chad only wants to fuck, once or twice. That should not lead to a girl losing her virginity in a casino toilet though during the first date.

And she is absolute scum. She loved those Chads in the dirty bathroom and felt more for them than she'll ever feel for OP. Also it's funny when men have severe self esteem issues they end up killing themselves, women on the other hand go and get to experience human intimacy. Women are scum and should be treated as such.

>had girl who stayed pure for him
>died a wizard anyway
He just couldn't give a fuck

You're right women are just such angels who make no wrong choices and men are all such insecure disgusting subhumans.

It's extremely common for women. Ask any of them about their college experience and you'll see if they are truthful. Women aren't looking for a relationship with Chad, they don't even go on dates with him. They meet him at a party and he fucks them. Nearly every woman has experienced a one night stand with a Chad.

>Loose women are directly responsible with...
Women are not responsible of wanting to fuck with Chads or their equivalents, rather than lesser of men. That is how evolution made women to be. They are unable to desire for anything less than a Chad, or his equivalent. In the beginning, there was only one sex in all species, FEMALE or an equivalent to that, a being that reproduced ASEXUALLY, through replication. At some point, the bigger individuals of some unknown species started to USE the smaller individuals of said species in some way, probably to steal nutrition from their bodies. As a side product of this, the bigger individuals spreaded their genetic material into smaller individuals. And voila, MALE, a new sex was born and it was the time for the SEXUAL reproduction. AND THIS, is the reason why females, also HUMAN FEMALES are so selective about their partners. If it was the other way round, that the females used male bodies for reproduction, without having to carry the concequences themselves, MALES would be the selective ones. As you sure fucking HELL want to choose who is taking advantage of you or your body. You could say, though, that many things have changed in the human world, for example women are not the only ones to carry the concequences of sexual activity, but that knowledge, or any knowledge of the modern world, does not reach the part of human brain where sexual preferences are being born. So, women keep wanting the "best" only, whereas men keep wanting to fuck anything that moves. So, to conclude, anyone who claims women are responsible of what you claim they are, is a retard, or a LIAR, and a louzy one at that. What women and men of today are, sexually, is a product of MILLIONS OF YEARS OF EVOLUTION, and it can not be changed before we cease to exist as a biological species, that might be far closer than we think it is.

Phew, I'm done. Everyone with half of a brain should be capable of comprehending what I just wrote, on their own.

I think you are making things up.

Bye, no time for further discussion. I have things to do outside this board.

>Nearly every woman has experienced a one night stand with a Chad.
fembot here, this is true, i barely leave my room yet two chads had their way with me in HS.

>She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.
Shit, that's a dealbreaker.

My girlfriend had 13 guys before me, but she's nowhere close to being such a literal whore.

And you are wrong. Enjoy being wrong.
Die you fucking roastie whore bitch. Die