Post all your favorite junk food and snacks and drinks

post all your favorite junk food and snacks and drinks

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every bot needs a stash

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god damn, i wonder how much all that costed

this is whats in my room right now. i wouldnt say they're all favorites but the pretzels and haribo gold bears i've been eating pretty much daily for months-year now. favorite drink is water and beer

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Snack: Cheetos
Dessert: Milanos or popems
Drink: Arnold Palmer or those sugary Starbucks drinks

Fuck off marketer shill



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Whatever mommy puts in the snack door

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Not to rip on someone's genuine happiness, but this is pathetic. Not any less pathetic than literally any other thread on this board, mind. Jow Forums's just gone to shit.

Lunch: Cheese and cucumber sandwich
Snack: Chocolate and crisps
Drink: Water and beer.

You wrote this post you fucking mong. So yes, you are very pathetic...


and ah fuck i forgot, pretzel pieces and pretzels man, gotta add that to the list, do you know of any flavored pretzels? can't seem to find any, i'm looking for like lemon cumin chilli pepper or something
don't you get hungry eating that little user?
stop starving yourself and preventing yourself from doing the things you want to do, if you don't actually want to do what you're doing then why the fuck are you doing it? because other people told you you should? that's stupid

you could literally fucking collapse and die right now, the world could explode, you could easily get diagnosed with cancer right after you got fit, would you regret wasting all that time starving yourself and preventing yourself from hedonistically indulging in pleasure, just so you could show off to people and get your dick wet? i think not

the problem with fitness and health is that everyone assumes you're going to live forever, and that you won't just die in the next smallest unit of the minutest measurement of time, or get cancer, get permanent damage or an injury from trying to get fit, a car won't literally just crash into you and explode etc. nonono, you have to suffer so other people can feel better about you and themselves according to their own perception

just get hookers if you wanna get laid btw
lucky you actually have a mom, let alone one that cares enough to think about you and do things for you without you having to ask for anything

i'm so fucking jealous
w- why? s-stop bully pls

sorry i'm not an edge meme cringelord amazing ultra high quality whatever
don't you get hungry user?

if i get drunk i need to eat something deep fried

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I used to be a big junk eater. Now I eat only fruit as treats.

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nah unfortunately ive only ever had flavored pretzels from snyders. also should add that i dont think its good to overindulge on snacks and junk food. once in a while is fine but take care of your body bros

I only like nutter bars/doritos (original flavor) and sometimes I add salsa to the doritos. Other than that I don't eat snack foods often.

Fucking Lardmasters I swear

>don't you get hungry eating that little user?
Not with a big bag of cheetos, the regular pack of milanos, and a liter of iced tea or coffee

Sometimes I also get a pizza, cheesy bread, and cookie thing from dominos and finish it in one evening and one morning

>tfw high metabolism
I eat a lot of junk, but sometimes I'll have a day where I eat absolutely nothing or something healthier. My favorite snacks are chocolates, ice cream, and dagashi because I can order a huge box of some random snacks for cheap. I plan on getting high and eating a whole box of dagashi whenever it comes in the mail.

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>just get hookers if you wanna get laid btw
i want to get Jow Forums so i can dunk user. i stopped caring about roasties long long ago

You know you get just as much sugar from bananas and you can pay $0.50 a pound?

Rather have a beer stash

god damnit
> i dont think its good to overindulge on snacks and junk food. once in a while is fine but take care of your body bros
opinion discarded

i shall enact revenge upon my body for allowing itself to exist past its point of conception
good choice, i don't like nutter butters or doritos thAt much but they're ok, the only way i can eat doritos is if i dip them in chunky spicy salsa
fucking starvemasters i swear
>Sometimes I also get a pizza, cheesy bread, and cookie thing from dominos and finish it in one evening and one morning
oh ok, well that makes sense
yeah same, some days i'll eat really healthy freshly made from scratch home cooked food and chug water, sometimes consuming nothing but massive amounts of vegetables, and sometimes i'll binge on junk and shit, and sometimes i'll go balanced
>so i can dunk user
so you can what? dunk? you mean like a basketball dunk thing? can't you sprint and jump or are you like morbidly obese and or disabled or something?
>You know you get just as much sugar from bananas and you can pay $0.50 a pound?
you know bananas don't taste as good as overpriced processed nutritionally worthless calorie loaded garbage?
why not both?

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i've been dieting for the last 8 months so i havent had my typical snacks in a while but my go to was a box of cheeze its, those $2 bags of hot fries, and a few coke zeros. i dont really care for sweets that much.

i guess if you are okay with being fat and out of shape than keep going user. i just know what its like to be fat, in-shape, and skelly and being fat is the worst by far

yeah, i used to be super skelly, i was so skelly i was admitted to the hospital for having pneumonia and being underweight and a bunch of severe immune problems caused by being underweight, i've also been fit / in shape and obese, now i'm mildly overweight, i find the best weight to be in is right under the overweight bmi / slightly overweight, you don't suffer the effects of being obese, you don't look insanely fat, you have a relatively normal frame and you can move around and do stuff while feeling max /comfy/ and if you have a good amount of muslce under that blubber you're really strong

pretty sure at this pace i'm gonna end up obese again, but i can shred like mad specially once i start shooting test and get gains fast so i'm not worried about not being able to do something or being stuck, i still have a good amount of muscle under this blubber from getting fit, and usually once i hit obese i start to notice the effects of being overweight like i start sweating when i fap, get slightly out of breath when i run up the stairs (i like to take 2 steps at a time because i'm tall and get up as quickly as possible because autism), and wearing clothes becomes uncomfortable so i just drop back to mildly overweight

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thats good to hear enjoy your snacking then op

>mfw /thinspo/
>mfw I don't have any or id I do it is a binge and I hate myself after

End it for me.

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>snack door
this is a new and amazing concept to me.

>tfw skinny
>tfw can eat whatever i want and not get fat

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I like moose tracks ice cream, UTZ cheese puffs because they have a sharp sweet taste, garden salsa sun chips, keebler fudge stripes, nutter butters, and honey roasted cashews

youre not eating enough, brainlet

i eat until im satisfied, why would i eat more than that?

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Snack: Pulparindo
Desert: mint chocolate chip ice cream
Drink: diet Pepsi or Arizona green tea

>can eat whatever i want
*in moderate quantities
that's where the landwhales fuck up

these were my favorite snack until they decided to discontinue them

they still have the shitty caramel flavor though, such is life

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