Are you willing and able to work longer and harder than you parents and grandparents did?

Are you willing and able to work longer and harder than you parents and grandparents did?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No I'm not. I already quit my job out of boredom and I'm only 27. Work is for chumps.

Support Boomer Pension

Pay Your Taxes

Hell no, If anything I'm going to donate 10 pounds a month to lottery alone so in the off chance I do win I can put it into my retirement funds and retire early

If I want to "own" a house someday I've got no choice...

boomer genocide FUCKING when?

I do neither and do pretty well since I've automated most of my job without anyone noticing

I thought that the world was supposed to generally get better.
I'm not paying for these greedy faggots' shit. Let The Event kill the elite supperrich so that society can balance itself out.

Boomers need to die right now. All of them.

if you're not mentally disabled to the point of being unable to hold steady employment you have no business being on Jow Forums

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I'm already working 12 hours a day. What more do you want?

>he thinks he'll win the lottery
hi elliot

boomers 30 years old and older don't belong on this planet. they're so fucking retarded

Finally, welfare state is coming to an end. Increasing the age at which people retire is the first step that'll be adopted worldwide.

For all of human history, every generation has tried and succeeded in making life better for their children. The boomers are the only generation who said fuck that and actively made life harder.

They want millenials to do this to pay for their pension. Millenials won't get a pension when they get old themselves.

Why are you all so mad if you get to be NEET? I don't care because I'm comfy.

You know all that time you waste sleeping? That.

I don't want the welfare state to end. I want the peasants to pay for my NEETbux and aristocratic lifestyle. I want to persue my interests just like the old money idle rich.

>tfw live well within my means and invest every extra cent I can
>tfw retiring at 35 so I can do fuck all and live off dividends alone
More robots really need to go on the FIRE path

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I fucking hate how this world works.

The weekends. Also, we need that report by 5 P.M yesterday ASAP. Also, there's some OT to be had, but you won't get paid because you like working here, don't you user?

Am I the only one who's not worried? I've read the Fourth Turning so in 10 years all these problems will be fixed. We're just in the middle of the fourth turning. I'm not worried at all. We're in metaphorical winter worried the plants are gone forever.

And the moon should've been colonized for 20 years by now.

I had a nightmare about having to work. It was terrifying.

I started attacking my co workers and boss to escape the dream.

The Fourth Turning is an accurate prophecy book. It predicted the beginning of the Fourth Turning and was only off by 3 years.

Not anymore

I'm working at this too but it's tough in the US. The price of housing and health care is monstrous and there's going to be some kind of reckoning pretty soon. I don't think it will be an armed revolution but more likely protest actions like aggressive squatting in unused housing, rent strikes and debt strikes.

My parents give me a great lifestyle and love me. Why should I want to end this for the sake of my peers who rejected me? I don't care if you all attack your parents just don't attack mine. I just want to be comfy through all the generation war. I'm ultimately siding with no one.

No way in hell, I'm getting my education and leaving the country, not supporting bommer leisure.

You'll have to die too, boomer collaborator. I'll make sure Comrade Jamal makes it quick and clean when we're going around the boomer neighbourhoods with our AKs, relieving them of their excess property.

Which field do you work in and how much do you make a month/year?

Get bent. Just because your parents didn't give you anything doesn't mean I should suffer. I just want to keep my nice lifestyle. Stop dragging me into all this political bullshit. Take it with YOUR parents. Not me. You're siding with literal criminals because you're from a trash family that doesn't love each other.

I'm Millennial and doing well. I'm in my early 30s, will turn 32 this year and am a software engineer. I got in before the SJWs did. Yes I want to be rich. No I don't have guilt. Suddenly the shoe is on the other foot and I have the power. 6 figure salary. In 10 years the Aspie techies will take over and the show will be on the other foot.

i believe i am working harder than my parents, but also my parents were parents and i'm a single idiot. Also, without adjusted inflation, they made more when they were my age than i do.

It's okay though, I'm a homeowner and my total debt is only 5 figures

Generational wealth is a sin. Sorry, lad, but you have to go too.

Finance industry
Currently 50k before bonuses but I'm still fresh so there's room for growth

I am willing to start a war just to end it all if I had the resources or the time. If we could reset this world back to WW2, we'll have all the shit that the boomers had and more.

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The reason you're mad at Boomers is because they didn't pass the wealth down. Now you're angry at families who helped each other. Kek.

Day of the pillow soon

>The reason you're mad at Boomers is because they didn't pass the wealth down

I have a loving family and nice lifestyle. I'd lose from this war not gain. Then I'd have nothing materially and no unconditional love from my peers. There is no point for me to fight on either side. Just to be neutral like Switzerland.

Hell no Mr. Shekel. I'm gonna work smarter. What I'm gonna be doing is easy af, and the pay is acceptable.

I mean Idk about all that. I just read the wiki and it seems a little overwrought although definitely interesting. I will probably order the book.

Economically my hope is in this graph, which note is 8 years old, so shift it all up two blocks. Over the next decade the Boomers are going to retire en masse, which should pull us up economically

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>retire en masse
>start selling stocks to fund retirement and medical bills
>sell their bigass 2-floor houses that are too hard to maintain for old people who can barely walk
>flood stock and real estate markets
>crash everything

Most jobs in the modern world aren't actually essential to human life or even to capitalism, so it makes no sense to have to work more and longer while productivity continues to increase through efficiency improvements created by technology. This is unless they intend to continually diminish the profits of labour until we're essentially wage slaves.

The only scenario where working more and longer under any form of equality makes sense is if we dismantle capitalism and the petrochemical industry and severely reduce our quality of living for the sake of long term sustainability, but that isn't going to happen. So infact, not only are they asking us to become wage slaves, they're asking us to become wage slaves while accelerating the destruction of the environment as we know it.

>median income hasn't changed for the last 40 years
>inflation still keeps happening
for perspective 34k in 1977 would be worth $146,455.15 a year today
almost 5x more

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Someone has to produce more stuff to accommodate all the boomers retiring!
They don't have much left after the 4WD, caravan, holiday home, expensive overseas trips.

>implying millennials aren't already working harder than boomers

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you're under the assumption that there's some magic number in joules humans have to expend that makes it worth it for them to be alive
a human in our normal society today should be able to live on a minimum wage 40/hr a week job
that's what minimum wage was created for

Making more stuff is what's getting us into this mess. We need to make less stuff, not more. Less industry, less pollution, less fuel consumption. We need to have less people, not more. Shrink not Grow.

Capitalism is a zombie ideology.

Well, i think i'm going to end myself anyways whenever i'll become too tired to live, which will probably be around 50
25 years to go, and i'm going to enjoy them without any care

Rather than dismantling the whole system, learn skills that are essential to human life while getting into a high paying gig and living well below your means. Invest in real estate, do your own renovations and maintenance, and collect passive income from rents.

Work to consume less, favor possessions that are built to last, and invest in your community rather than in the global system.

You don't improve the world by tearing shit down, you improve it by steering the growth in a better direction.

Sorry, lazy millennial. Those hard working boomers that had objectively the easiest time ever in human history need lots of stuff. Just as many large material possessions as possible - and medical care! They need to suck as much as humanly possible from this aerth, spitefully clinging on to every last second of life.

This is the most boomer shit I've ever read on this website. Fucking retard never post here again

fuck civilization I wish I was walking naked in the forest eating mangos

Imagine going on Jow Forums unironically

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>improve the world by being a landlord and earning passively
I mean this in the most sincere way - kill yourself.

Culling of the boomer scum soon

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Stop posting user you're drunk.

Some of the Africans who live in the savannah are super comfy out there. No responsibilities or obligations. No taxes as far as I know of. No bullshit with women, no boomers, nothing. Just you and your wits. You hunt for your own food, picking up knowledge along the way. Your sleep schedule consists of 4 hour nap cycles, the way humans are supposed to sleep. Within a year, you become an expert on every animal in your habitat. You know exactly how to hunt each one, or capture it non lethally. Your spatial intelligence grows considerably as well, from learning how to identify subtle geographical features. What a life

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What if i am still studying at 25, living at my parents expenses with at least one and a half year still to go?

>glosses over the parts that are HARD to do
there's a reason this shit doesn't work
you're probably one of those rich fuckers that legitimately think you aren't rich you go "we aren't rich but we were well off"
"we're just good at managing money is all that's why we have a summer home we go to 4 times throughout the year"
anyone is good at managing money and keeping it and making more now try managing having NO money
try when you get a flat tire you have no idea what you're going to do because you have $30 in the bank after each paycheck and bills
try when you can't go to the doctor for that back pain cause the co-pay is $50 on top of whatever medicine they will prescribe god forbid they want surgery so that means you have to have good enough insurance to cover it but you'll still have downtime from work to recover so you're out of a paycheck for at least a month and that causes you to accrue more interest on the lease on your car and the apartment you got behind onthe payments and the bills you missed while in the hospital

Also you're not explosively increasing the atmospheric CO2 and CH4 levels or polluting your savannah habitat with endless quantities of plastic bullshit so no one's going to have beef with you.

>picking up knowledge along the way
yeah no
>Your spatial intelligence grows
lol no

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and then reinvesting back into the community. If you keep the capital local, then you're more connected to the people whose lives you're improving.

It's better that you, an individual landlord, have a face to face relation with a tenant than having that tenant have to deal with some large real estate company, and it's better that the rent you collect go back into the town where your tenant lives, rather than some out of state business.

Then you have a moral obligation to drop out and focus all your efforts on staying completely up to date with the latest anime season.

In fact, everyone on this board does as well.

nha, i think I'll become the doctor who ask for useless exam for anons like it's for your own good :^)

Why don't you just give the money you took as rent back to the person who paid it to you so they can reinvest it back into the community themselves?

How does the value of that money increase by passing through your hands? Sure, the implicit agreement is that you're ultimately responsible for the upkeep of the properties essentials, but really you add virtually nothing to the arrangement and therefor being a rentier is a parasitic existence.

Mask your individualistic parasitic outlook however you want. You're still a parasite and I'm going to do everything possible in my lifetime to ensure your kind is wiped off the face of the earth.

Well I took out college debt and lived in an apartment with no insulation for 2.5 years to get educated and become a software engineer so that I don't have severe money problems (I could spend less on frivolous things but i'm working on it). I did spend a year living on kraft mac and cheese and cheap deli sandwiches with $1/loaf white bread, working 12 hour days as an intern in my office because it was warm inside, and generally worrying about the little things that would knock me off course, but I worked through it and I'm doing okay.

I'll admit, I'm not great at managing money and it's only because I'm making 55k a year and living in a town with cheap real estate prices that I'm able to do well for myself. I also have good genes so I don't have any chronic health problems. I'm also pretty smart, so that helps. Most people are dumbasses who, even if they had the right attitude, would never be capable of climbing out of their shit situation. I've met dozens of those people, at all different stages of their life. The best they can hope for is that people who have the ability to control capital who were raised on the same soil, direct that capital back into the community they came from, and provide more opportunities to have a comfortable and sufficient existence.

capitalism is death

the capital would probably be better used if i invested it. My tenants would probably buy more video games and electronics with that money if i let him live there for free. That doesn't improve the community.

for what? i am stranger in my native homeland, got no woman and even if i had one i couldnt have a family since no money and career prospects

what am i working for? for whitey to bring in the age of automation while third worlders are outbreeding them?

read the short happy life of francis macomber. by ernest hemingway

What is it about the tech sector that turns people into such colossal faggots? The kind of people that believe in their own immaculate conception.

No one cares about your life story or your false sense of superiority.

also, responsibility for the upkeep of the property is a pretty large value that i bring to the arrangement, not to mention the overhead of purchasing the property, which most people are unable to do. I have to run the property profitably for a period of years to recoup the capital i sunk into it, and with that comes risk of bad tenants, natural disasters, and other things that are my problem and not the person living in the place.

So I think a landlord brings a lot to the table. I prefer to own the property where I live (and I do) because it's a better arrangement than having a landlord, but many can't afford that.

Blimey, bands of burnt British beetroot boomers blizting back to blighty.

Its the type who think money will bring them happiness. Enjoy being that burned out 40y old who would trade all his money/wealth just to have 10 years of his life/youth back

Good use of alliteration m8

people smart enough to make good money in tech deserve to feel good about it, and certainly deserve to feel better than the unemployed losers who smoke a carton of cigarettes a week and complain about how their welfare checks aren't enough to let them live comfortably.

Are the government and society willing to give millennials incentives to work harder and longer than our parents and grandparents? If not, they know where to shove their expectations and demands!

ive never understood the allure of money man, its so tacky you know. i got a big check when i turned 18 from a settlement when i was a kid. ive never been so uninspired in my life, i just wish i never broke a bone or anything. i will never understand how some people choose to lead their lives. but i suppose we all end up in the same place. so who cares

never, this is the end of life. the last men have taken over and soon the world will end

Money is linked entirely to the human social hierarchy, so you can pretty much bet that any one chasing it is looking to climb the ladder and shit on anyone below them. Case in point, this charming fellow

im convinced the world will end soon. sometimes i hear a plane fly overhead and i just quickly stop what im doing and make peace. i mean what else can you do. the last men own it all. whats worse- burning up to ash, or being like an intermediary member of a generation ship. just keeping everything running, being miserable but never seeing the end.

>shit on anyone below me
I actually get along very well with the particular woman I'm deriving this example from. She hosts game nights for the MTG playgroup I'm in, and I always chip in generously for food when I come over.

I think that people who are able to climb the hierarchy should, especially those with good intentions. If you have good humanitarian intentions, you're not going to do very much if you don't have any power to influence things in the world.

If money wasn't the marker of human hierarchy, something else would be, like brute strength. There's always going to be a hierarchy.

>muh human nature
spotted the retarded betabucks

Why is working such a scam. I could live comfortably working 4-6 hours a day instead of 8+. Really tempted to go down the neetbux route.

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well you refereed to your friend as a loser

it's not even a human thing. All animal species have a hierarchy.

You don't have 'good humanitarian intentions' though. Anyone reading your posts can tell how massively self involved you are. You only care about yourself and this 'humanitarian' shit you've tacked on to your parasitic individualism serves only to make you feel like you're such a swell guy.
Every post you make is just masturbation.

And there are equalitarian species also,

Go fuck some lobsters jordan GTFO

what even is 'human nature' exactly. i think this term was just made by last men who want to feel better about what theyve become.

rather, its their excuse. why is it human nature to stamp out the person below you? why wouldnt human nature be the opposite? this systematic hate is not 'human'

yeah, i mean, she kinda is. I wouldn't say that to her. She got teen pregnant and had her first kid taken from her care and put into a group home. She has 4 kids to 3 fathers and is living in a house with two of her baby daddies, and not one of them works, and when they're not playing magic or smoking, they're going on about some silly drama that could be avoided by just not being petty.

It doesn't mean we can't be friends and play games together, it just means she's an example of someone I don't want to end up like when I'm her age.

Well I guess what I ultimately want is for my town to be less rundown and to gentrify it a little bit so people and businesses want to come here, and i think that'll solve a lot of the social decay that's happened.

A little more self involved though, I want to buy the neighboring properties on either side of my house so I can fix the treeline and elevation more easily. I spend a lot of time sitting in my back yard thinking about those dead maple trees rooted in my neighbors yard but loom over my backyard like an eye sore.

>Stocks go on sale
>Dividend income becomes way cheaper
>Housing becomes massively more affordable
>somehow this is a bad thing


sureeeeeee and also we should renounce to any worker benefits we got during the cold war, the sindicates and so on so we could better server our corporated overlords as the perfect consumerist asset

I'm willing to retire at a later age, but they started sooner so it's not really working longer.

I'm not willing to work harder, but I intend to work smarter.

I work 16hrs a day doing critical infrastructure maintenance. But you know I have to because young people don't want to do it. Not that I care I cleared $105k on my first year.