
>tripping on DXM till morning
>forgot I had clinic scheduled
>dad wakes me up
>pretend not to be high
>put on shirt
>look in mirror
>look like I want to kill someone in my eyes

I made it back home, but my dad noticed I was walking funny.

So what drug you taken today?

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how much dxm should i take if i want to trip but stay alive? ive only done stimulants and weed in past

Just smokeing weed and listening to shit. youtube.com/watch?v=O_hyk8Yw3kk I just found this and its not bad.

I used to do DXM on a semi regular basis, that was until I had a really bad trip and thought I was gunna die... The good trips were amazing though

its trash, listen to currents by tame impala its really nice when high

No, both of your guy's taste is shit listen to this while your high. youtube.com/watch?v=H2e2HzWcmqA

All out of drugs. Sober day but I'm getting lean and copious amounts of valium tomorrow. Hopefully some xans as well. I've come to really like benzos.

Hope you lads are all doing well

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300mg will do for first time

sick song dude, thanks for sharing

one of these for the first time.

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I tried dxm and it was really meh
don't understand the hype around it

you didn't take enough, when you start to feel your humanness evaporate, thats when u know it's good

Took a whole bottle of that and it got me proper fucked. To be honest the trip felt a lot like being drunk. I used to drink the Benylin with codeine until it became prescription only in my country. That's also a good time. Have fun buddy.

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When I drank a whole bottle of that I suddenly became convinced that Apple had secretly taken over the world and we were part a simulation to promote Apple products.

Going to do k for the first time in a couple of days, is a key bump about the right amount for a first time or should I prepare a line?

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You don't know how to reply to posts, do you? Retarded newfag.

>post weeb music
>not even good
annoine please

will try tomorrow

Australia? I posted the first thread on pol when they took codiene off the shelves in Australia. Made me feel bad for the guys who would buy some here and there

coke. always. best drug in the world
coke>>>>>>MDMA>ecstasy>weed>soma>alcohol>caffeine>valium>xanax>any opiod (opioids have little to no effect in me, i don't know why)

figured it out. tty

You should shoot it, shooting sope is always best than snorting

Nope. I live in Kenya

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t. man who has never tried a proper opioid

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Be honest. How easy is it to get drugs there? What drugs are legal?

because youre a fucking pussy and take small doses. try doing fentanyl iv (you can substract it from fentanyl patches), im almost sure youre a pussy who has done 1/2 active dose of code and oxy in their life and youre shitting on opioids. btw coke is the most overrated drug ever right after weed, try keta/mxe or if you really what that "coke" effect just do mephedrone its way cheaper and even better

I snort brazilian coke boy, the strongest and the cheapest, the shit is dope as hell, i snort 6 lines per day, I've done hidro and oxy, bnoth sucks as hell I just feel itchy and slow, this hit sucks, I like to feel a rush, not to sit on the couch all the day

>not listening to 80s japanese pop while doing H and pretending you're in tokyo while lying on the floor
fuck off

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miss living in USA, dxm was stupid easy and cheap there (dollar stores selling syrup bottles with like 450mg dxm in them lol)

can't really get the stuff here in England without paying way more out my ass and has to be at actual pharmacies instead of just impersonal grocery stores where I won't get judged for trying to buy more than one bottle

It's recently become a tad more difficult, but it's still relatively easy compared to other countries. A few years ago everything was over the counter (Xanax, Klonopin, Codeine, etc.) but now laws are a bit stricter. None of them are "legal" but I would say they are decriminalized. Cops won't really arrest you for it.

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Took 900mg of dxm and 100mg dph a couple nights ago.(skelly so this is like a high 3rd plat) but holy shit.

>literally in space

that's very high 3rd plateau even for chubsters

anyone else never had hangover/comedown effects from stims?
rolled on MD a fair few times and never felt like shit the next day, also tried coke and never felt any sort of negative comedown.

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> MDMA>ecstasy

do you know what you just said?

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I think he was referring to the crystals as opposed to the pills which are typically cut with other shit

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>and 100mg dph
what does that even do? ive taken like 500~mg dph and all that happened was i thought i had a conversation with my mom who i dont live with, played the best mobile game ever for abour 2 hours (it was 15 minutes, my eyes were closed the whole time, my phone was in a different room), and woke up in the act of vomiting and couldnt even stand up to clean myself

Start off with a few key bumps and then do a line.

If you do it correctly, you should k-hole.

potentiates the DXM quite a bit but also makes the trip have a much heavier bodyload from the drowsiness of the actual DPH dose that people take to normally fall asleep or stop allergies, personally not a fan of using it because of that drowsy body load

DPH by itself is an unenjoyable nightmare for almost everyone

i thought it was alright, it was kind of neat, i still remember my absolute shock when i was on my phone and then i opened my eyes and i was in pitch darkness in my bed and realized i had just been laying there. dph hallucinations feel so real, dxm is more dreamlike.
the only part i honestly hated was the vomiting and not being able to even sit up

I take it because it helps with the nausea and roboitch, also potentiates the dxm. Doesn't really make me drowsy at that dose either.

Dph is shit by itself though, as the other user mentioned.

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I want to try LSD. How would i go about getting this? I've never bought illegal drugs before. How do i get contacts when i know next to no one.
Closest i've gotten was a guy i met at a bar, but we didn't buy from him because his stuff was far away and we weren't sure if he was scamming us.

order 1P-LSD from the internet. It's legal in most countries and really cheap too, even with shipping. It has the exact same effects as legal LSD since it's basically the same chemical, but legal.

What's the difference then?


you just have to meet someone. Go to social events with stoners and shit and you'll find someone eventually.

Also i can read it's illigal in my country.

gonna start shooting up

how much better is IV heroin than intranasal heroin?

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Leagues better. I told myself I'd never shoot up but after I did it once I fell in love with it. You'll never go back. Just make sure you do it right or you'll fuck your shit up

Man why does it feel so good to get high.

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Jesus christ, this thread sure is off to a rocky fucking atart. Guess its karma for how good the last /drugfeel/ was

Newfags and shitters OUT

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To be fair in a lot of major cities x pills have come to be known as a completely seperate thing from molly just because they're so stepped on and cut with stims. Instead of learning to get pure molly most of the country just decided to start calling ecstasy "those fun pills that make u go fast and shit urself" and MDMA as molly

LSD was special the first few times but now when I take it it's "oh, now i'm tripping i guess"

Yeah man one thing thats been really understated to newcomers is that robotripping is a 2 day affair. You won't be tripping the next day but you'll still be robowalking, hazy headspace, and have bug eyes. Most people call it an "afterglow"

Make sure whatever you get has dextromethorphan hbr as the ONLY active ingredient (very important). If you don't mind waiting Robocough is a great cheap product that you can get on amazon or direct from their site.

Delsym is also a DXM underdog but its different because the its eftects are hald as strong, twice as long than DXM hbr. So if anyone wants to really get deep into the dextroverse for a few days chug 2 bottles of Delsym at once.

take a tolerance break mang

yeah that'll happen

You a newfag. I'm the creator of /drugfeels/

You're still spun on dex bro, I was specifically talking about the kid who can't quote and all the IV heroin advocators

Let them advocate bro it's just like the dxm guys. I say let the thread be about any drug really.

I didnt think I would be an amphetamines kind of guy but I loved mdma, is there anything else similar? Im not doing mdma for another few months at least to avoid toxicity

Sure, but its stupid to claim shooting is sooo much better than snorting just because of the rush. Its the difference between having some handle on your usage and spiralling into a hole of addiction. Its not like IV'ing magically makes it DOPE 2.0, its still the same effects it just kicks in differently

>trying to take a tolerance break
>want to get stoned
Why can't I just get my good feels in normal healthy ways

Well MDMA is an empatheogen, not an amphetamine. If it felt more like a stimulant I'd imagine whatever you got was cut hard. But either way, theres plenty of empatheogen and stimulant research chemicals on the market, just google around for one that you fancy and a trustworthy vendor

I got put on heavy antipsychotics and I do a little bit of speed to combat the drowsy, zombified feeling they give you.. evens it out a little bit. I can't get geeked like I used to I feel next to no euphoria with the combination. At least I'm staying awake more than 6 hours at a time. God knows I'm doing untold damage to my body and mind by doing this. I seldom speak unless spoken to now after months of antipsychotic treatment it really feels like I'm getting some type of neurological damage. Little bit of weed here and there too.. can't afford more for 5 more days.

anyone know if there's a way to end a DPH trip?
really interested in giving it a go but don't want to be trapped in hell if it all goes south on me

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the best advice would be not to take DPH at all, except for smaller dosages. Smaller doses make fapping and sleeping better and that's about it. I know taking a lot sounds very intriguing, but it's a really bad idea. I learned this the hard way. I took 600 mg once and spent the entire night scared shitless, I knew I was on drugs but the hallucinations were impossible to distinguish from reality, no matter how crazy. I literally saw fish "swimming" around my room in the air and I was worried that my mom could walk into the room and find out that there are floating fish in my room and kick me out of the house. I hallucinated people appearing in my room and talking to me and 5 minutes later they would disappear and I didn't know what the fuck I did/said to make them leave. And the spiders, oh fucking god. I'm a huge arachnophobe and they were fucking everywhere. From daddy long legs to the biggest australian monster spiders, and I 100% believed they were real. No matter where I went they always were there. And not just spiders, all sorts of insects and animals. And even before they started appearing the trip was horrible. I had horrible body load and nausea, plus I couldn't pee even if I really needed to. I eventually went to sleep and when I woke up I was extremely groggy and horrified at what happened, because I wasn't sure what was real or not. Worst experience of my life, I would not take a high dose of DPH again even if I was paid to do it.

That's just my experience, but I also don't know anyone who had a good trip on more than 300 mg.

I wonder if the crazy purge/war nightmares I have are metaphors for my unhinged drug use

fuck i love trip reports from dph. dph is amazing and i'll never stop doing it. so much fear in such a tiny little pink pill

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the 1.8g and 2g trip reports really make me want to give it a go but I also don't want to go crazy
hard choices

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Does anybody have any experience with lsd? I've always wanted to try it but not sure what to expect

What size usb will I need for Tails. Will a 32gb be enough?

hard to describe but it's a great time, get 150ugs and 12 hours of free time and go wild
if your spooked about what might happen then get someone to tripsit you

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Nope nobody here in this thread has ever done lsd

b umping this wonderful thread

maybe switch to shrooms for a couple months then go back to lsd? don't think lsd/shrooms build cross-tolerance

Is nutmeg worth a go? easy to get a hold of and heard it's like a longer lasting mix of mdma and acid
is it actually any good or do teenagers just hype it up?

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I didn't like it. That's why I trip on DXM now.

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You're not gonna get far if you can't even google how big of a flashdrive you'll need

anyone else get hard after smoking? or is it just me

>I'm too young to die
coffee, tylenol PM
>Hey, not too rough
alcohol, weed, adderall
>Hurt me plenty
psychedelics, dissociatives, antidepressants
heroin, meth, crack, xanax
K2 spice

I pooed my pants.

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where do rc's land on this?

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depends on the rc ever try Bromo-DragonFLY?

that shit is excessive, who needs to trip for 3 days, absolute mad cunts

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Spice has had a 20+ death count over the cycle of 2013 to now. Signs of failing hearts and lung damages are being found after years later. Some toxicity those middle East faggots are selling to you. Don't buy that shit and if you did go get yourself checked.

is it possible to get bored of opiates or opioids?

no clue
are you bored of them? if so then yeah you can get bored of opiates


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sounds like u turned gay. Sorry about that dude RIP

Calm down


I didn't even fucking know DPH at high doses caused hallucinations. The day I took it, all that I say could be hallucinations were basically hearing my mom talking to my uncle but I kept thinking she was talking to my brother on the phone. Then later I thought I had seen a woman through the fucking cars window. I also thought my other brother was at home but he wasn't. Docs have been saying I had psychosis and drugging me with OLANZAPINE since. Has that only made everything worse?

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LSD can open your mind and let you experience different realities and perspectives. It is very powerful and can change you as a person. So, be careful- have a good setting and enough time (~12hr).

You only have one first time dose. Lots of people recommend ~100ug, but I think a full trip calls for 200ug. What to expect? A stimulating high that brings on compelling feelings and emotions. You may feel childlike, more connected with humanity and the universe. You will likely be totally at peace with nature and resolve your worries and troubles. Your sense of taste will be distorted. Your sense of touch too, things may feel electric or numb. You'll have minor visual distortions, colors will be brighter. Music will sound great. My favorite thing to do on LSD is listen to Wish You Were Here. Most of Pink Floyd's early work, plus other albums like Electric Ladyland and Unknown Pleasures are also good enough to totally lose yourself in on LSD.

At and above 250ug, overwhelming delusions, supernatural messages, and ego death may occur. This is why I recommend 200ug, but powerful trips can be rewarding. With no tolerance, you should have a trip sitter and/or sedative medication that can end the trip. Benzodiazepines are best.

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So, I'm kinda interested in dxm but I hate throwing up. Is there a way to get around that?

What are these social events you speak of. How can I find one. I don't know anyone.

i flushed my remaining heroin after using it one last time last night
probably gonna buy some ketamine to distract myself. its really hard to find a good vendor who's not dutch.
i need to get fucked up several times a week to feel right. weed and benzos really dont cut it but it will have to suffice in the meantime.
I never liked dxm but you shills have won, im finally buying robocough to try out dxm again.
rn the mydayis is wearing off and i feel shitty so im gonna take a couple bars and smoke weed later.
i think im running out of drugs that i want to try. id still like to give coke a shot if i ever happen to find any. MXE seems to be gone forever so ill never get that. wat other drugs should i try other than the mainstream ones which ive mostly done?

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go drop a shit ton of dph and fuck a shadow person then smoke a phantom cig when you nut
probably worth a try at least, seems to novel to pass up the chance to give it a go

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The greatest drug I ever had was IV dilaudid

Defiantly try that. Never found anything close to better.

I've been clean for 2 months or so and I still regret flushing my fucking benzos oh god why did i do that

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Anons, be careful with DXM. I did it many times back in the day. It can be a lot of fun, especially the first few times which feel like pure bliss. But go easy on the stuff. Don't do it more than once every couple months at the very most. DXM is very harsh and your brain needs time to recover. If you have experience with psychedelics like LSD or shrooms, that's relatively gentle in comparison. DXM in contrast is harsh and dirty and you feel EXTREMELY fucked up. You won't feel the same afterwards. I still feel different and it was years ago. Be careful, do your research, and have fun, bros.
>t. user who messed up his brain with too much DXM and still dealing with the consequences years later

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I never threw up on DXM. It tastes disgusting but once the trip starts you won't care. Be careful though like I said here.

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I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to drugs. Smoke weed everyday, alcoholic and I do speed and coke once every few moons and mushrooms every fee camping trips.
I dunno. Weed has always been more than enough for me. Bern smoking that shit for decades and I never feel like going a notch up.

I got bored with weed. It was mind blowing the first few times but after a while I barely even noticed it anymore. I haven't smoked in a couple years now.

DXM doesn't really make you throw up per se, it's nasty as shit but just relax a bit after taking it and don't move around too much and you'll be good - also, I find that drinking the actual syrup gives me a better trip and less nausea than the capsules