Hair loss on temples

Anyone ever regrow hair here? How?

Attached: temples.jpg (675x798, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fiberglass transplant

Minoxidil, Finasteride, Dermarolling, Nizoral

This. I was at the same level as you and saw lots of regrowth around crown and temples with that routine.

I don't believe it's possible atm. There doing stem cell hairtransplants here in Florida so maybe you can look into that.

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You can take meds for it, but I've heard they lower dht-levels so I wouldn't recommend it

hypnotherapy off youtube worked well for me. just need to do it multiple times a day/when u day dream when you're at the bus etc. to see good results

how old are you?

Good ol T is way more hypertrophic, to my understanding all it does -within normal levels- is just to harden the muscle

Christine? is that you?


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I regret that hair by going off medication that was causing my hairloss

This worked for me also. Also, just say fuck it and go on test if you are taking a DHT blocker anyway.

Fuck that looks like my head, I feel you bro.

It's really depressing to have that shitty hair while trying to get a girlfriend...
They see our hair like that and thing we are past our prime and lose all interest...

I really hope something better than FUE implants come up, fucking scientists wanting to go to the Moon and Mars, motherfuckers should instead come up with the cure for baldness.


How does one even get test? I assume it's prescribed through a doctor? I just don't know of a legitimate reason to tell a doctor to give it to you without severely lacking it

there are scientists working on that
look up "replicel RCH-01" and "Kyocera Riken Dr. Tsuji"
there's probably others.

Why am I just now finding out about this? you're fired.

Mirin that combover

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>be 25 years old
>hairline of a 45 year old
>facial hair of a 15 year old

There is no escape

This except I haven't added nizoral.

>hypnotherapy off youtube

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>Sissy videos.
They lower your DHT.
Drink 0% fat basedmilk to grow stronger hair on the temples.

>fucking scientists wanting to go to the Moon and Mars, motherfuckers should instead come up with the cure for baldness

It kills me that I can have a wireless video chat with someone in fucking China, but we can't put hair on someone's head. You know there's billions in profit to be made, so how has no one done it?

You grew back temple hair?

Not full thick temples like I had as a kid, but yes.

what size needles on derma roller?

Do you know what particularly did that for you? Or can you not isolate which treatment did it? Or was it really all of them in combination?

Unfortunately no, not completely. I started minoxidil and once-a-week dermarolling at the same time and got regrowth off that. A few months later I starter finasteride. While the regrowth continued (and still continues), I can't say how much, if any, it accelerated temple regrowth.

They used 1.5mm. I've been using 1.0mm because I'm a pussy, but I should probably change that.

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bear grease. You really want to work it in however, it is pretty sticky.

good luck

He whispered, quivering with anticipation "grow, grow..."

just buzz it off and own it... your hair looks like shit and it's not coming back.

Just shave it off bro, women love that shit

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Get jacked and shave your head you can be Jason Statham.

Obviously it's not that easy if the one who manages to cure it would basically become a multi billionaire king.
But honestly, all that money spend into researching baldness would be better used in cancer research.