Confess. This is you

Confess. This is you.

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No, it's not. My uncles live in other cities.

>This is what the right actually believes

Conservatards btfo by themselves

They live in the 18th century lmao. Science isn't a thing for them

>hurr strong parent figure is a meme
>durr what is developmental psychology
>hurgl science
Bluefags btfo themselves, but acted smug about it.

>doesn't know what faggot means
Whoever wrote this shit should be gassed

Uncle is the only good guy here. Why make him look bad?

I was never molested and my father is great guy, i still ended up gay

I'm pretty sure my parents never fighting or laying a hand on me contributed to me being a leftist actually.

all molestees and rapees, how fucked up are you now that you're older?
I started sticking shit in my asshole when i was 8 after i got raped. Ive been confused as fuck in every direction and my life is basically shit.

sorry dude. can you at least pass as straight or do you have to wear leather bdsm gear everyday?

Sometimes healthy well adjusted people end up gay and you would never be able to tell.

In my experience homosexual men are about 75/25 well adjusted natural homos/weird issues homo. Women it's more like 50/50.

Neither the crowd who sees being homo as a maladaptation to a fucked up life, or the crowd who sees homosexuality as a beautiful and natural variation of humanity have quite the full picture.

But Amerifats have to distil every issue into support at all costs vs oppose ar all costs fuck nuance.

they literally didnt say that

this book is saying being gay is because of a lack of a father figure, while this could theoretically be the case sometimes, it is extremely ignorant to say it's the main reason.

>it is extremely ignorant to say it's the main reason
you are a moron
that is not implied at all

Based af, user

Americans conservatives are so fucking retarded holy shit.

I didnt become gay until my late 20s, though.

I wasn't molested when I was a child and the lack of "father figure" didn't make me gay. But my mother has schizophrenia and she definitively made me really distrusting of others and paranoid. And here I am, misanthropic and lonely at the age of 20. I'm a NEET and I rarely leave my room. Probably going to kms soon. Also lmao at whoever made this. On top of the reasons stated here by other anons, the fact that they believe problems like this can be fixed easily by going to a counselor or therapy is laughable. Psychologists cannot help me because they don't understand how I feel and never would be. Plus so much stuff accumulated at this point that I'm really afraid of talking about it with anyone and feel more comfortable lying to maintain a functioning facade.

Me and my cousin touched each other's peepees when we were younger

Same IeI

Also same

This is literally me.

This. There is literally nothing wrong with adult-child sexual love.

Raped by my aunt several times. It fucked me up pretty badly, but I pass as normal. I could go on, I suppose.

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this book is using an individual example. the fact that all you guys are triggered over this story labeling a whole group of people for some dumb idea to feel better about yourself is really dumb. obviously this is not the case for all gay people. does this book say being gay is wrong? no