Fembot here

Fembot here hihi
Who ever get quads I will talk to him over email.

:~) I am so lonely please talk to me.

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Chad here. What do u wanna talk about?

vocaroo for proof, say "this is fembot ready to whore myself out for attention"

If you were lonely, you wouldn't make the red so hard to roll.

Pfffftttt, you think I wanna be just another orbiter?

Also, I'm so lonely, check em.

you better have a good dowry ready for this nibba

If you're lonely why do they need quads?

Quads is a little high a price for something so little, don't you think?

I'm tempted to get quads just to ignore OP

By the power of tekashi69 i give quads to another user!

Probs a dude looking for rp.


Best I can bother with is dubs

Wow, thankies tekashi, for giving this poor soul doubledubs.

Wonder how it feels to have no quads in your thread, OP?

Come on femanon, you gotta give it to him

>13 replies
fucking normalfags I swear

Screw it, roll. I'm not even lonely I just like talking to people.

I-it's a larp, r-right?

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if you were actually lonely you would lower the price to trips, you're a con artist op and i dont like you

With my luck, you will probably be just a G.I.R.L.

damn, fembots really do have impossible standards.

exactly, fembot's are typically cunts like all women (female)

>fembot here
Why isnt this bannable yet?

you could kill yourself, originokllllu ofc

chakv Thaes digidta

Holy shit I did it

I guess I use [email protected]

What if someone replies several times to get the quad?

howwaboudakiss, for luck

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Wow what a fucking attention whore. origigi

omg fembot am i rite xdddd

Fugg I thought it was trips

HEres my quads tho

Rolling rolling for a "fembot" to larp with



Fembots don't exist
Get your ass off this board and go to /lgbt/ faggot

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post feet and kill yourself

Get me a quad, and i still wont talk to you


Dude nobodys falling for it. And whatever happened to tits or gtfo?



Rolling lmao xd

i hope i get quads and fucking reject the offer to save everyone from this roastie