Why do girl like to do meme exercises?

Why do girl like to do meme exercises?

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Mirafit-Adjustable-Folding-Weight-Station/dp/B00OUYCTOM/ref=sr_1_10?s=fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1533060135&sr=1-10&keywords=weight bench

>Seriously, women are a fucking distraction

Why do you care so much? Just enjoy their bodies, imagine eating it out, and get on with your workout.

Because you're creepy for looking at them etc etc

enjoy your harrassment accusation in this day and age

What gym to girls like this go to?

i want to slide one finger up and down inbetween those extended cheeks

Try being attractive.

>why do girl
you answered your own question

mine, and it's annoying already with the spics and nigs hogging the fucking bench and squat racks

>ywn have the power to stop time whenever you see a hot girl and fuck her

You're only creepy if you're an ugly cunt. Otherwise they welcome your attention with open flaps

This here is why I'm scared of even simple shit like trying to flirt or try to get a date. Shit's miserable.

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Right keep telling yourself that virginia

Are you saying I'm wrong for thinking like that?

I know bud, I'm not ugly, but my experience in college taught me that women are to not be trusted

fuck off white knight cuck

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That's basically a good morning user. Are you implying GMs are a meme?

She's doing the form wrong, it has to be like this

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Why is being a virgin a bad thing?

Nice green text. I can tell you know what you’re doing on Jow Forums dot org.

Cause girls are fucking stupid

I go to a gym to work out, not get distracted by some woman showing off her ass to get attention

Time stop is my fetish.

>t. DIO and Jotaro

Protip: talking to women is very easy to do without a potential sexual harassment charge. You're just overthinking things.

Most women I dated started as casual acquaintences, then we hit it off from there. It's much easier to do it that way too. No pressure and if they don't want a relationship you still get a network out of it

Novice lifter looking to make first addition to what I hope to one day be a home gym. I have a limited budget right now tho so was thinking about buying a bench with a bar and some weights: amazon.co.uk/Mirafit-Adjustable-Folding-Weight-Station/dp/B00OUYCTOM/ref=sr_1_10?s=fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1533060135&sr=1-10&keywords=weight bench

Does it look like a decent one for a new lifter? Should I even be looking at benches or should i be looking at more barbells? (All i have right now is a barbell and 10kg weights).

No gym access incase someone suggests it as an alternative.


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I can talk to women, but I'll be honest that I am a bit scared of the harassment charges

I have autism this was supposed to be a new thread.

>squat rack
>pull-up bar
I think thats all you need for the bare minimum

Do you have more of this woman?

>dissing the power squat
You don't even fucking lift twink, do ya?

No shit, Sherlock.
This. The fact that I'm deep into nofap as well doesn't help the situation.

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analysis paralysis

afraid not but I have plenty of high test folders

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How the fuck does a meme exercise actually differ from one that yields results? At this point I'm just confused.

the fact that your balls are full does give you plenty of confidence in my experience. I got a lot of girls numbers in college and I was pretty confident with them as well. although that one accusation really brought me down. I went out on some "dates" but it was never the same

Get a squat stand, usually they are cheaper and offer pins Incase your a dumbass who wants to max out alone on the bench press

How the fuck are you scared of sexual harassment charges then? A vibe is established in seconds, dish out a compliment, either they return the vibe or just keep it moving.

Remember, news is only news because it's out of the ordinary. Your chances of being framed for no reason at all is practically 0.

Don't get so "redpilled" you lose grasp on reality

mfw i do that on my squat stand with safeties

I hear ya. I live in Southeastern Europe and all the bullcrap the West has been dealing with is slowly starting to gather steam here. I don't want to take any risks.

not everyone is a fucking chad

>not even Eastern Europe is safe

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>Lookin' good tonight ladies!
>then just walk away

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girls are attention fiends

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>implying I'm a chad
That is your fucking problem dude. Chad is more a mindset than anything. Just compliment their outfit and put a spin on it with your personality. You don't have to be a greek adonis to do that, I got girls in otter mode and I get em as a dyel.

women are unpredictable, I'd rather just go lift and make money

not to mention too I have other things to worry about, like flight hours

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Lel you joke but I meant on an personal level, not the boomer way

>imagine eating it out
yeah, what i want to imagine is a sweaty raunchy vagina and an ass blasted with fecal matter from protein brapps

the same reason how babby is formed

>being a pilot
That's rad user

it is, flight hours are not rad

>implying we don't know how to do it
Explain why I can get accused for sexual harassment for just saying hello and giving a compliment.

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A meme exercise doesn't yield results or is more complicated than a different well-established exercise, hitting the same muscle groups

You can get accused of anything regardless you stupid fuck. People get framed for being loners too, it's all just in how the dice are rolled.

You're not doing yourself a favor living in fear of something that rarely happens. And yes, 50 redpill articles is rare when you consider how many people exist on this planet

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>you're creepy for looking at them
>teehee let me post #201 picture on instagram of my asshole in these tights teehee such a peach
>....uhhh hi....uh yeah I'm using the bench...in the corner of the gym doing nothing....uhhh bye.....omahgawd instagram some guy just tried taking my bench..i saw him looking at me from the other side of the gym....anyway teehee heres'' another peach butthole pic

>50 red pill articles
Nice projection there faggot. It's not like this shit isn't popular with the news when such it happens youtube.com/watch?
>framed for being loners
It's not like I don't hear about it constantly and even some people I know have been burned by the "I'm not happy" and other similar bullshit that we can all be accused of.

How many scoops does she do?

just walk up to them and insert to display alpha dominance and they will enjoy it pretending they dont like usual

Talking to women isn't that hard part, retard. Its escalation that gets you the harassment charges

You have to be atleast 8/10 and tall to not be the creep staring them, especially at the gym. They wear these slutty outfits to get a hot dudes attention for validation. Plus not staring them makes you seem more attractive to them and it makes them do funny shit like bending over in front of you when you try to bench. It keks me inside and I still dont look at them. Then they look miserable and confused which makes me feel good and confident. Trying to find a gf at the gym is just gonna lead to your humiliation

Again, people get falsely accused for shit all the time. Do you assume everyone in prison is innocent and framed? What percentage do you think are innocent?

Why would you apply something that is such a rare occurrence to your life?

How many people do you think are on this fucking planet?

You and tweedle dum over can continue living in fear then. You have a better chance of being killed in a car accident than being framed

what does the band do ?

Congratulations! You're attractive!

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Ummmmm Sweetie,


All they want are glutes.

I just use gym THOTS as a test/ last rep boost.

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Because I don't trust women and I don't trust people in general. I get in a plane crash. Shit happens, life sucks. A bitch accuses you for saying that you like the color of her skirt and you get a nice criminal record and your reputation gets ruined because a cunt was on her period.

Because women are not trustworthy in this day and age. they run on emotions, which are random, and most of the "accusations" were because some cunt wasn't feeling it. A woman nowadays has the unholy power to ruin a mans life via divorce, accusations, and hypergamy. I've become so suspicious of women to the point that I see an attractive woman and I can already sniff out the problems

Aids Femoral abduction, activates the glutes, very effective

It would be really easy to just call you guys paranoid nutjobs, but I'll try one last time to make you see the light.

The number of false sexual accusations is approximately10%


Note, not 10% of all men, all accusations. Meaning the chances of you being framed is extremely low, as about as low as being framed for any other crime.

You hear about fucked up stories because it's true, women do fucked up shit, but in the same way a skeptic woman would assume every man is a rapist, you're doing the same thing in assuming every woman is psychotic.

It's no way to live, and you're only going to drive yourselves crazy wondering about a negative thing that has a relatively low chance of happening to you.

>all those permavirgins talking about "but muuuuuh accusashuns!!!"
lmfao it literally never happens. Keep cucking your own selves because of some shit you saw on Jow Forums.
>inb4 ur attractive!!!
I'm barely a 5/10, the thing is, I'm not a bitchy cunt. I just talk to girls IRL when I'm out with friends, and that's it.
Understand that girls (especially when it comes to long-term relationships) care more about your personality than anything else.
You can be obese, ugly and a manlet, and still hit a ton of women.

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Why the fuck would anyone do good mornings on a machine when there are perfectly good barbells to use?

stop i can only get so erect

>All cases (N = 136) of sexual assault reported to a major Northeastern university over a 10-year period are analyzed to determine the percentage of false allegations. Of the 136 cases of sexual assault reported over the 10-year period, 8 (5.9%) are coded as false allegations. These results, taken in the context of an examination of previous research, indicate that the prevalence of false allegations is between 2% and 10%.
Yeah, 10% in that university. Trash.

>being this gay
I unironically want what you described all over my face and in my mouth

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Or just stop giving a fuck about women and finding purpose elsewhere. Its just over if you are not tall and handsome. Btw women would love to get raped by a guy like henry cavill just watch his interviews literally every second sentence of the person he is talking to ends with a compliment.

yup I'm on that road for now, I'm too damn concerned with my aviation career and my fitness to care for women anymore

>one person tried to attack me, so everyone wants to
Listen to yourself

>liberal university court study
>nothing to do with unreported or discriminatory cases
male feminist spotted

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I was called creepy twice in college and accused of plotting a shooting.
Fuck them

>bring up how your fear of talking to women is consuming you
>lol who cares about women

Face your fears, this is just sad

First of all, how dare you

So for the average guy he may find a 1 girl out of 100 who is attracted to him. Which means average dude is more likely to get false rape or harassment accusation than finding a girlfriend

How do I get off without jacking off then?

is Jow Forums so weird and socially awkward that you're fearful of being labeled as a rapist merely looking or glancing at women in your daily life?

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have you ever seen a black activist?

Well sometimes the best thing to do is to not care and not stress about. Unnecessary stress kills gains you know?

In that university. Not in the state, not in the country, not on the continent.

I used to get bullied, rejected and humiliated by girls and had my backpack thrown in a dumpster.

But you'll never grow by remaining jaded, i did for years and deeply regret it.

Don't make the mistake I made, letting a few evil people make you forget how the world really is

This bitch needs some dl work. glutes are minimal but ok, but ham are non existent.

If the fucking State wasn't behind their backs, I would have no problems facing them

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Generalizing is really stupid.

There's a difference between stressing and running away from your fears and delusions.

Thinking every person is going to stab you in the back is no way to live.

And how is not being able to talk to 50% of a population not stressful?

an asian with an ass is something else I say

Unironically just get a sex doll but fuck it ironically I guess

>Generalizing is really stupid.
When you see a locust you'd probably go: "Hey, look at the tiny mofo jumping".
But if you see a whole swarm you'd probably go: "Well, there goes this years harvest".
In other words, it has it's uses.

As I've said before, you could fit the description of a murderer and be framed for that shit just because you're some loner with no alibi. The state is going to back the prosecution over your pleas, does that fear keep you from going to the gym?

If not, why let something that has just as rare a chance of happening rule you?

We live in a day and age where is there is profit to be made in treachery, women cheat, lie, and divorce, men will fuck over their friends for a job, and entire governments betray their people for the sake of short-term growth. You're the one that has lost touch with reality